Bill Material and Work Order Processing BM0900 Help - Elliott Business Software

Summarized Bill Of Material Report

Summarized Bill Of Material Report

Application Overview


The Summarized Bill Of Material Report application prints a selected number of levels of components for a selected range of parent items summarizing for each component the total required at all levels.


It offers the option of blowing through phantom items (non‑stocked, non‑controlled component items) to show the phantom item's components in place of the phantom item itself.


It also allows the operator to choose how many levels are to be printed.


The options to print active items only and purchased items only are also included.


Run Instructions


      Select Summarized Bill Of Material from the pull down BOMP Reports window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Summarized Bill Of Material Entry Screen



The following options are available:


                  *     Select the desired mode from the Summarized Bill Of Material menu bar

                  *     Enter the data requested on the screen


      To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.      Starting Parent Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the item number of the first parent item for which you wish to print a Summarized Bill Of Material Report.


Default is All.

2.      Ending Parent Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the item number of the last parent item for which you wish to print a Summarized Bill Of Material Report.


Default is the starting parent item number.

3.      Print Active Items Only?

Y or N.


Enter Y to print active items only, or N to include active, forecasted, and obsolete items.


This field defaults to Y.

4.      Print Purchased Items Only?

Y or N.


Enter Y to print purchased items only, or N to include purchased and manufactured items.


This field defaults to Y.

5.      Number Of Levels To       Explode

2 numeric digits (99).


Enter the number of levels you wish to see.


Default is 11.

6.      Blow Through Phantom     Items?

Y or N.


Component items, which are neither stocked nor controlled, are known as phantom items.  Answering Y to this question allows you to blow through phantom items to the real component items, which are down one level.


Default is N.

7.      Effectivity Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the effectivity date you wish to use for printing items. This date will be used to determine whether to include or exclude items. If you press RETURN, no selection will be made based upon effectivity date.


You will not be prompted to enter this field unless you answer N to Print Active Items Only?


Default is no selection based on effectivity date.




Print Summarized Bill Of Material



                                       S U M M A R I Z E D   B I L L   O F   M A T E R I A L


Ranges: All Parent Items

        Active Items Only

        11 Levels With No Blow Through

        Purchased Items Only

        No Selection On Basis Of Effectivity Date

Inventory Quantities Reflect Totals For All Locations (On Order Quantity Is For The Default Location Only)


For Parent Item CPU               Mother Board For Parent          Low Level Code  1   Engnr Relse

                                  Central Processing


Component         Summarized  U/M Llc Component                            Qty          Qty        Qty   Act Stk Ctl P/M  Buy Comm

Item                Qty Req           Description                        On‑Hand       Alloc    On‑Order Flg Flg Flg Cde  Anl Code


CLOCK                1.000000  EA   2 25 Meg Clock For Mother Board       15.000        .000      20.000  A   Y   Y   P    2

                                      Clock ‑ 25M


CPU‑30MEG            1.000000  EA   2 Z80 Micro Processor 30 Meg           5.000        .000        .000  A   Y   Y   P    2

                                      CPU ‑ Z80


DATA‑BUS             1.000000  EA   2 Data Bus/Buffer 25 Meg              15.000        .000      50.000  A   Y   Y   P    1

                                      Data ‑ Buffer


MEMMGR               1.000000  EA   2 Memory Manager For CPU Board        15.000        .000      40.000  A   Y   Y   P    2

                                      MEM ‑ Manager


RAM‑2MEG             1.000000  EA   2 2 Meg Ram For Mother Board           5.000        .000        .000  A   Y   Y   P    1



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