Accounts Payable AP0200 Help - Elliott Business Software

Post A/P Transactions

Post A/P Transactions

Application Overview


The Post A/P Transactions application transfers all transaction vouchers that were previously created in A/P Transaction Processing to the A/P Open Item file and A/P Distribution to G/L file. It sends this information to various applications.  Consequently, posting serves to automatically adjust the amount that your business owes to a given Vendor.     


When performing a posting, the system prints a journal of all transactions that were posted.


Run Instructions


    Select Post A/P Transactions from the pull down A/P Processing window.   The following screen will then be displayed: 




Post A/P Transactions Entry Screen




The following options are available:


              *        Enter the data requested on the screen

              *        To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen


    To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

Do You Want To Post At This Time ?

Y or N.


Enter Y if you want to post A/P transactions or N to decline.







Post A/P Transactions







                                      N E W   A / P   T R A N S A C T I O N   R E G I S T E R


Trx Types:  Vchr = Regular Voucher   Cr‑M = Credit Memo   P‑Pd = Prepaid Voucher   Cncl = Cancellation Voucher   Ajst = Adjustment


Vouch#  Vendor  Name                            Invoice#   Invoice‑Amt  Non‑Disc‑Amt  ‑‑‑Due‑&‑Disc‑‑‑  Check‑No    A/P‑Account‑No

Trx‑Typ   No    Terms                           Inv‑Date   Sls‑Tax‑Amt  Disc‑Tax ?    Days‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑Date  Check‑Date  Cash‑Account‑No

Vouc‑Date       P.O.#                           Apply‑To   Freight‑Amt  Disc‑Frt ?    Disc‑%    Amount

                                                           Misc‑Chrges  Disc‑Misc ?                   Voucher‑Reference



500099  000100  Computer Electronics Center     930124          250.00           .00   60     03/25/93             02000‑00000‑00000

 Vchr           Terms: 5% 30 / NET 60           01/24/93         19.00      Y          30     02/23/93

01/24/93        P.O.#:                                           20.00      Y         5.000      14.45

                                                                   .00      Y


    Account‑No         Account‑Description              Dist‑Amount   Item‑No             Quantity  Uom  Job‑#   P.O.‑#      Line‑#

    05415‑00000‑00000  Sales Tax                              19.00

    05320‑00000‑00000  Freight                                20.00

    04900‑00000‑00000  Inventory Clearing Account            250.00   CLOCK                 14.000  EA   PC‑10A


500100  000200  CompuPart Computer Services     500100        1,750.00           .00   60     03/25/93             02000‑00000‑00000

 Vchr           Terms: 6% 30 / net 60           01/24/93         43.00      Y          30     02/23/93

01/24/93        P.O.#:                                          455.00      Y         6.000     134.88

                                                                   .00      Y


    Account‑No         Account‑Description              Dist‑Amount   Item‑No             Quantity  Uom  Job‑#   P.O.‑#      Line‑#

    05415‑00000‑00000  Sales Tax                              43.00

    05320‑00000‑00000  Freight                               455.00

    04900‑00000‑00000  Inventory Clearing Account          1,750.00   CHAR‑GEN             350.000  CS   PC‑10A



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