Customer Order Processing CP0500 Help - Elliott Business Software

Sales History Processing

Sales History Processing

Application Overview


Period End Procedure


After you have finished posting the month's sales history data from the Sales History Transaction file into the Sales History file using Post/Purge Sales History Trx application and run all of the reports for the month, it is necessary to run the Sales History Period End procedure.  This serves to close out the current period and make the subsequent period accessible for the posting of Sales History Data.


It is mandatory to run the Period End Procedure after all of the month's Sales History Transactions have been posted, but before any of the next month's transactions get posted, in order to maintain the integrity of your Sales History data.  You must also be sure to have run all the reports that you wish to have copies of since once the period changes, reports will only be available for the new period.

Year End Procedure


After you have finished posting the year's Sales History Data from the Sales History Transaction file, go into the Sales History file and run all of the reports for the year's final period, it is necessary to run Sales History Year End procedure.  This serves to close out the current year and make the subsequent year accessible for the posting of Sales History Data.


It is mandatory that you run this procedure after all of the year's Sales History Transactions have been posted but before any of the next year's transactions get posted in order to maintain the integrity of your Sales History Data.  You must also be sure to run all reports for the year's last period that you wish to have copies of since once this procedure has been run, reports will only be available for the new year's first period.

Purge Sales History File


Periodically, you will want to remove from the Sales History file all transactions, which have zero balances. Otherwise, the file could become very large over a period of time. The Sales History Purge will accom­plish this function for you.

Run Instructions


Select Sales History Processing from the pull down COP Processing window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Sales History Processing Entry Screen



   The following options are available:


*  Select the desired mode from the Sales History Processing menu bar


*  Enter the data requested on the screen


*  If you are in the last sales history period of the year, a prompt will appear advising you of this and requiring that you now run Year End Procedure instead.


*  Otherwise, a confirmation prompt will appear asking you if you are sure you wish to run this application.  Enter a Y or N as your answer in the space provided.  The answer defaults to N.


*  The program then executes.  When finished, it returns to the Sales History Processing menu.


To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.



Sales History Period Ending Procedure





Sales History Year End Procedures




Purge Sales History File












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