Customer Order Processing CP0600 Help - Elliott Business Software

Order Status Reports

Order Status Reports

Application Overview


The Order Status Reports enable you to print essential information regarding the status of open and backordered orders.  For purposes of this application, an open order is defined as an O type order which has not yet been selected for billing.  Reports will not print for blanket orders, invoices, credit memos, or regular orders that have been selected for billing through the Order Billing application.


Open orders may contain items that have been back ordered.  You may select to show only backordered items.  These back order reports will assist you in filling back orders and keeping track of your back ordered obligations.


In addition to showing back orders exclusively or not, there are several other options available to you when printing these reports.  You may select to show stocked or non‑stocked items exclusively on the reports.  You may select to print items in order by their item number or by the number of the customer that ordered them.  You may choose which warehouse location orders are to be printed for and a range of line item request or promise dates may be entered.  You may also show scheduled receipts if utilizing the Purchase Order Processing and Receiving package.


These report parameters enable you to print a variety of reports and to evaluate open orders from several different perspectives.


Run Instructions


Select Order Status Reports from the pull down COP Reports window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Order Status Reports Entry Screen



The following options are available:


*  Select the desired mode from the Order Status Reports menu bar


*  A menu will appear allowing you to select one of these options:

    - Backorder Report Stocked Items Only

    - Backorder Report Non‑Stocked Items Only

    - Backorder Report All Items

    - Open Order Report Non‑Stocked Items Only

    - Open Order Report All Items


*  Select the report that you want to print.


*  Enter the data requested on the screen


*  A parameter entry screen will appear, requesting you to enter the information listed below.  Enter this information, and the report will then print out.


To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1. Print By Item, Customer or Prod Cat ?

1 alphanumeric character.


Enter a I if you wish to print the reports by item, C if you wish to print by customer or P to print by product category.

2. Printing Format

1 alphanumeric character.


Enter a D if you wish to print the report in detail, B if you wish to print in brief or S to print in summary.

3. Use Request Or Promise           Date ?

1 alphanumeric character.


Enter an R if you want the request date of each relevant line item to show on the report, or a P if you want the promise date to be shown.


NOTE: If no promise date has been entered for an item, its request date will be used.

4. Starting Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the starting date of the range that you wish to print.  Only the items with promise or request dates (according to your selection above) within this range will be printed on the report. 


Defaults to All.

5. Ending Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the ending date of the range you wish to print. 


Defaults to the starting date's entry.

6. Warehouse Location

2 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the applicable warehouse location of the orders that you want to print. 


Press the F7 key to search for locations.


Defaults to All.

7. Starting Customer

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting customer number. 


Press the F7 key to search by customer number or press the F8 key to search by customer name.


Defaults to All.

8. Ending Customer

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending customer number. 


Press the F7 key to search by customer number or press the F8 key to search by customer name.


Defaults to the starting customer number. 

9. Starting Item

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting customer number.


Press the F7 key to search by item number or press the F8 key to search by item name.


Defaults to All.

10. Ending Item

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending customer number.


Press the F7 key to search by item number or press the F8 key to search by item name.

11. Starting Product Category

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting product category.


Press the F7 key to search by product category code.  The default is blank for All.

12. Ending Product Category

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending product category.


Press the F7 key to search by product category code.  This field will be skipped if all product categories are selected.  The default is the starting product category.

13. Purchase or Mfg. Items ?

1 alphanumeric character.


Enter a P if you wish to print purchased items, M if you wish to print manufactured items or A to print all items.  The default is A.

14. Include Selected Orders ?

Y or N.


Select Y to include orders selected for billing and N to exclude orders selected for billing.  The default is N.

15. Include Not Posted Invoices ?

Y or N.


Select Y to include invoices that have not yet been posted and N to exclude invoices not posted.  The default is N.

16. Show Scheduled Receipts ?

1 alphanumeric character.


P   -   From PO

B   -   From BOMP

A   -   All

N   -   Neither (default)


Enter P to include scheduled receipts from Purchase Order and Receiving.  Enter S to include receipts from Shop Floor Control.  Enter B to include receipts from Bill of Material Processor, or N to include neither.  This field will be requested if field number 1 (Print by Item or Customer) is set to Item and you are printing a backorder report.


17. Print Phantom Order ?

Y or N.


Select Y to include phantom orders and N to exclude phantom orders from the report.  The default is N.






Backorder Report/Stocked Items Only




Backorder Report/Non Stocked Items Only





Backorder Report/All Items




Open Order Report/Non Stocked Items Only





Open Order Report/All Items



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