Bill Material and Work Order Processing BMDISCN Help - Elliott Business Software

B/M Distribution Report

B/M Distribution Report

Application Overview

Prior to Elliott 7.5, distribution were created in the I/M Distribution To G/L File when BOMP production transactions were posted.  Elliott 7.5 adds B/M Distribution To G/L File for all Legacy, Material and Plus Work Order distributions.  The B/M Distribution Report prints the information from this file to verify exactly which accounts were updated and the amounts posted.

Run Instructions

Main Menu è Distribution è Bill of Material Processor è Reports è B/M Distribution Report



(Figure 55) B/M Distribution Report Entry Screen


Entry Field Descriptions


Type and Description

1.  Purge File ?

Y or N.


Do not purge if you interface with the General Ledger package.


Defaults to N.

2.  Period Starting Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the beginning date of the period to print on the report.


Defaults to EARLIEST.


3.  Period Ending Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the ending date of the period to print on the report.


Defaults to the starting date.  If the starting date is EARLIEST, the defaults will be the current date.

4. Starting Account

An account in standard account format.


Enter the starting account number of the range of accounts to print on the report. Press the F7 Key to search for an account by account number.  Press the F8 Key to search for an account by account description.


Defaults to All.

5. Ending Account

An account in standard account format.


Enter the ending account number of the range of accounts to print on the report. Press the F7 Key to search for an account by account number.  Press the F8 Key to search for an account by account description.


Defaults  to the starting account number.

6. Starting Product Cat

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting product category of the range of parent items to print on the report. Press the F1 Key for parent items that have no product category.  Press the F7 Key to search existing production categories.


Defaults to All.

7. Ending Product Cat

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending product category of the range of parent items to print on the report. Press the F1 Key for parent items that have no product category.  Press the F7 Key to search existing production categories.


Defaults to the starting product category.

8. Starting Product No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting item number of a range of parent items to print on the report. Press the F7 Key to search for an item by item number.  Press the F8 Key to search for an item by item description.


Defaults to All.

9. Ending Product No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending item number of a range of parent items to print on the report.  Press the F7 Key to search for an item by item number.  Press the F8 Key to search for an item by item description.


Defaults to the starting product number.


10. Customer No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter a customer number and work order distributions for the customer that have been copied from COP will be printed.  Press the F1 Key to select work orders not copied from COP.  Press the F7 Key to search for a customer by customer number.  Press the F8 Key to search for a customer by customer name.


Defaults to All.

11. Job No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the job number for distributions to print.  Press the F1 Key to print distributions without a job number.  Press the F7 Key to search for a Job Number if the BOMP module uses job numbers.


Defaults to All.

12. Order Type

1 alphanumeric character.


Valid entries are:

Space     - All

O           - Legacy Work Order

M           - Material Work Order

P           - Plus Work Order

Enter the type of orders to include on the report.


Defaults to All.

13. Starting Order No

6 numeric digits.


Enter starting work order number for a range of work orders to print on the report.


Defaults to All.

14. Ending Order No

6 numeric digits.


Enter ending work order number for a range of work orders to print on the report.


Defaults to the starting order number.

15. Print Dist Type

1 alphanumeric character.


Valid entries are:

1 for Labor absorb, 2 for Material usage, 3 for Outside process absorb, 5 for Burden absorb, 6 for Inc-WIP, 7 Dec-WIP, 8 for Finish good or Cost of good sold.

Enter up to four distribution types to print on the report.


Defaults to All.

16.  Detail Or Summary ?

1 alphabetic character.


Enter D to print the full detail of every distribution.  Enter S and all transactions for a single date for an account will be summarized and print on one line.


Defaults to D.



(Figure 56) B/M Distribution Report Entry Screen





                 B O M P   D I S T R I B U T I O N   T O   G E N E R A L   L E D G E R   D E T A I L   R E P O R T


Range: Print Report Only

       All Transaction Dates In Detail

       All Product Categories

       All Product No

       All Customers

       All Jobs


Decrease In Work-In-Process


Account           Description                    Trx         Order Product         Amount     Quantity    Unit-Cost         Amount

   No                                            Date           No No              Removed                             Distributed



01136-10000-00000 Inventory - WIP                09/21/10  P200062 FLANGE          Full          10.00       2.0210-         20.21CR

                                                 09/21/10  P200062 FLANGE          Full          10.00       1.7010-         17.01CR

                                                 09/21/10  P200062 FLANGE          Full          10.00       6.3000-         63.00CR

                                                 09/21/10  P200062 FLANGE          Full          10.00      40.0000-        400.00CR

                                                 09/21/10  P200062 FLANGE          Full          10.00      45.0000-        450.00CR


                                                                                                     Account Total:         950.22CR



                                                                                                     Section Total:         950.22CR


Finished Goods / Cost Of Goods Sold


Account           Description                    Trx         Order Product            Quantity    Unit-Cost                 Amount

   No                                            Date           No No                                                  Distributed



01105-00000-00000 Inventory - Components/Assem.  09/21/10  P200062 FLANGE                10.00      77.2100                 772.10


                                                                                                     Account Total:         772.10



04250-00000-00000 Standard Cost Variance         09/21/10  P200062 FLANGE                10.00      17.8120                 178.12


                                                                                                     Account Total:         178.12



                                                                                                     Section Total:         950.22


                                                                                                     Grand Total:              .00




(Figure 57) B/M Distribution Report



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