Bank Book BB2100 Help - Elliott Business Software

Bank Reconcile File Maintenance

Bank Reconcile File Maintenance


Application Overview

This is a maintenance file for each bank account defined in Bankfile Maintenance.  It contains all the deposits and checks that have been merged (Processing menu) and or reconciled for this cash account.  Additionally, you can add, change, and delete any merged transactions here.  The Purge Reconciled Items in the Processing will clear out all items that have been reconciled. 


To check whether a transaction has been cleared simply enter the Check No, Check Date, and Source for that transaction.  The amount that check was for, the status, and Date Reconciled will be displayed. 


Run Instructions


Accounting -> BankBook -> Maintenance -> BankRec Maintenance


Select the Bank Reconcile File from the BankBook Maintenance window.


The following options are available:


* Select the desired mode from the BankRec file Maintenance menu bar


* Enter the data requested on the screen


* To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen


To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key.  To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.







































General Ledger transactions, Service Charge and Interest Earned will have check numbers that consist of "GL" plus the last four digits of the G/L Transaction Id Number.   For A/R transactions, the Check No. will be  "DEP".





Cash Account

15 alphanumeric characters (99999-99999-99999)


This number is used to validate which G/L Cash Account.  Every bank account that you want to process in the Bank Book module needs to be defined here.

This will default to the G/L Cash Account defined in BankRec setup file within the BankBook Util-setup menu.


Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for the Main G/L Account by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for the G/L Account by description.  This is useful in the change or delete modes to find a G/L Account when you do not know the account number.  This account is used to accumulate totals for bank accounts after the open item file is posted.

1. Check No

6 Alphanumeric Characters

Enter the check number here.

2. Check Date


A date in the standard date format


Enter the date of when the check was issued

3. Source


AR, AP, PR, or GL


Enter the origination source of this check

4. Amount

11 numeric characters (999,999,999.00)


Enter the check amount here.

5. Bank Contact

20 alphanumeric characters


Enter the person who is to be contacted in regards to this bank account.

6. Date Reconciled

A standard date format

This will be entered automatically by the system.  It will tell you when this check was last reconciled.

7. Vendor

6 alpha numeric digits


Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for the Vendor by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for the Vendor by name.  This is useful in the change or delete modes to find a Vendor when you do not know the vendor number.




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