Bank Book BB17S3 Help - Elliott Business Software

Running Cash Balance

Running Cash Balance

Application Overview


This report shows the transaction activity of a particular cash account for that month.  A Running Balance is calculated on a daily basis on which a transaction occurs.  A net balance will be calculated up until the Cutoff Date specified.  This is useful in viewing how transactions affect account balances within a month.


For example, If the monthy transactions often create for a negative interim monthly balance then this report allows for an easy way to view that occurance and therefore provide a solution as to possibly increasing each months opening balance.


Run Instructions


BankBook Ò Reports Ò Running Cash Balance


Select the Running Cash Balance Report from the Reports window.


The following options are available:


* Enter the data requested on the screen


* To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen


To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key.  To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.





1. Starting Cash Account #

15 alphanumeric characters


Enter the starting G/L account you would like to view.

Pressing F1 will enter all accounts.  Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for the Main G/L Account by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for the G/L Account by description. 

2.  Ending Cash Account #

15 alphanumeric characters


Enter the ending G/L account you would like to view.

Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for the Main G/L Account by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for the G/L Account by description. 

3. Cutoff Date



A date in the standard date format


 If no cutoff date is specified the application will default to the system date.




R U N N I N G   C A S H   B A L A N C E   R E P O R T                                      


GL Cash Account 01010-00000-00000                Bank of America                            Bank Account  1234 5678 - 1            

                                                                                            Bank Phone    412-123-4567             

                                                                                            Contact:      A. Stoy                  


                                                                 Opening Balance As Of 03/31/00           $34,897.39               


    Date   Typ  Check# Vend/Cust/Emp     N a m e                             Amount           Balance                              


  04/05/00  AR  001002    000100  Williams John Q. Company                 5,541.12         40,438.51                              

  04/09/00  AP  004401    000200  CompuPart Computer Services              5,933.83CR       34,504.68                              

  04/15/00  AR  002003    000200  21ST Century Enterprises                13,409.70         47,914.38                              

  04/24/00  AP  004501    000100  Computer Electronics Center                125.00CR                                               

  04/24/00  AP  004502    000300  Anawalt Computer Company                 1,232.84CR                                              

  04/24/00  AP  004503    000400  Computers of America                     2,684.25CR       43,872.29                              

  04/30/00  AR  003003    000300  Brooks and Johnson, LTD.                 9,160.83         53,033.12                              


                                                                Net Balance As Of 04/30/00                $53,033.12                



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