Bill Material and Work Order Processing BM32S1 Help - Elliott Business Software

Job Distribution History Report

Job Distribution History Report

Application Overview


When a production order is entered through the Production Order Entry application, job numbers may be assigned to the production order.  After printing the production work order, the user may then enter a transaction against the order.  After posting the production transactions using the Post Production Transactions application, records are written to the Job History File.


The Job Distribution History Report prints by job number, records posted to the Job History File for the range of job numbers, and dates specified by the user.  The report shows quantity, price, and cost figures as well as totals that have been applied to each job.


The Job Distribution History File may be purged when the report is printed, or the data may be retained on file for future reference.


Run Instructions


    Select Job Distribution History Report from the pull down BOMP Reports window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Job Distribution History Report Entry Screen



    The following options are available:


              *        Enter the data requested on the screen

              *        To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen


    To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.   Print Report?

Y or N.


Enter Y to print the report.


Enter N if you do not wish to have the report printed, but do wish to purge the data file.


The default is Y.

2.   Purge File?

Y or N.


Enter Y if you wish to have the Job Distribution File purged for the range selected to conserve disk space.


Enter N if you wish to have all of the data in the Job Distribution File retained for future reference.


The default is N.

3.   Starting Job No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the first job to appear on the report.


This field defaults to All.

4.   Ending Job No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the last job to appear on the report.


This field defaults to the starting job number to make it easy to print the report for a single job.

5.   Starting Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the beginning date of the period for which the report is to be printed.


This field defaults to All.

6.   Ending Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the ending date of the period for which the report is to be printed.


This field defaults to the starting date.




Job Distribution History Report




                              B O M P   J O B   D I S T R I B U T I O N   H I S T O R Y   R E P O R T


Ranges: For All Jobs

        For All Dates


Job No  Description             Trx Date Order‑No  Othr‑Order Loc Item No           Quantity  Unit Price    Unit Cost   Distributed

        Account No         Description                                                                                       Amount


PC‑386  PC‑386 Personnel Computer


        01140‑10000‑00000  Inventory ‑ Feature Item Goods


                                04/06/92     110  BM          LA  PC‑386               3.000  2,549.9500     905.6500      2,716.95


                                                                                                        Account Total:     2,716.95


                                                                                                           Job Total:      2,716.95


                                                                                                         Grand Total:      2,716.95




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