Accounts Payable AP22S1 Help - Elliott Business Software

Purge A/P Open Item File

Purge A/P Open Item File

Application Overview


Even when an invoice has been fully paid, the information on the A/P Open Item File pertaining to it remains on file until purged.  If you never purged the A/P Open Item File, the disk would eventually get very full, and some of the applications in the A/P package would start running very slowly, since they would need to sift through large volumes of data to operate.


The A/P Open Item File is always purged up to a particular cut‑off date.  Any invoices on file which have been fully paid on or before this date will be removed from the file.  A purge journal is printed which shows all of these removed invoices in detail, sorted by vendor.



Normally, purging clears out a file and the only access you have to purge information is the Purge Journal. The Elliott Purge A/P Open Item File Function gives you a new file, A/P History File; and when you purge the A/P Open Item File, the data is written to the A/P History File.  As a result, you can still maintain detailed A/P History without slowing the system down.


This is a useful feature in that allows you to selectively maintain historical data by vendor.  Example:  You may just want to keep open items for 90 days and the rest in history.  Since the open items purged are written to the History File, you can then select vendors by range and cutoff date when you purge the A/P History File.  This will allow you to keep unlimited history for key vendors, a specified length for other vendors or a determined time period for all vendors.



Note:    When you do a vendor inquiry, you will have the option of viewing both the A/P Open Item File and the A/P History File.  At the present time, purged data from the Open Item File will not be available for reporting purposes, i.e., A/P Open Item Report, Vendor History Report, and the Check History Report.  However, you can access the A/P History File with a 3rd Party Report Writer and create your own reports.


Run Instructions  


Accounts Payable à Processing à Purge A/P Open Item File à Purge à then select Open Item File or History Item File.



The A/P package always remembers the cut‑off date of the last purge.  Every time the purge is run, the cut‑off date will need to be at least one day later than the previous purge cut‑off date.



The purge also removes the data used to produce the Check History, Open Item, Vendor History, and Vendor Analysis Reports. 





Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1. Thru What Date ?

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the cut‑off date for the purge.


Any invoices on file, which have been fully paid on or before this date will be removed from the A/P Open Item File.


Press the ESC or F10 key to exit without purging the A/P Open Item File

2. Starting Vendor No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting vendor number that you want to purge, or press RETURN to default to All vendors.

3. Ending Vendor No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending vendor number you want to purge. If RETURN was entered in the starting vendor no., this field will be skipped.







Purge A/P Open Item File






                                  A / P   O P E N   I T E M   F I L E   P U R G E   J O U R N A L


Purged Of All Invoices Paid On Or Before 01/24/93.

Trx Types: Vchr = Regular Voucher   Cr‑M = Credit Memo   Cchk = Computer Check   Mchk = Manual Check

All Vendors


Vendor  Name                            Invoice   Document  Vchr  Vouchr#      Inv/Chk       Discount     Discount   Cash‑Or‑A/P

  No                                      No       Date     Type  Check#        Amount      Available        Taken   Account‑No


000100  Computer Electronics Center     500101    01/24/93  Vchr  500101        340.00          17.00              02000‑00000‑00000

                                                  01/24/93  Mchk  012325        323.00‑                      17.00 01010‑00000‑00000



000200  CompuPart Computer Services     500100    01/24/93  Vchr  500100      2,248.00         134.88              02000‑00000‑00000

                                                  01/24/93  Mchk  456321      2,113.12‑                     134.88 01010‑00000‑00000


                                        523730    09/17/89  Vchr  523730      1,194.41          52.55              02000‑10000‑00000

                                        Reference: Special Oak Wood Shipment

                                                  09/17/89  Mchk  000475      1,141.86‑                      52.55 01010‑10000‑00000




      2  Vendors Printed



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