Bill Material and Work Order Processing BM1501 Help - Elliott Business Software

Feature/Option Configuration File Maintenance

Feature/Option Configuration File Maintenance

Application Overview


The Feature/Option Configuration File Maintenance application enables the user to maintain the Feature/Option Configuration File.  This application allows the user to design a "modular" bill of material, that is, a bill that offers the user a choice of components when configuring a parent item.  This facilitates the customization of a product according to individual customer's specifications.  For example, when using COP Order Entry to order a personal computer for a customer, the user has instant access to price, cost, and quantity available information for all available monitors, keyboards, memory boards, etc.  In addition to COP Order Entry, the feature/option configurations developed in this application are utilized by the Feature/Option Configuration Inquiry and Production Order Entry applications in BOMP.


Feature Items


A feature item is the parent item of a modular bill of material.  A Feature Item must be designated as such in the I/M Item File (field #73), and may not be either a parent or component in the Product Structure File.


Feature Numbers And Descriptions


After defining a feature item, which will have component options, assigned to it, the user will be prompted to enter a Feature Number and Description.  These codes will represent a group of specific options available to the configuration.


Required Features


Some components are necessary for a parent item to be built (such as a CPU for a personal computer).  Other components (such as a mouse) are not critical to the operation of the parent item but may be desired by some customers.  This application enables the user to decide whether each Feature Number is required or elective.  If a feature number is designated as "required", the person performing production order entry or inquiry must choose an Option from the list provided.  If there is only one option for a requited feature number, it will be selected automatically during ordering.  If a feature number is designated as "Optional" (elective), the person entering may elect not to choose any item from the option list.


It is recommended that required features are the first to be entered when designing this structure.


Option Items


An option item is one of a group of similar components organized under a feature number.  One of these options may be selected during the configuration of a feature item.


After defining a Feature Number, the user will be prompted to enter an Option Number followed by an Option Item Number.  An option number is similar to a feature number in that it is only used to keep track of an item's position in the feature/option structure.


The Option Item Number entered should be the Inventory Item number of the component the user wishes to include as an option.  An option item may be a parent or component in a product structure but may not be designated as a feature or kit item in the Inventory Item File (field #73).  Once the Option Item Number is entered, the Option Item's description and unit price will be displayed automatically.  The user will then be prompted to enter the quantity of option items required per feature item.


Options should be entered and maintained in a descending frequency of expected usage (ie. the most commonly used options should be entered first).  This will speed the order entry process for feature items.


Run Instructions


      Select Feature/Option Configuration File from the pull down BOMP Maintenance window.  The following screen will be displayed:





Feature/Option Configuration File Entry Screen




 The following options are available:


                  *     Select the desired mode from the Feature/Option Configuration File menu bar.

                  *     Enter the data requested on the screen.


      To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key.  To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.  Feature Item

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the item number, which will be used as the feature item.  This is the item whose features are being defined by this feature/option record.  This item must already exist in the Inventory Item File and must be defined as a feature item (ie. field #73 in the Inventory Item File must be set to F).


In change or delete mode, press the F1 key to search for existing feature items that have options defined.  In add mode, press the F7 key to search for a feature item by number or press the F8 key to search for a feature item by description.  In change mode, you are not allowed to change this key field. 


After the Feature Item Number is entered, the Inventory Item File is read, and the item description and unit of measure are automatically displayed.

2.  Feature No

3 numeric characters.


Enter the feature number, which will be used with the Feature Item structure to uniquely identify a list of options available for the Feature Item.  The feature number may not be zero and must be unique for this Feature Item.  In add and change mode, press the F7 key to view existing product features.  In change mode, you are not allowed to change this key field.

3.  Feature Description

2 lines of 30 alphanumeric characters each.


Enter the description of the feature number.  Only the first line will be displayed in a window when the feature number has been selected due to screen space limitations.  The full description will be printed on reports.

4.  Required Feature ?

Y or N.


If this product feature must be selected for this feature item, enter Y.  If this product feature is optional for this feature item, enter N.  Entry is required.

Option No

3 numeric characters.


Enter the option number, which will be used with the product feature number to uniquely identify an option that is available.  In change mode, press the F2 key to delete the option.


The system automatically increments the option numbers by one.  If you wish to allow for future insertion of new options, you can manually set the increment to a greater value such as 5 or 10.

Option Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter an item number, which will be used with the option number to uniquely identify this option.  This item must exist in the Inventory Item File.  In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for an item by number.  Press the F8 key to search for an item by description.

Item Description

2 lines of 30 characters each.


The description is automatically displayed.  Due to screen space limitations, only the first line of description will be shown.  On reports and other documents, both lines will be printed.


10 numeric digits with 6 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9999,999999-).


Enter the quantity of this option item to be used in producing one of these feature items.


Defaults to one (1).


Y or N.


This field controls whether or not users are allowed to change the quantity of this option used per parent feature item.


Enter Y to allow the quantity per feature item for this option to be changed in COP's Order Entry application and BOMP's Production Order Entry application.  Enter N to prevent the quantity per entered above from being changed during order entry. 


Defaults to N.


Y or N.


This field controls how the pricing for this option is determined during ordering of a feature item in COP.


Enter Y to have the system look for applicable special price codes in the Price Code File for this item, customer, etc.  Enter N to automatically bring up the item's selling price from the Item File.  A "sale" on this item could affect how the price is determined.  See the Item File Maintenance section of the I/M manual for more information on sale pricing.


Defaults to N.



Feature/Option List



Type and Description

Starting Feature Item

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting feature item or press RETURN for All.

Ending Feature Item

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending feature item.  Defaults to the starting Feature item.





Product Features Window






Feature/Option List



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