Accounts Payable AP01S4 Help - Elliott Business Software

Vendor Audit Trail Report

Vendor Audit Trail Report

Application Overview


The Vendor Audit Trail Report shows any additions, changes, and deletions made to the Vendor File.  When you are in A/P Setup, you can choose to keep an "audit trail" on the Vendor File.  Additions to the file are shown on lines labeled "Added".


Changes are shown on the report with a "Before" and "After" line.  The "Before" line shows all vendor information as it was before the change.  The "After" line shows only those fields that were changed.  Any fields, which were not changed, are shown as spaces.  The one exception to this is if a field was changed to spaces.  In this case, the field will show as "!". 


Deletions are shown on lines labeled "Deleted".

Run Instructions


    Select Vendor Audit Trail Report from the pull down A/P Reports window.  The following screen will then be displayed:




Vendor Audit Trail Report Entry Screen




The following options are available:


              *        Enter the data requested on the screen

              *        To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen


    To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.   Starting Vendor No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the beginning of the range of vendor numbers, which you wish to appear on the report.


This field defaults to All.

2.   Ending Vendor No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the end of the range of vendor numbers, which you wish to appear on the report.


This field defaults to the starting vendor number to facilitate printing an audit trail for a single vendor.

3.   Starting Date

Enter a date in the standard date format.


Enter the beginning of the range of dates for which you want an audit trail.


This field defaults to All dates.

4.   Ending Date

Enter a date in the standard date format.


Enter the end of the range of dates for which you want an audit trail.


This field defaults to the starting date to facilitate printing an audit trail for a single date.

5.   Print Misc Vendors ?

Y or N.


Enter Y if you wish to see miscellaneous vendors on the report.

6.   Purge File ?

Y or N.


If Y is entered, those audit trail transactions, which have been printed, will be deleted from the Audit Trail File.


Defaults to N.








Vendor Audit Trail Report







                                       V E N D O R   A U D I T   T R A I L   P R I N T O U T


Ranges: All Vendors

        All Dates

Vendor Statuses:  Blank = Normal   A = Always Take Discount   H = Hold Payment   N = No Purchases


Vendor  Name                            Address‑1                       Phone#                Type         Purch‑Ytd  Purch‑Last‑Yr

  No    Federal‑Id‑#                    Address‑2                       Contact               Status    Amt‑Paid‑Ytd Amt‑Pd‑Last‑Yr

        Id‑Type                         City, State And Zip Code        Country               Lst‑Actv      Disc‑Ytd   Disc‑Last‑Yr


Deleted 10/14/91 10:59  By St00

*23627  Kern's Building Supply          121 W. 2nd St.                                                      5,936.50            .00

        08‑7553322   1099 Category: X                                   Joe Jones                           6,078.01            .00

        F                               East Harber    , CA 90017       USA                   09/17/89         97.74            .00

                                        Terms: 2% 10 net 30     Due‑Days:  30  Disc‑Days:  10  Disc‑Pct:   2.00


        Buyer Contact:                        Po's‑Ytd:        0  Avg‑Cost‑Var‑%:    .00  Commodity‑Codes:

        Fob: LA  Ship‑Via: TC           Line‑Items‑Ytd:        0 Avg‑Rej‑Items‑%:    .00

        Print‑Price‑On‑Po's ?: Y        Late‑Lines‑Ytd:        0   Avg‑Lead‑Time:    .00

        Acknowledge?: N  Confirm?: N     %‑Late‑Lst‑Yr:      .00   Avg‑Late‑Days:    0


Deleted 10/14/91 10:59  By St00

*23637  Smith & Thompson, Inc           324 Church Street               324‑6789              SUP                .00            .00

        23‑4567967   1099 Category:                                     Mr. Smith                                .00            .00

        F                               New York       , NY 43567       U.S.A.                06/12/89           .00            .00

                                        Terms:                  Due‑Days:   0  Disc‑Days:   0  Disc‑Pct:    .00


        Buyer Contact:                        Po's‑Ytd:        0  Avg‑Cost‑Var‑%:    .00  Commodity‑Codes:

        Fob: NY  Ship‑Via: A            Line‑Items‑Ytd:        0 Avg‑Rej‑Items‑%:    .00

        Print‑Price‑On‑Po's ?: Y        Late‑Lines‑Ytd:        0   Avg‑Lead‑Time:    .00

        Acknowledge?: N  Confirm?: N     %‑Late‑Lst‑Yr:      .00   Avg‑Late‑Days:    0


Deleted 10/14/91 10:59  By St00

*23652  Jones Insurance Company         1897 Dale                                                          11,250.00            .00

                     1099 Category:     P.O. Box 3400                                                       7,500.00            .00







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