Customer Order Processing CP0100 Help - Elliott Business Software



Order Entry

Application Overview


The Order Entry application allows the entry of customer orders.  Orders, once entered, may be later modified, deleted, or printed out on the Order Edit List.  Order acknowledgments may be printed to be mailed to the customer showing what was entered in response to the customer's purchase order.  Blanket orders are also supported.


The user should be familiar with all the options and features available from the Global Setup chapters as they can enhance order processing and meet specific data entry and procedures required.

Order Types


There are five order types in this package.  The first of these is simply called regular orders. Regular (O) type orders are the most common order type.  Orders which are entered from a customer's purchase order or phone order and which remain on file until the date when the merchandise ordered on it is picked, shipped, and billed are regular orders.


When there is no delay between ordering and shipping, as in the case of over‑the‑counter sales, you could use invoice (I) type orders.  All of the items on invoice orders are automatically selected to be billed, since it is assumed that the merchandise has already been delivered.  Companies that are confident their stocks will always be adequate to meet all orders might consider using this order type also to eliminate the necessity of selecting individual items on the order to be billed.  This is what is referred to as a one‑step billing procedure.  Items entered on the order can be billed on the next invoice-printing run without any intermediate steps.


Credit memos can be entered as a separate order (C) type.  As with invoices, credit memos can be printed on the next invoice-printing run without any preliminary steps.  Credit memos allow the customer to receive credit for returned merchandise or overcharges. 


Blanket (B) type orders are orders that merely record the customer's desire to receive a series of shipments at specified times in the future.  The customer might order 10,000 widgets with the agreement that the widgets will be shipped at the rate of 1,000 a month for the next 10 months.  In this case, you would enter a blanket order for the 10,000 widgets as 10 line items with 1,000 quantities each and increment the request date as necessary to cover the next 10 months. Prior to each shipment you would utilize the application that generates regular orders from blanket orders to create a regular order for each 1,000 widgets.  Once the regular order has been created you can select the widgets for billing just as you would have had they been entered on a regular order.


Quotes can also be entered as a separate order (Q) type.  If the customer decides to order all or part of the items that have been quoted, you can change the quote into an order. An order quote form can be printed for the customer through the Print Order Quote made on the Order Entry menu bar.


Adding Orders


Regular orders, blanket orders, and quotes are entered through two screens. In the case of invoices and credit memos a third screen is required.  The first screen involves entering the order header information.  This is the general information pertaining to the order such as the customer number, billing address, shipping address, shipping instructions, payment terms, sales tax percent, shipping warehouse, etc.  This information is entered on a single screen at the time the order number is assigned.  Once the order header has been entered the program advances to the next screen.


On the second screen of Order Entry, the items that the customer ordered are specified.  The program allows the entry of the item number, quantity ordered, quantity to ship, unit price, discount percent, unit cost and request date.  This order information for an item is referred to throughout this section of the manual as a line item since it is one line on the order and pertains to a particular item.  All order types provide for the entry of line items, although for credit memos you would be entering the quantity credited rather than the quantity ordered and you would be specifying the quantity to return to inventory rather than the quantity to ship.


With the entry of a quote, inventory will not be affected until the quote has been changed to an order through change.  Once the line items have been entered for regular orders and blanket orders, the program returns for entry of the header screen for the next order.  For invoices and credit memos, however, more information is required.


As mentioned above, invoices and credit memos utilize the one‑step billing procedure whereby they are ready to be billed as soon as they have been fully entered here.  When entering documents of either of these types, the program will advance to a third screen once all the line items have been entered.  This screen accepts entry of such data as miscellaneous charges, freight charges, salesman commission amount and comments that print on the invoice.  For invoice type orders, this screen also allows the entry of a cash receipt associated with the order, as in the case where the customer sends in a deposit with the order or where the customer is on a cash‑with‑order basis because of past credit history.  This feature provides for a rudimentary point‑of‑sale capability. 

Printing The Edit List


Once a batch of orders has been entered the operator may find it useful to print an edit list of what was entered.  The Order Edit List shows all of the information that was entered by the operator.  If the customer exceeds his credit limit with an order, the edit list will print a warning message to alert the operator to this condition.  It is further possible to specify that the edit list be printed only for those customers who are over their credit limit.

Printing Order Acknowledgments


An Order Acknowledgment is a report that summarizes for the customer what the customer ordered.  It shows all pertinent information such as the billing and shipping addresses, shipping instructions, purchase order number, payment terms and discounts, as well as the quantity ordered and price of each item on the purchase order.  The acknowledgment also prints the address and phone number of the person or department, which should be contacted in the event of any discrepancies.

Printing Order Quotes


Once the quotes have been entered for the customer, a listing of all line items quoted can be printed in letter form for the customer.  This letter will include a correspondence address and can include the name of the person to whom the correspondence should be sent.  It shows all pertinent information such as billing and shipping addresses, shipping instructions, order number, customer number, etc.


Profit Centers/Department (If applicable)


If your company uses profit center accounting (as specified in the Company File) the Customer Order Processing package allows revenue generated by orders to be tracked by distribution center or by product category.  The method used is determined by your response to the Profit Center Usage question in COP Setup.  If your answer to this question was P (Product Category Profit Centers) then your profit center orientation will be by product category and there will be Sales and COGS accounts associated with each line item on an order.


If your answer was O (Order Profit Center, department, if applicable) then your profit center for all line items on an order will be entered with the order header information.  This subject is discussed in the section describing COP Setup and Prod Cat/Acct Maintenance as well as in the Run Instructions for Order Entry.

Multiple Salesmen For An Order


It is possible that more than one salesman may be eligible for a commission on an order.  The Order Entry application allows up to three salesmen to share the commission.


The operator must enter the salesman number for each of the sales‑people receiving a commission as well as each salesman's percent of the total commission amount.  When the order is posted, part of the information that gets transferred to Accounts Receivable files is each salesman's commission due.


If there is only one salesman associated with the order, enter that salesman's number and specify the percent of commission as 100%.  This 100% simply means it is not split with other sales people.  If there are no sales people for the order, enter the default salesman's number and 100% of the commission, later when the commission amount is entered, specify a commission of zero.


Another way commissions can be set to zero is by setting up a sales­man with a number of XXX who always get a commission of zero.  Then to force a zero commission for an order, the operator would enter XXX as the order's salesman.


If the order has multiple sales people the system will automatically calculate the order commission percent using the following formula:

(Slm#1 Comm % x Slm#1 % of Comm / 100)  +

(Slm#2 Comm % x Slm#2 % of Comm / 100)  +  

(Slm#3 Comm % x Slm#3 % of Comm / 100)  =

Order Commission Percent

Using the above formula, let's assume the order sale amount is $1,000 and there are three sales people splitting the commission.  Salesman #1 has a commission percent of 5% and will get 50% of the total commission, Salesman #2 has a commission percent of 2% and will get 30% of the total commission and Salesman #3 has a commission percent of 1% and will get 20% of the total commission. 


The order commission percent will be calculated as follows: 


5 x 50


2 x 30


1 x 20


















The total commission amount for this order will be  $33.00 ($1,000 x 3.30%).  The commission amount earned by each salesman will be as follows:


Salesman #1


($33.00 x 50%)

Salesman #2

$ 9.90

($33.00 x 30%)

Salesman #3

$ 6.60

($33.00 x 20%)





Controlled And Non‑Controlled Items


The subject of controlled and non‑controlled items is discussed in the Inventory Management documentation.  You may refer there for more detailed information on the subject.  Basically, an item that is controlled is an item with a unit value great enough to warrant monitoring its availability.  The chassis for a transistor radio would be controlled.  A lock washer used in the radio's assembly probably would not be, since the expense of controlling the item exceeds the item's value.  Order Entry will always meet the quantity required, but for non‑controlled items the program simply assumes that there are always adequate stocks.

Stocked And Non‑Stocked Items


As with controlled and non‑controlled items, the subject of stocked and non‑stocked items is discussed in detail in the Inventory Management documentation.


A stocked item is one, which is available in inventory in the form in which it will be delivered.  If radios were a stocked item, radios would be stored in inventory and be available for shipment to customers.  If radios were a non‑stocked item, radio parts would be stored in inventory and would have to be assembled before the finished goods could be shipped to the customer.


All non‑stocked items should have a bill of material or feature/option configuration on file in BOMP or a kit structure on file in I/M.


If a non-stocked item has serial/lot components, a record will be created in the COP Serial/Lot Transaction File for each component item.  These components must be issued from Inventory Lot/Serial File by running the Issue Serial/Lot Components Items application from the Processing menu bar.


The picking ticket for a non‑stocked item may consist of that item's bill of material.  You may refer to the BOMP documentation for more information on the bill of material and feature/option configurations.  Refer to the I/M documentation for more information on non‑stocked items and kit structures.

Adding Customers During Order Entry


During the entry of orders it may happen that an order arrives from a customer who has not yet been assigned a customer number.  You may add this customer to the Customer File without the inconvenience of exiting from Customer Order Processing.  In order to do this you may assign an unused customer number to the customer during entry of the order.  The program will inform you that the customer is not on file and ask if you wish to add it.  If you answer Y, you will be allowed to add a new customer record by using the F1 key.


Item Pricing


For stocked items, the program will automatically calculate the price and display it as a default in the Unit Price field.  This price is based on the appropriate price code or, in the case of sale pricing, the sale price specified in the Inventory Item record.  Refer to the Item File Maintenance section of the Inventory Management manual and the Price Code File Maintenance section of this manual for more information on sale pricing and price codes.


If the Bill Of Material Processor package is being used, the Order Entry application supports the ordering of feature items.  The price of a feature item is calculated when the user selects options for the features (components) that make up the item.  These selections are made via windows that pop-up when the cursor is placed on the Unit Price field.  To change the unit price for a feature item, the user must change the component price(s) using the feature selection window.


Options for feature items may be individually selected for special pricing by setting the S (special pricing) flag in BOMP's Feature/Option Configuration File Maintenance application to Y.  For more information on feature items, refer to the Feature/Option Configuration File Maintenance section of the BOMP manual.


COP also supports kit items from the Inventory Maintenance package.  Like feature items, prices for kit items are calculated via a pop-up window.  The main difference is that the exact structure of a kit is predetermined in the I/M Kit File Maintenance application.  Kit components may not be added during Order Entry.  Additional items may be ordered by adding another line item to the order.  The price of a kit item is determined by the Rollup Price? flag set in the Item File Maintenance application.  For more information on kits and the Rollup Price? flag, refer to the Kit File Maintenance section of the I/M manual.


Once the unit price has been entered (or the default value accepted) the program will request entry of the line item discount percent, which defaults to the discount percent entered on the first screen of the order.  If sale pricing is in effect this field may default to zero depending on the nature of the sale (as specified in the Inventory Item record).  The user may choose to enter a discounted unit price instead of a percent.  In this case the discount percent is calculated automatically.


The extended price of the line item then is the unit price multiplied by the quantity to ship, then adjusted by the discount percent.

Modifying COP Orders Copied Into BOMP


Orders containing feature items may be copied into the BOMP package for production.  These orders may be changed or deleted exactly like any other COP order as long as production has not started in BOMP.  If the production work order has been printed or if any production has been reported in BOMP, the order may no longer be modified or deleted through COP. 


For information on copying COP orders see the Copy COP Orders Into BOMP section of the BOMP manual.  For information on feature items and changing or deleting orders during production, see the Package Overview section of the BOMP manual.

Order Request Date


The customer's order will indicate the desired receipt date for the merchandise.  The receipt date may be specific; it may be within a range of dates (after May 1 but before May 15); it may be up to a certain date (before May 10), or it may be immediate.  The date may be for the entire order or there may be different requested receipt dates for each of the items on the order.  When you enter an order in Customer Order Processing you will enter a shipping date.  This date serves as the default for the request date.  The date that the system uses to monitor when shipments should be made is the request date.


The request date is entered for each item on the order.  When you print picking tickets you will enter a request date cut‑off as well as a range of order numbers.  The program will print a picking ticket for each order within the order number range that has at least one line item for which the request date falls on or before the request date cut‑off.  All line items on the order that meet that requirement will be printed.  Since the printing of a picking ticket initiates the shipping and billing procedure it is evident that the request date that is entered for a line item must be such that the merchandise will arrive by the customer's desired receipt date.


If you find that for a particular order or item it will be necessary to postpone shipment beyond the request date and a new date is negotiated, you may enter a promise date for each affected line item.  Once entered, this date will become the date that the picking tickets program compares to the request date cut‑off when determining which line items to include in this shipment.  The request date will remain on file but will serve as a reference date only.

Payment With The Order


Order Entry allows you to process a cash receipt during the entry of an order for I (Invoice) type or during Select For Billing in the Order Billing application for O (Order) type orders.  This feature allows you to process order deposits and cash‑with‑order sales as well as over‑the‑counter sales.  The only restriction is that the order type be I (Invoice), or O (Order) in the Order Billing application.


You enter the order as you normally would.  On the third screen you will be asked to enter the payment amount.  If the amount is not zero you will also be asked to enter the discount amount, check number, and cash account number.  When the invoice is posted, this information will be transferred to the appropriate


Accounts Receivable files, including the posting of an A/R Open Item File Payment record that applies to the customer's newly posted invoice record.

Serial Transactions


If the Serialized/Lot Items flag is S in I/M Setup and the serialized item flag for this item is yes, then serialized item order entry is allowed.


Serial numbers for items sold do not have to be in stock.  This flexibility allows serial numbers for items to be assigned during order entry or during order billing. Serial numbers will only be requested for Invoice type orders or Credit Memos during order entry. Serial numbers for regular orders will be requested when selecting orders in the Order Billing application.

Lot Transactions


If the Serialized/Lot Items flag is L in I/M Setup and the lot item flag for this item in the Inventory Item File is yes, then lot number entry is allowed.


Lot numbers for items sold must be in stock.  Lot numbers not on file for the item cannot be assigned during order entry or during order billing.  Lot Numbers must be entered in inventory by using the Inventory Management or Purchase Order and Receiving package.


Lot numbers will only be requested for Invoice type orders or Credit Memos during order entry. Lot numbers for regular orders will be requested when selecting orders in the Order Billing application.


Transfer Sales Order


A flag has been added to customer file maintenance, Transfer Customer.  If this flag is set to “Y,” the system will allow input to the “Transfer To-Loc” and “Transit Days” fields in the customer file.  The idea is to set up your remote warehouse location as a customer record.  Instead of using “I/M Inventory Transaction” or “I/M Inventory Transfer” to transfer the inventory, you can use COP Sales Order to transfer inventory.  Many organizations may wish to make the transfer process just like the regular COP shipping process, due to their shipping operations being tied to Picking Ticket, Shipping Verification, Starship, Packing Slip and Bill of Lading.


When you enter a sales order for the transfer customer, the sales amount will be forced to zero (since this is an internal transfer).  Even though the invoice posting will not update sales and cost of goods sold, you may optionally enter freight or a miscellaneous charge if cross division profit center billing is applicable. 


The proper invoice, as well as other historical databases, will be updated so you can track the details of what has been sent to a location.  Since most of the invoice history reports are used for sales analysis, they will exclude transfer orders.  Certain invoice history reports have options to include transfer orders or print transfer orders only.



Run Instructions


Select Order Entry from the pull down COP Processing window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Order Entry Processing Entry Screen



   The following options are available:


*  Select the desired mode from the Order Entry menu bar.

*  Enter the data requested on the screen.


To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

Entry Field Descriptions


Order Header Entry  (See Order Header Screen in Global Setup for additional options/features)



Type and Description

* Order No

6 numeric digits.


The manual entry of an order number will not affect the automatic assignment of numbers.  Only automatic order number assignment through the F1 key will cause it to be incremented.


In add mode, press the F1 key for automatic assignment of the next order number.  The program will only allow order numbers which are not already on file.


In change or delete mode, the F1 key can be used to display the next order on file.

1.   Order Date

A date in the standard date format.


This is the date the order was made.  If any item on the order has a special sale price for a certain time period (in the Inventory Item File), this is the date that will be used to determine whether the order qualifies for the special price.  Defaults to today's date.

2.  Order Type

1 alphanumeric character.


O   =  regular order

I    =  invoice

C   =  credit memo

B   =  blanket order

Q   =  quote


A submenu will display to remind you of the options. The entry defaults to O (regular order) on the first order entered and thereafter defaults to the last type entered.


A regular order allows the entry of header information and line items. The order and each of its line items are kept on file until all of the items are billed, invoiced and posted.


Order Type (continued)

Partial billing (resulting from incomplete shipments) is allowed and the original order number is retained until all items have been billed, invoiced, and posted.


An invoice is similar to a regular order in that header information and line items are entered. A third screen, upon which billing information is entered, is also required.  I type orders will be invoiced the next time invoices are printed without any additional steps necessary.


This is known as the one‑step billing procedure, as discussed in the Application Overview.  Invoice type orders can be used to accommodate point‑of‑sale transactions or to streamline the Order Entry/ Billing process.


A credit memo, like an invoice, requires data to be entered on all three screens.  However, the entries made will credit, rather than charge, the customer's account.


A blanket order records the customer's shipping requirements for specific items over a period of time with none of the items scheduled for immediate shipment.  Each item that is ordered must have a separate line item entered for each requested shipment. For instance, if the customer orders 100 computers to be shipped at the rate of 10 per month for 10 months, 10 separate line items would need to be entered as each would have a different request date.


Later, the blanket order will be activated from the Activate Blanket Orders application and a regular order will be generated for all blanket order line items whose request dates fall on or before the activation date.


The requirements for blanket order activation will be discussed in more detail later in the manual.


A quote order allows you to enter line items for a customer as a quote only. This may be changed to an order through change, but as a quote, inventory will not be affected.


This field defaults to the last entry made.

RMA Status

When entering a Credit Memo, an RMA Status field will be displayed with foure options:

W = Waiting For Returns

P = RMA Printed

R = Received Returns

Space = Not An RMA - just a regular credit memo

For detailed usage instructions, see Print RMA Acknowledgements in the Reports Section of this manual.

Apply To

6 numeric digits (999999).


For credit memos, enter the number of the invoice to which the credit applies.  This field does not display for other order types.


Apply To (continued)

If the customer is a balance forward type customer, this field will not be transferred to the A/R Open Item File; it is just for documen­tation within  COP.

3.   Cust Po No

10 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the customer's purchase order number.  This field serves a documentary purpose and is useful to have when corresponding with customers.

4.   Cust No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the customer number.  The number entered would commonly be that of a customer on file in the Customer File.  The program, however, does allow new customers to be added during the entry of orders.  If an invalid number is entered the screen will display:


Customer Not On File ‑ Do You Wish To Add It?


If you answer Y, the customer search window will appear.  Press the F1 key to add a new customer.


If the number for a miscellaneous customer is entered, the program will allow you to type in the customer's name and address. Miscellaneous customer numbers are any which begin with an asterisk.  Using a miscellaneous customer enables you to enter a  one‑time order for a temporary customer without going to the trouble to set the customer up in the Customer File.


Press the F7 key for customer  search by number or press the F8 key for customer search by name.


If the customer number is a valid customer number, a window will be displayed. This window will contain the customer's credit limit, account  balance, and the customer's comments. The customer comments will not be displayed if both comment lines were blank on the customer's record in the Customer file.

5 - 7.  Customer Name and               Address

30 alphanumeric characters for each of the four fields.


These fields usually display the name and street address of the entered customer number from the customer file.  If a miscellaneous customer number was entered above, enter the customer's name and address.


8.   Cty, St, Zip, Ctry

(Cty)  15 alphabetic characters.

(St)     2 alphabetic characters.

(Zip)    10 numeric characters.

(Ctry) 10 alphabetic characters.


This line usually displays the city, state, zip code, and country of the customer entered on line 4.


When using a miscellaneous customer, enter the city, state, and zip code here.  You may press the F2 key to toggle between Free Form Address line or a specified City, State, and Zip code format.  Most overseas addresses will not fit into the regular format and will require the use of the free form format.

9.   Ship‑To No

4 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the Ship‑To code that carries the shipping address requested by the customer.  There are three options available if you do not know the number of the correct Ship‑To code or if Ship‑To codes have not been set up for the customer.

10 - 12.  Ship-To Name and                Address

30 alphanumeric characters for each of the four fields.


These fields store the customer's name and shipping address. They may be entered manually, although they are more commonly displayed automatically when one of the options described above is used.  If entered, there are no requirements regarding what may and may not be typed in.  Any alphanumeric entry is acceptable.

13.  Cty, St, Zip, Ctry

(Cty)  15 alphabetic characters.

(St)     2 alphabetic characters.

(Zip)    10 numeric characters.

(Ctry) 10 alphabetic characters.


You have the option to change this address line to a Free Form format by pressing the F2 key.

14.  Ship Date

A date in the standard date format.


The entry is in MMDDYY format.  This is the date that the order is to be shipped.  It defaults to A.S.A.P. (as soon as possible).  In fact, this field mainly serves a documentary purpose because the application which prints picking


Ship Date (continued)

tickets looks at the request dates entered for each individual line item to determine whether or not to print the order and not at the ship date on the order itself.


The default for the request date on the individual line items, however, is the ship date entered here, so if the order does not need to be shipped until some specific time in the future, the date should be entered here to speed entry of line items and to document this fact. 


If a valid customer record is found you have the option to default remaining fields by pressing the F1 key.  However, if COP Setup is set to Profit Center Usage = 0, you will be requested to enter field number 27 Pft Ctr.

15.  Ship Via

2 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the Ship‑Via code for the means of transportation that is to be employed when shipping the ordered merchandise.  The code entered must be a valid Ship‑Via code.


The entry defaults to the code specified in the Customer record. Once the code is entered, the code's description displays beside the entry.


The shipping method is printed on the picking ticket for the shipping department.


In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for ship via codes.

16.  Terms

2 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the terms code for this order.  The entry defaults to the code on file for the customer.  Once entered, a description for the code displays beside the entry.  The program requires the entry of a valid Terms code.  The information in the Terms Code record is used to determine whether the customer is eligible for any payment discount at cash entry time in Accounts Receivable.


In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for terms codes.

17.  Frt/Ord St

1 alphanumeric character.


Enter the Freight Payment code, Order Status code relevant to this order.


Frt/Ord St (continued)

C   =  Collect

P   =  Prepaid

H   =  Hold


A sub‑menu will display to remind you of the valid options.


If the Freight Payment Code is collect, the system will not expect entry of freight charges, although it is still allowed.


If Order Status code is H, picking tickets and invoices will not be printed for this order.  Also, you will not be able to select the order if Order Type is (O)rder.

18.  Ship Instr

2 fields of 40 alphanumeric characters.


Enter here any shipping instructions the customer re­quested on the purchase order or instructions that are standard for the customer.  These instructions will print on the order acknowledgment and on the picking ticket.

19.  Salesmen No

3 alphanumeric characters.


Three sales people may be specified to share the commission on the sale.  The salesmen numbers entered must be that of valid salesmen.  When a valid salesman is entered, the sales­man's name displays on the line below the entry.


A dummy salesman number, XXX, should be set up in the Salesman File in case no commission is to be paid on a specific order.  Then , if no commission is to be paid, the operator could simply X out the first Salesman field.


In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for salesman number.

Pct Comm

5 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions (999.99).


For each salesman who is to share the commission you must specify what percent of the total commission each gets.  This percent of commission may not exceed 100.00.  The sum of the three percents must equal 100.00.  The entry defaults to the percent of commission that remains and will therefore default to 100.00 for the first salesman.


The actual amount of the commission is determined at billing time on the billing information screen.


20.  Tax Cd 1

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the tax code that designates how this transaction is to be taxed. If the tax code entered is not on file, an error message will be displayed, and you will be prompted to enter another tax code.


You will not be prompted to enter a tax code here. If no ship to number was entered, the program will use the default tax code 1 from the Customer's record in the Customer record. If you wish to change the tax code, select this field at the Field Number ? prompt.


In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for tax codes.

Tax Pct

6 numeric digits with 4 decimal positions (99.9999).


You will not be prompted to enter a tax code percent here. The program will use the tax percentage associated with tax code 1.You must select tax code 1 from Field Number ? if you wish to change the tax percentage.  Press RETURN for the tax code and then enter the appropriate tax percentage.


On the third screen (for invoices and credit memos) where billing information is required you will be asked to enter sales tax amount.  The program calculates the default sales tax amount (based upon the tax percent entered here and the value of taxable items on the order).  You may accept the default value at that time or override it as you see fit.

21.  Tax Cd 2

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the tax code that designates how this transaction is to be taxed. If the tax code entered is not on file, an error message will be displayed, and you will be prompted to enter another tax code.


You will not be prompted to enter a tax code here. If no ship to number was entered, the program will use the default tax code 2 from the customer's record in the Customer File. You must select this item when asked Field Number ? if you wish to change the tax code.


If no default is defined for tax code 2, then neither the tax code or the tax percentage will be displayed.


In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for tax codes.


Tax Pct

6 numeric digits with 4 decimal positions (99.9999).


You will not be prompted to enter a tax code percent here. The program will use the tax percentage associated with tax code 2. You must select tax code 2 from Field Number ? if you wish to change the tax percentage.  Press RETURN for the tax code and then enter the appropriate tax percentage.


On the third screen (for invoices and credit memos) where billing information is required you will be asked to enter the sales tax amount.  The program calculates the default sales tax amount (based upon the tax percent entered here and the value of taxable items on the order).  You may accept the default value at that time or override it as you see fit.

22.  Tax Cd 3

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the tax code that designates how this transaction is to be taxed. If the tax code entered is not on file, an error message will be displayed, and you will be prompted to enter another tax code.


You will not be prompted to enter a tax code here. If no ship to number was entered, the program will use the default tax code 3 from the customers' record in the Customer File. You must select this item when asked Field Number ? if you wish to change the tax code.


If no default is defined for tax code 3, then neither the tax code or the tax percentage will be displayed.


In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for tax codes.

Tax Pct

6 numeric digits with 4 decimal positions (99.9999).


You will not be prompted to enter a tax code percent here. The program will use the tax percentage associated with tax code 3.  You must select tax code 3 from Field Number ? if you wish to change the tax percentage.  Press RETURN for the tax code and then enter the appropriate tax percentage.


On the third screen (for invoices and credit memos) where billing information is required you will be asked to enter the sales tax amount.  The program calculates the default sales tax amount (based upon the tax percent entered here and the value of taxable items on the order).  You may accept the default value at that time or override it as you see fit.


23.  Disc Pct

5 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions (999.99).


This is the line item discount percent that can be taken in addition to any discounts inherent in the line item's unit price.  It can be thought of as a trade dis­count.  The entry will default to the discount specified in the Customer record.  During entry of line items this discount percent will display as the default dis­count percent for the line item, to be accepted or overridden.

24.  Job No

6 alphanumeric characters.


This field is used to update the Job History File when posting invoices. It will be used to record billings against a job on the Job Analysis Report in Accounts Receivable.


In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for job numbers.

25.  Whse Loc

2 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the location code for the warehouse from which the merchandise on the order is to be shipped.  The entry must be for that of a valid location.  The location's description will display beside the entry.  During entry of line items, this is the location which the program will check to determine if there are adequate stocks of the item or not.


This field defaults to the default location in the Customer File.


In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for warehouse locations.

26.  Taxable?

Y or N.


Enter whether the order is taxable or not.


If the customer is taxable, this field defaults to Y.


If the customer is non‑taxable, this field defaults to N.


27.  Pft Ctr

Standard Profit Center/Department Account Number Format.


This field only displays if the Company File specifies that there are profit centers/departments used throughout the system (profit center/department is not zero) and if the COP Setup specifies that profit centers/departments are order‑oriented rather than product category‑oriented.  If entered, all General Ledger sales and COGS transactions generated by this order will have this profit center/department.


This field defaults to the number entered on the previous order.



Line Item Entry (See Line Item Screen in Global Setup for additional options/features)



Type and Description

1.   Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the item number of the item that was ordered.  If a specific number is entered, it must be that of a valid item on file in the Inventory Item File.


In add mode you may press F1 to display the next item on file in the Inventory Item File in item number order.  This feature is useful if the Item File is structured in such a way that product options for an item follow the item record itself.  The operator can press the return key to quickly scan through the available options and select those that the customer desires.


In change mode you may press F1 to bring up the next line item on file for the order.  You may use this feature to scan through the line items, search for those that require change or simply review what was entered.


You may press F2 to enter a comment in the body of the invoice.  After you press F2 you will be allowed to type comments into the area in which the item's description would normally appear.  There are two lines of 30 characters each available for such comments on each line item.


All comments entered before a valid line item can be printed on picking tickets.  If the comments are entered after a valid line item and the line item is not selected to print on picking tickets, the comments will not print on picking

tickets.  If a quantity is backordered for a line item and comments are  


Item No (continued)

associated with the backordered line item, the comments will remain on file after posting orders to Accounts Receivable.


A common use for this feature is to explain substitutions and back orders on the previous or following line. 


You may press the F6 key to display all line items that have been entered thus far for this order.  You may then highlight one of the line items by using the up/down arrow keys.


While on the F6 Display Order screen, you have several options.  Press RETURN to display the highlighted line item.  Press the F3 key to insert a line item or comment before the highlighted line item.  Press the F7 key to search sequentially for the line items on the order.  This can be especially useful on orders with large numbers of line items.


From the line Item Entry screen, press the F7 key to bring up the item searches window.  This window allows the user to search by item number or item description.  It also allows searches for feature or kit items.


This application will allow you to enter more than one line item with the same item number.  This is to cover the possibility that the customer is getting some of the item at one price and others at another price. In change mode, if a specific item number is entered which was not entered previously, the application will ask if you wish to add the item. If there are already items on file  with the same item number, it will first bring each one up, one at a time, and ask if they are the right line item.


If you answer Y to any of these, you will be allowed to enter changes; if you answer N to all of them, the system will ask if you wish to add the item.

Print Components On Invoice Acknowledgements / Quote ?

Y or  N.


This window will only display if the line item entered is a kit or feature item.  Enter Y to print the components of the item on the invoice.  Enter N to only print the parent item.  Defaults to N.

Item Description

Two fields of 30 characters each.


Normally this field is displayed once the item number has been entered.  If a miscellaneous item number (any number beginning with an asterisk) is entered, you may type in the item's description.


Unit of Measure

2 alphanumeric characters.


If the stocking unit of measure is the same as the selling unit of measure, this selection will not prompt an entry here. The selling unit of measure will be displayed.


If the stocking unit of measure for this item is not the same as the selling unit of measure for this item, then the program will prompt you to select the correct unit of measure to use.


If the selling unit of measure is selected, the program will use the sell to stock ratio to calculate the correct quantities to be adjusted in the Inventory Item File for this item.


Press F1 to use the selling unit of measure or press F2 to use the stocking unit of measure.

2.   Qty Ordered

A standard quantity format.


For regular orders, blanket orders, and invoices, enter the quantity ordered.  For credit memos, enter the number of items for which the customer is receiving credit.  You may enter a negative quantity ordered on a regular order or invoice to indicate credit for a specific line item.


In change mode, changing a line item's quantity ordered to zero will give you the following options:

                Delete the line item

                Cancel the line item

                Close the line item

Delete usually means you made a data entry error and the line item should be deleted.  Cancel means the customer changed their mind and they no longer want this line item.  In that case, Elliott keeps the line item for audit analysis and marks it as “Canceled.”  Close means you are not able to deliver this item.  Elliott keeps this line item for audit analysis and marks it as “Closed.”  By retaining the “Canceled” and “Closed” line items, future analysis can be done for these items.


Users can also “Short Ship” a line item, even if the line item is backorderable.  For example, if a customer ordered 10 each of Item A and we decide we can only ship them 7, normally the Qty Backorder becomes 3.  Upon shipping the 7 and posting the invoice, the 3 become the balance of the order.  In some situations, we may decide not to keep the 3 as backordered (i.e. to make 3 out of stock).  If the item is set to “not backorderable,” then this will happen automatically.  Items that are backorderable, the user may optionally press the F3 key at the unit price field to make the 3 as Out of Stock instead of Backordered.  Upon the posting of this line item, it will be closed out automatically.  The user may not want to enter the Quantity Ordered as 7 because (1) The correct quantity ordered should be entered for documentation purpose; (2) The stock situation may change and you may be able to fill the full order quantity before the shipping date.


You can also mass close out an item by changing the item status code from “Active” to “Obsolete.”  The system can prompt the user to close out all of the outstanding COP line items.


For regular orders only, if the entered item is serialized and the quantity ordered is greater than 1, the system will ask the question Create Multiple Line Items For Serialized Item?.  If you answer yes to this question, the system will create multiple line items on the order with a quantity ordered of 1 for each line item.  This allows you to enter a multiple quantity ordered for a serialized item and later during billing assign each line item an individual serial number.


Press the F2 key if you want to change the item description for this line item only.


If the item is stocked and controlled, the quantity available at the order location will be displayed at the top of the screen.  This is the quantity on hand minus the quantity already allocated.


Press the F7 key if you wish to view the price level break information for this item according to the Price Code File.


3.  Qty To Ship

A standard quantity format.


For regular orders, blanket orders, and invoices, enter the quantity to ship.  The available quantity and backorderable status of the item will display on the bottom line of the screen.


If the available quantity is less than the quantity ordered you may ship what is available or specify the entire amount ordered to be shipped even though current stocks are not adequate as long as you are not using LIFO or FIFO costing.  If the quantity to ship is less than quantity ordered, the difference will be backordered if the item is backorderable and be declared out of stock if the item is not backorderable.  If the quantity to ship is greater than the quantity available, a warning will display, and a beep will be heard.


Other than giving the warning, this application does nothing to pre­vent entering quantities to ship greater than quantities available, as long as you are not using LIFO or FIFO costing.


For credit memos, enter the quantity to return to inventory.  This may be equal to or less than the quantity credited.  A customer may get credit for returned merchan­dise where only part of the mer­chandise is suitable for return to stocks.


When a negative quantity ordered is entered for regular orders and invoices, you will be expected to enter the quantity to return to inventory.  This is accom­plished by entering a negative quantity to ship.


If the quantity to ship is greater than the quantity available and this item has a valid substitute item number, the system will ask the question Do You Wish To Use Substitute Item?. If you answer yes to this question, the substitute item number will automatically be displayed and you will be

asked to re‑enter quantity ordered.


For Order Quotes, this field will be skipped.


4.   Unit Price

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).


The program will automatically calculate the default item price based upon the pertinent price code and any current sales, then display it. You may accept the default value or manually override it. 


If the item is a feature or kit item, the unit price will be calculated differently.  Refer to the tables below for more details.

5.   Discount Pct

5 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions (999.99).


The discount percent entered on the first screen will display as the default.  You may accept it or override it by manually entering a new value.  If entered, the dis­count percent may not exceed 100.00.


Press the F3 key to enter a discounted unit price for the item.  You may then enter the unit price at which you wish to sell the item.  The application automatically calculates and displays the discount percent.  To accept the calculated percent, press RETURN.

6.   Unit Cost

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).


For stocked items, the unit cost defaults to the appropriate cost figure (average last, or standard) in the Inventory Item record.


If you are using LIFO or FIFO costing method or if the Cost To Use When Posting flag in the COP Setup is set to Actual Cost, the item unit cost will be calculated when the invoice is posted.


If you wish to change the default value, you can only do so by using Field Number?.


For kit items, this field may only be changed by adjusting the quantity per assembly for the components.


Also, this field will not be displayed if COP Setup field #12, (Display Item Cost At Line Entry Time) is set to N.


7.   Request Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the date in MMDDYY format.  The entry defaults to the system date if the ship date on the order is A.S.A.P.; otherwise, it defaults to the ship date on the order.


For regular orders and invoices this date is used to trigger the printing of picking tickets.  For blanket orders, it is used to trigger the activation of line items.  In both Print Picking Tickets and Activate Blanket Orders you will be requested to enter a cut‑off date for proces­sing.  The programs will compare this cut‑off date to the request dates of individual line items when determining whether to pro­cess the line item.

8.   Promise Date

A date in the standard date format.


In the event that the original date promised (request date) must be renegotiated, the new date will be entered here with the original request date remaining on file.  After a promise date has been entered it is this date that is used for comparison during the printing of picking tickets and the activation of blanket orders.


If the line item is a feature item, the following fields will appear.  Feature items may be used only if the Bill Of Material Processor package is installed.  See the Feature/Option Configuration File Maintenance section in the BOMP documentation for more information.



Type and Description

4.   Unit Price

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).


If the line item is a feature item, the unit price is calculated on a Feature Selection window.  Features may be selected from options defined in the BOMP Feature/ Option Configuration File Maintenance application.


3 numeric digits.


Ftr (continued)

Select the desired feature code.  This number must already exist in the Feature/Option Configuration File Maintenance application.  Press the F7 key to search for product features.  Press RETURN to select the default or next feature number.


The feature number, its description and whether the feature number is required or optional is displayed at the bottom of the window.


3 numeric digits.  Automatically displayed.


A window will display the available options that have been defined for this particular feature code.  The option item number, description, quantity per, unit price, and the availability of this option at this location will be displayed.  Use the arrow keys, page up or page down to highlight a desired option.  Press RETURN to select an option.


If the feature is required for the feature item, an option must be selected.  If there is only one option under a required feature, it will be automatically selected.  If the feature is optional, option number 000 (Non-Selection Of Optional Feature) may be selected.


Once the options have been selected, the user may press the F7 key to redisplay the options window.

Option Item No

The inventory item number will automatically display.

Item Description

The item description will automatically display.


10 numeric digits with 6 decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999.999999-).


The quantity per for the selected option will automatically display.  This is the quantity of this option that will be used to assemble one of the feature items as defined in BOMP's Feature/Option Configuration File Maintenance application.


This field may only be changed if the Chg ? flag for this option is set to Y in that application.


For example, if a personal computer system was usually equipped with one

5 1/4" floppy disk drive, this field would contain a one.  If a customer ordered a system with two 5 1/4" drives, and the Chg ? field for this option is set to Y in BOMP, the user could change the quantity per to two.


Unit Price

The unit price for each option selected will automatically display.  A unit price total is displayed at the bottom of the window.


The unit cost will total to the left of the unit price if field #12 Display Item cost At Line Entry Time ? in COP Setup is set to Y.  If set to N, this total will not display.


If the line item is a kit item, the following fields will appear.  For more information on kit items, see the Kit File Maintenance section of the I/M manual.



Type and Description

4.   Unit Price

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).


If the line item is a kit item, its components will be displayed on a window.  These components were defined in the I/M Kit File Maintenance application.  The window displays the component item number, description, quantity per kit, and unit price for each.  The total kit price is displayed at the bottom.  The kit cost is displayed if the Display Item Cost At Line Item Entry Time? flag in COP Setup is set to Y.


To make changes to the kit configuration, the user may adjust the unit price for each component.  New components may not be added during Order Entry.  To order additional items another line item may be added to the order.


The following entries will be requested after the item number is entered if the item has lot numbers and the order is an Invoice type order or a Credit Memo:




Type and Description

Lot No

15 alphanumeric characters.


This is the lot number of the item being sold and/or returned‑to‑stock.  A valid lot already on file must be entered.


Press the F7 key to search for lot numbers.


2.  Qty Ordered/Credited

Same as Line Item Entry except quantity ordered can not be greater than lot quantity available.

3.  Qty To Ship/Ret To Inv

Same as Line Item Entry except quantity to ship can not be greater than quantity ordered.

4.  Unit Price

Same as Line Item Entry.

5.  Discount Pct

Same as Line Item Entry.

6.  Unit Cost

Same as Line Item Entry.

7.  Request Date

Same as Line Item Entry.

8.  Promise Date

Same as Line Item Entry.


The following entries will be requested if the item has serial numbers and the order is an Invoice type order or a Credit Memo:



Type and Description

2.   Qty Ordered/Credited

Same as Line Item Entry except quantity ordered can not be greater than 1 or less than ‑1.

3.   Qty To Ship/Ret To Inv

Same as Line Item Entry except quantity to ship can not be greater than 1 or less than ‑1.

4.   Unit Price

Same as Line Item Entry.

5.   Discount Pct

Same as Line Item Entry.

6.   Unit Cost

Same as Line Item Entry.

7.   Request Date

Same as Line Item Entry.

8.   Promise Date

Same as Line Item Entry.

9.   Serial No

15 alphanumeric characters.


This is the serial number of the item being sold and/or returned‑to‑stock.


Press the F7 key to search for serial numbers.  The serial number does not have to be a valid serial number on file. Serial numbers may be assigned to the item as it is sold.

You can add an F6 Note to each serial number.  First, enter all of the serial numbers and then in Change mode you can press F6 to add the Note as each serial number is highlighted.


Billing Data Entry Screen For "I" Type Orders


(See Order Billing Screen in Global Setup for additional options/features)



Type and Description

1.   Misc Charges

7 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (99,999.99‑).


Enter the amount of any miscellaneous charges such as packing, handling and special order charges.

Misc Acct

An account in the standard account format.


If the distribute miscellaneous charges flag is set to N in the A/R Setup, no entry will be required and the default account will be displayed automatically.  If the distribute miscellaneous charges flag is set to Y in the A/R Setup, you will be required to enter the miscellaneous charges account to which the charges will be posted.


The entry or automatic display will default to the default miscellaneous charges account specified in the Ship Via Code File Maintenance in A/R.


If profit center usage is set to O in the COP Setup, the profit center and department (if applicable) entered on the first screen (field #27) will try to find a valid account using the information entered on the first screen and the main account entered in the ship via code.  If no valid match is found in the account file, this entry will default to the miscellaneous charges account specified in Ship Via Code File Maintenance in A/R.


Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search the account by number or pressing F8 key will allow you to search for an account by description.

2.   Freight

7 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (99,999.99‑).


Enter the freight charges amount if applicable. If you entered a Freight Payment code of C (col­lect) for the order, you will not be prompted for an entry of this field, but you may change the field, using Field Number ?.


Freight Acct

An account in the standard account format.


If the distribute freight charges flag is set to N in the A/R Setup, no entry will be required and the default account will be displayed automatically.  If the distribute freight charges flag is set to Y in the A/R Setup, you will be required to enter the freight charges account to which the charges will be posted.


The entry or automatic display will default to the default freight charges account specified in the Ship Via Code File Maintenance in A/R.


If profit center usage is set to O in the COP Setup, the profit center and department (if applicable) entered on the first screen (field #27) will try to find a valid account using the information entered on the first screen and the main account entered in the ship via code.  If no valid match is found in the account file, this entry will default to the freight charges account specified in Ship Via Code File Maintenance in A/R.


Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search the account by number or pressing F8 key will allow you to search for an account by description.

3.   Sales Tax

8 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (999,999.99‑).


The program will automatically calculate the sales tax amount based upon the order's tax percent‑1 and the value of taxable sales.  It will display this value as the default.  You may accept the default or override it.


The program will automatically display the tax code for tax code‑1.

4.   Sales Tax

8 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (999,999.99‑).


The program will automatically calculate the sales tax amount based upon the order's tax percent‑2 and the value of taxable sales.  It will display this value as the default.  You may accept the default or override it.


If the order has a tax code‑2, the program will automatically display the tax code for tax code‑2.


5.   Sales Tax

8 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (999,999.99‑).


The program will automatically calculate the sales tax amount based upon the order's tax percent‑3 and the value of taxable sales.  It will display this value as the default.  You may accept the default or override it.


If the order has a tax code‑3, the program will automatically display the tax code for tax code‑3.

6.   Comm Pct

4 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (99.99‑).


If the Calc Commission Method field in COP Setup is not by item, the program will automatically calculate the order commission percent based upon the normal commission percents of each of the salespeople adjusted for the percent of the commission that each is getting.  You may accept this value or override it.

7.   Comm Amount

8 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions and an optional minus sign (999,999.99‑).


If the Calc Commission Method field in COP Setup is not by item, the program will automatically calculate the commission amount based upon the commission percent entered above and the order's net sale amount or the order's net margin amount. You may accept this default or override it.  If you change the commission amount the commission percent will change accordingly.


If the Calc Commission Method field in COP Setup is by item, the program will automatically display the commission amount calculated during order entry for all the items on the order.


3 fields of 35 alphanumeric characters each.


Enter the comments that you wish to appear on the customer's in­voice or leave these fields blank to have them be assigned default comments at the time invoices are printed.


9.  AR Reference

30 alphanumeric characters.


Enter a brief description of the transaction or some comments about it. What you enter in this field is entirely up to you.


The default reference consists of a brief description of the trans­action type. For example, if the transaction is an invoice type and you press the RETURN key for the reference, the program will insert a default of:


PO# 9999999‑99   OUR ORD# 999999

10.  Amount Paid

9 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions (9,999,999.99).


This and the following four fields will be entered only for invoice type orders.  If the customer sent in payment with the order you may record the cash receipt here rather than in Accounts Receiv­able. 

Enter the amount of the payment or simply press RETURN to skip entry of the field.  If there is no payment amount entered you will not be prompted to enter the remaining fields.

11.  Disc Allowed

8 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions (999,999.99).


Enter the discount allowed for the payment.

12.  Check No

6 numeric digits (999999).


Enter the number of the customer's check.  A non‑zero check number is required, so if payment was made by some other means than a check you will have to improvise a number (the date, for instance).

13. Check Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the check date for the invoice.


Defaults to the system date.

14.  Csh Act

An account in the standard account format.


If there are multiple cash accounts specified in A/R Setup you must enter here the cash account to which the payment will be posted.  The entry will default to the default cash account specified in A/R Setup.


Csh Act (continued)

Pressing the F7 key will allow you to search for the account by number or pressing the F8 key will allow you to search for the account by description.





Type and Description

Starting Order No

6 numeric digits (999999).


Enter the lowest order number that is to be included in the range of orders to be printed.  The entry defaults to All.

Ending Order No

6 numeric digits (999999).


Enter the highest order number that is to be included in the range of orders to be printed.


The entry defaults to the starting order number's value.

Starting Entry Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the earliest order entry date that is to be included in the range of orders to be printed.


The entry defaults to All.

Ending Entry Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the latest order entry date that is to be included in the range of orders to be printed.


The entry defaults to the starting entry date's value.

Include Order Types

5  1‑character alphanumeric fields.


The valid order types are O, I, B, C and Q.  If you press RETURN for the first field, the group defaults to All.  Otherwise, enter the specific order types that are to be considered for this range of orders.


Show Customers Over              Credit Limit Only ?

Y or N.


If you answer Y, only those orders for customers who are over their credit limit are shown.


The entry defaults to N.

Starting Salesman

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting salesman number for the range of orders to print.


Pres the F7 key to search for salesman numbers.


Defaults to All salesmen.

Ending Salesman

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending salesman number for the range of orders to print.


Press the F7 key to search for salesman numbers.


Defaults to the starting salesman number.


Print Order Acknowledgments



Type and Description

Starting Order No

6 numeric digits (999999).


Enter the lowest order number that is to be included in the range of orders to be printed. 


Defaults to All.

Ending Order No

6 numeric digits (999999).


Enter the highest order number that is to be included in the range of orders to be printed. 


The entry defaults to the starting order number's value.


Starting Entry Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the earliest order date that is to be included in the range of orders to be printed. 


The entry defaults to All.

Ending Entry Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the latest order entry date that is to be included in the range of orders to be printed. 


The entry defaults to the starting entry date's value.

Correspondence Address

4  30‑character alphanumeric fields.


Enter the address to which you wish customer correspondence regarding the order to be sent.  The address would include the department name or number and perhaps the name of the person to whom the correspondence should be sent.  This address will print on the order acknowledgment with instructions regarding its use.


The entry defaults to the address stored in the company record.

Correspondence Phone #

20 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the phone number the customer should use to make inquiries about the order as a result of reviewing the order acknowledgment.  There is sufficient space available to include both the area code and the extension.


e.g., 614‑382‑5999 ext. 388


Print Order Quotes



Type and Description

Starting Order No

6 numeric digits (999999).


Enter the lowest order number that is to be included in the range of orders to be printed.


Starting Order No (continued)

Defaults to All.

Ending Order No

6 numeric digits (999999).


Enter the highest order number that is to be included in the range of orders to be printed.


The entry defaults to the starting order number's value. 

Starting Entry Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the earliest order date that is to be included in the range of orders to be printed. 


The entry defaults to All.

Ending Entry Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the latest order entry date that is to be included in the range of orders to be printed. 


The entry defaults to the starting entry date's value.

Correspondence Address

4 30‑character alphanumeric fields.


Enter the address to which you wish customer correspondence regarding the order to be sent.  The address would include the department name or number and perhaps the name of the person to whom the correspondence should be sent.  This address will print on the order quote with instructions regarding its use.


The entry defaults to the address stored in the company record.

Correspondence Phone #

20 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the phone number the customer should use to make inquiries about the order as a result of reviewing the order quote.  There is sufficient space available to include both the area code and the extension.





Order Entry (Screen # 1)





F6 Display Order



F7 Item Search Options





Order Entry Line Items





Credit Limit Balance In Add Mode






Print Order Quotes





Print Order Edit List






Print Order Acknowledgements





Run Date: Nov  1, 2001 -  2:49am         Elliott Demonstration Company                                                     Page    1


                                                   O R D E R   E D I T   L I S T                                                   


Order-No:    300           Customer No: 000300             Ship-To No:                     Shipping Instructions                   

Order Type: Regular Order  Brooks and Johnson, LTD.        Brooks and Johnson, LTD.                                                 

Job No:                    9872 Round Circle Drive         9872 Round Circle Drive                                                 

Loc: LA Los Angeles        Bldg. 19 Back Door              Bldg. 19 Back Door                                                      

                           Knoxville        TN 59006       Knoxville        TN 59006                                               

                           USA                             USA                                                                      


Ord-Date Ent-Date Cust-Po-No                ---Ship Via---- Ship-Date Frt/Stat -----Terms-----  Slsman  Pct-Comm  Disc-Pct Tax-Pct2

                  Apply-To                                                                                        Tax-Pct1 Tax-Pct3

10/31/01 10/31/01 2581                      ABF TRUCKING    A.S.A.P.    Hld    2/10 Due 15th     400     100.00                    


             *************** Warning - Customer Over Credit Limit ***************                                                  

         Credit Limit =       4,000  Customer Balance + Order Total =      11,884                                                  


     Qty-Ord        Qty-B/O     Item-No         Description                    Um         Unit Dsc-Pct  Extend Price    Unit Cost  

    Qty-Ship        Qty-Ret     Reason Code                                    Prd       Price    Comm  Promise Date  Request Date 


      244.00                    1102-A          China Cat - Gray               EA      24.9500     .00     6,087.80       11.9653  

      244.00                                                                                      .00      10/31/01      10/31/01  



                                                                                    Sale Amt:      6,087.80                        










                     O R D E R   A C K N O W L E D G M E N T



Netcellent System, Inc.

3096 Temple Avenue

Pomona, CA 91745


Telephone: 909-622-5009


Dear Customer,


This document acknowledges receipt of your purchase order number           .

Please review the information presented here and advise us of any errors you

notice or disagreements you have at your earliest convenience.  For fastest

service, write or call us at the address and phone number printed above and

refer to order number   1000 in all correspondence.


Your PO #:             Our Order #:   1000  Your Customer #: 000100


Bill To:                        Ship To:                        Ship Via:

John Q. Williams Company        John Q. Williams Company        UPS

3479 Peachtree Road N.E.        3479 Peachtree Road N.E.

Suite #200                      Suite #200                      SHIP DATE:

Atlanta, GA 30329               Atlanta, GA 30329               A.S.A.P.

USA                             USA


Shipping Instructions:                    Freight Terms:  Payment Terms:

PC ‑ Package Available for Shipment via   Collect         2/10 N/30

UPS\Next. Box Cover #10XA


Item‑No/Description              Quantity  Um       Price   Disc    Net Price


PC                                  4.000  EA       .0000  27.00          .00

Parent Item (Mother Board)

Personal Computer



                                                          Total:          .00




Order Acknowledgment




                             O R D E R   Q U O T E



Netcellent System, Inc.

3096 Temple Avenue

Pomona, CA 91745


Telephone: 909-622-5009


Dear Customer,


This Document Serves As A Quote For The Items Listed Below.  Please Review

The Information Presented Here.  If You Have Any Questions Or You Wish To

Place An Order, Please Contact Us At The Address Or Phone Number Printed

Above And Refer To Our Quote Number   1019 In Your Correspondence.


Our Quote #:   1019  Your Customer #: 000100


Bill To:                        Ship To:                        Ship Via:

John Q. Williams Company        John Q. Williams Company        UPS

3479 Peachtree Road N.E.        3479 Peachtree Road N.E.

Suite #200                      Suite #200                      SHIP DATE:

Atlanta, GA 30329               Atlanta, GA 30329               A.S.A.P.



Shipping Instructions:                    Freight Terms:  Payment Terms:

                                                          2/10 N/30


Item‑No/Description              Quantity  Um       Price   Disc    Net Price


16SX‑1                              1.000  EA  1,728.0000  27.00     1,261.44

Personal Computer 386SX

Kit No1


*Kit Components Listed Below*


K‑SX2MB                             1.000  EA

Personal Computer 386SX with

2 Meg of Memory


K‑SX1‑1.2                           1.000  EA

386SX 1.2 Drive For Personal



K‑SX1‑1.44                          1.000  EA

1.44 Drive For Personal



K‑SX1‑IDE                           1.000  EA

386SX IDE Drive For Personal



K‑SX1‑V512                          1.000  EA

VGA Card with 512 Ram

Chip Manual














Consolidate/Close Customer Orders

Application Overview


Companies that are frequently unable to ship all that is ordered may find themselves with many partially‑shipped orders left on file awaiting the arrival of additional stock.  The Consolidate/Close Customer Orders application provides two options for dealing with this problem.


You may wish to consolidate some of the partially shipped orders into a single order to facilitate shipping and billing.  The Consolidate feature in this application allows you to enter order header information for a new order, then to specify which of the old orders are to be merged into the new order.  Up to 15 orders may be so consolidated.  What this will accomplish is the creation of a new order with line items taken from the old orders.  The old orders will be deleted once their line items have been consolidated into the new order.


Some orders may be cancelled by the customer before all items are shipped.  The Close Order feature allows you to close O type orders that have been partially posted in the Post Invoices To A/R application.  Controlled items that were still on order will be deallocated.  The order will be flagged as if it had been fully shipped and may be purged via the Purge Posted Invoices application.


Run Instructions


Select Consolidate/Close Customer Orders from the pull down COP Processing window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Consolidate/Close Customer Orders Entry Screen




 The following options are available:


    *  Select the desired mode from the Consolidate/Close Customer Orders menu bar


    *  Enter the data requested on the screen


To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


Entry Field Descriptions


Define the new order header to consolidate existing orders into.





Type and Description

* Order No

Press the F1 key for automatic assignment of the next order number or enter the 6‑digit number manually.  The program will only allow order numbers, which are not already on file.


The manual entry of an order number will not affect the automatic assignment of numbers.  Only automatic order number assignment through the F1 key will cause it to be incremented.

1.  Order Date

A date in the standard date format.


This is the date the orders were consolidated.

2.  Order Type

1 alphanumeric character.


No entry is required. 


Defaults to O.

3.  Cust Po No

10 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the customer's purchase order number.  This field serves a documentary purpose and is useful to have when corresponding with customers.

4.  Cust No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the customer number you want to consolidate orders.  The number entered would commonly be that of a customer on file in the Customer file. 

9.  Ship‑To No

4 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the Ship‑To code that carries the shipping address requested by the customer.  There are three other options available if you do not know the number of the correct Ship‑To code or if Ship‑To codes have not been set up for the customer.


Ship‑To No (continued)

You may press RETURN to default the shipping address to the same as the billing address.


You may press F1 to search through the Ship‑To codes on file for the customer, then select the correct one.


You may press F2 to manually enter the shipping address.


Pressing the F6 key will display a window showing the customers credit history along with the current total of open customer orders.


A sub‑menu will display on the bottom of the screen to remind you of these options during entry of the Ship‑To number.

10 - 12.  Ship-To Name and                  Address

30 alphanumeric characters for each of the four fields.


These fields store the customer's name and shipping address. They may be entered manually, although they are more commonly displayed automatically when one of the options described above is used.  If entered, there are no requirements regarding what may and may not be typed in.  Any alphanumeric entry is acceptable.

13. Cty, St, Zip, Ctry

(Cty)   15 alphabetic characters.

(St)      2 alphabetic characters.

(Zip)   10 numeric characters.

(Ctry)  10 alphabetic characters.


You have the option to change this address line as a free format by pressing the F2 key.

14. Ship Date

A date in the standard date format.


The entry is in MMDDYY format.  Basically, this is the date that the order is to be shipped.  It defaults to A.S.A.P. (as soon as possible).  In actual fact, this field mainly serves a documentary purpose because the application which prints picking tickets looks at the request dates entered for each individual line item to determine whether or not to print the order and not at the ship date on the order itself.


Ship Date (continued)

The default for the request date on the individual line items, however, is the ship date entered here, so if the order does not need to be shipped until some specific time in the future, the date should be entered here to speed entry of line items and to document this fact. 


If a valid customer record is found you have the option to default remaining fields by pressing the F1 key.


If COP Setup is set to use Profit Center usage = 0, you will be requested to enter field number 27 Pft Ctr.

15. Ship Via

2 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the Ship‑Via code for the means of transportation that is to be employed when shipping the ordered merchandise.  The code entered must be a valid Ship‑Via code. 


The entry defaults to the code specified in the Customer record. Once the code is entered, the code's description displays beside the entry.


The shipping method is printed on the picking ticket for the shipping department.


In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for ship via code.

16. Terms

2 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the terms code for this order.  The entry defaults to the code on file for the customer.  Once entered, a description for the code displays beside the entry.  The program requires the entry of a valid Terms code, the information in the Terms Code record is used to determine whether the customer is eligible for any payment discount at cash entry time in Accounts Receivable.


In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for terms code.

17. Frt/Ord St

1 alphanumeric character.


Enter the Freight Payment code, Order Status code relevant to this order.


Frt/Ord St (continued)

C = Collect

P = Prepaid

H = Hold


A sub‑menu will display to remind you of the valid options.


If the Freight Payment Code is collect, the system will not expect entry of freight charges, although it is still allowed.


If Order Status code is H, picking tickets and invoices will not be printed for this order.  Also, user will not be able to select the order if Order Type is order.

18. Ship Instr

2 fields of 40 alphanumeric characters.


Enter here whatever shipping instructions the customer re­quested on the purchase order or whatever instructions are customary for the customer.  These instructions will print on the order acknowledgment and on the picking ticket.

19. Salesmen No

3 alphanumeric characters.


Three sales people may be specified to share the commission on the sale.  The salesmen numbers entered must be that of valid salesman.  When a valid salesman is entered, the sales­man's name displays on the line below the entry.


A dummy salesman number, XXX, should be set up in the Salesman file in case no commission is to be paid on a specific order.  Then, if no commission is to be paid, the operator could simply X out the first Salesman field.


In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for salesman number.

Pct Comm

5 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions (999.99).


For each salesman who is to share the commission you must specify what percent of the total commission each gets.  This percent of commission may not exceed 100.00.  The sum of the three percents must equal 100.00.  The entry defaults to the percent of commission that remains and will therefore default to 100.00 for the first salesman.


The actual amount of the commission is determined at billing time on the billing information screen.


20. Tax Cd 1

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the tax code that designates how this transaction is to be taxed. If the tax code entered is not on file, an error message will be displayed, and you will be prompted to enter another tax code.


You will not be prompted to enter a tax code here. If no ship to number was entered, the program will use the default tax code 1 from the Customer's record in the Customer record. You must select this item when asked Field Number? if you wish to change the tax code.


In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for tax code.

Tax Pct

6 numeric digits with 4 decimal positions (99.9999).


You will not be prompted to enter a tax code percent here. The program will use the tax percentage associated with tax code 1.You must select tax code 1 from Field Number? if you wish to change the tax percentage.  Press RETURN for the tax code and then enter the appropriate tax percentage.


On the third screen (for invoices and credit memos) where billing information is required you will be asked to enter sales tax amount. 


The program calculates the default sales tax amount (based upon the tax percent entered here and the value of taxable items on the order).  You may accept the default value at that time or override it as you see fit.

21. Tax Cd 2

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the tax code that designates how this transaction is to be taxed. If the tax code entered is not on file, an error message will be displayed, and you will be prompted to enter another tax code.


You will not be prompted to enter a tax code here. If no ship to number was entered, the program will use the default tax code 2 from the customer's record in the Customer file. You must select this item when asked Field Number ? if you wish to change the tax code.


If no default is defined for tax code 2, then neither the tax code or the tax percentage will be displayed.


Tax Cd 2 (continued)

In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for tax code.

Tax Pct

6 numeric digits with 4 decimal positions (99.9999).


You will not be prompted to enter a tax code percent here. The program will use the tax percentage associated with tax code 2. You must select tax code 2 from Field Number ? if you wish to change the tax percentage.  Press RETURN for the tax code and then enter the appropriate tax percentage.


On the third screen (for invoices and credit memos) where billing information is required you will be asked to enter the sales tax amount.  The program calculates the default sales tax amount (based upon the tax percent entered here and the value of taxable items on the order).  You may accept the default value at that time or override it as you see fit.

22. Tax Cd 3

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the tax code that designates how this transaction is to be taxed. If the tax code entered is not on file, an error message will be displayed, and you will be prompted to enter another tax code.


You will not be prompted to enter a tax code here. If no ship to number was entered, the program will use the default tax code 2 from the customers' record in the Customer file. You must select this item when asked Field Number? if you wish to change the tax code.


If no default is defined for tax code 3, then neither the tax code nor the tax percentage will be displayed.


In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for tax code.

Tax Pct

6 numeric digits with 4 decimal positions (99.9999).


You will not be prompted to enter a tax code percent here. The program will use the tax percentage associated with tax code 3.  You must select tax code 3 from Field Number ? if you wish to change the tax percentage.  Press RETURN for the tax code and then enter the appropriate tax percentage.


Tax Pct (continued)

On the third screen (for invoices and credit memos) where billing information is required you will be asked to enter the sales tax amount.  The program calculates the default sales tax amount (based upon the tax percent entered here and the value of taxable items on the order).  You may accept the default value at that time or override it as you see fit.

23. Disc Pct

5 numeric digits with 2 decimal positions (999.99).


This is the line item discount percent that can be taken in addition to any discounts inherent in the line item's unit price.  It can be thought of as a trade dis­count.  The entry will default to the discount specified in the Customer record.  During entry of line items this discount percent will display as the default dis­count percent for the line item, to be accepted or overridden.

24. Job No

6 alphanumeric characters.


This field is used to update the Job History file when posting invoices. It will be used to record billings against a job on the Job Analysis Report in Accounts Receivable.


In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for job number.

25. Whse Loc

2 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the location code for the warehouse from which the merchandise on the order is to be shipped.  The entry must be for that of a valid location.  The location's description will display beside the entry.  During entry of line items, this is the location, which the program will check, to determine if there are adequate stocks of the item or not.


This field defaults to the default location in the Customer file.


In add and change mode, press the F7 key to search for warehouse location.

26. Taxable?

Y or N.


Enter whether the order is taxable or not.


If the customer is taxable, this field defaults to Y.


If the customer is non‑taxable, this field defaults to N.


27. Pft Ctr

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters.


This field only displays if the Company file specifies that there are profit centers and departments (if applicable) used throughout the system (profit center and department, if applicable, is not zero) and if the COP Setup specifies that profit centers and departments (if applicable) are order‑oriented rather than product category‑oriented.  If entered, all General Ledger sales transactions generated by this order will have this profit center and department (if applicable) as an account number format.


This field defaults to the number entered on the previous order.


After defining the new order header, determine which orders to consolidate.



Type and Description

Orders To Be Consolidated

6 numeric digits (999999).


Enter up to 15 order numbers of orders to be consolidated into the new order.


Press RETURN to consolidate All of the customer's orders into the newly defined order header.


Close Order


The same fields are displayed as for Consolidate.  The only entry allowed is in the Order No field where you must enter the number of a partially posted O type order.  You may also press the F1 key to display partially posted orders.






Consolidate Customer Orders (Screen #1)





Consolidate Customer Orders (Screen # 2)





Close Customer Orders


Activate Blanket Orders

Application Overview


Blanket orders are orders that merely record the customer's desire to receive a series of shipments at specified times in the future.  The customer might order 10,000 widgets with the agreement that the widgets will be shipped at the rate of 1,000 a month for the next 10 months.  In this case, you would enter a blanket order in the Order Entry application for the 10,000 widgets and prior to each shipment you would utilize the Activate Blanket Orders application that generates regular orders from blanket orders, which would create a regular order for each 1,000 widgets.  Once the regular order has been created you can select the widgets for billing just as you would have had they been entered on a regular order.


Blanket orders may not, themselves, be billed.  A regular order must be generated from a blanket order, then the regular order can be shipped and billed.  The process whereby regular orders are generated from blanket orders is referred to as Activate Blanket Orders.


When line items for a blanket order are entered in the Order Entry application, the operator enters the quantity ordered, unit price, request date, etc., just as would occur for a regular order.  However, during entry of a regular order, the system takes note of what was ordered and adjusts inventory records to reflect the commitment to ship this merchandise.  This is known as allocating the item, and the quantity allocated for an item is an indication of how much has been ordered for shipment in the immediate or near future.  For blanket orders no such allocation occurs, since the order may be of a very long‑term nature, and to make the allocation would unnecessarily inflate inventory requirements over the life of the order.  Consequently, items are allocated only when the blanket order is activated.


One of the fields entered for the line item is the request date.  This is the date upon which shipment is requested.  For blanket orders this is the activation date.  During blanket order activation a date will be entered that will serve as the activation cut‑off date.  All items for the blanket order being activated that have request dates on or before the activation cut‑off date will appear on the new order.  Those items that fall past the cut‑off date will be ignored.  Once a line item has been transferred to a regular order it is deleted from the blanket order and once all line items for a blanket order have been transferred, the blanket order itself is deleted.

Run Instructions


Select Activate Blanket Orders from the pull down COP Processing menu.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Activate Blanket Orders Entry Screen




 The following options are available:


*  Select the desired mode from the Activate Blanket Orders menu bar


*  When activate blanket orders is selected, a prompt is displayed that enables you to enter the number of the blanket order that is to be activated.  During order activation, certain line items on the blanket order will be transferred to a new order that has an order type of O (regular order).  You must assign an order number to this new order before activation can begin.  There is a field on the screen where this number can be entered.  Once this number has been assigned and any changes to the first screen have been made, a second screen will display on which you enter the activation cut‑off date.  The program will then process the blanket order.  You may then specify another blanket order to activate.


To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


Entry Field Descriptions


Activate Blanket Orders



Type and Description

* Order No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Press the F1 key for the next blanket order on file or enter the blanket order you wish to activate.

New Order No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Press the F1 key for the next sequential order number.


Also refer to the Order Entry application for individual field descriptions that may be changed after the New Order Number is assigned.

Please Enter Cut‑Off Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the cut‑off date in MMDDYY format.  The entry defaults to the system date.


This is the date that the program will use to compare with the blanket order's request dates to see if the line items qualify for inclusion on the new active orders.





Activate Blanket Orders


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