Customer Order Processing CP1101 Help - Elliott Business Software

Product Cat/Loc Acct File Maintenance

Product Cat/Loc Acct File Maintenance

Application Overview


This application allows you to assign sales and cost of goods sold account numbers to product categories by location.  In Customer Order Processing, sales account numbers and cost of goods sold account numbers are assigned to items by means of the items' product categories, rather than having a specific account number for each item.  When an item is sold, the sales credit is posted to the account number assigned to the item's product category, and that assignment is made in this application. If Post Cost of Goods Sold in COP Setup is Y, then the posting program uses this account to create a distribution record in Inventory Management.


The appearance of the account number is affected by two factors.  The Company file specifies how many digits are in the main profit center/department numbers and, indeed, whether profit center/ departments are used at all.  COP Setup specifies whether profit center/department, if used, are to be assigned to sales accounts at this time or during the posting of invoices.  If sub-accounts (profit centers) are to be associated with customer orders and assigned during the posting of invoices, they will not be entered at this time.  If sub-accounts are to be associated with product categories, you will enter the full account number in this application.  Refer to COP Setup section for more information on the subject.

If Post Cost Of Goods Sold is Y in COP Setup, you will be asked to enter a Cost of Goods Sold Account. This account will be used when posting invoices, along with the Inventory Asset account. The Inventory Asset account will be obtained from the Material Cost Type/Loc Acct file. If a Material Cost Type/Loc Acct record does not exist for this item, the default Inventory Asset account in Inventory Setup will be used.


If Post Cost of Goods Sold is N in COP Setup, the Cost of Goods Sold account will not appear and the default accounts in COP Setup will be used.


If profit centers or departments (if applicable) are not entered, the program cannot look up the account number in the A/R Account File or I/M Account File to see if the entry is valid, so care must be exercised to ensure that only valid main account numbers are entered.


Run Instructions


Select Prod Cat/Loc Acct File from the pull down COP Maintenance window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Product Cat/Loc Acct File Maintenance Entry Screen



The following options are available:


*  Select the desired mode from the Prod Cat/Loc Acct File menu bar

*  Enter the data requested on the screen


To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1. Product Category

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the number of the product category.  This number may contain alphanumeric as well as purely numeric characters.


Press the F7 key to search for Product Category.

2. Location

2 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the location that will be used with this product category/location account record.


Press the F7 key to search for Location.

3. Sales Account No

An account number in the standard account number format.


Enter the digits of the main account number and press RETURN.


If the Profit Center Usage Code in COP Setup was set to 0, only the above main account number can be entered.  However, if the Profit Center Usage Code is set to P, the full account number with main, profit center and departments (if applicable) are allowed.  A hyphen (‑) will automatically be displayed between the main account number and the entry field for the sub-account number and department.  When this occurs, press RETURN again.  If the full account number that is entered is on file in the Accounts Receivable Account file, a 30 character account description will be displayed.


Press the F7 key to search for account by number or press the F8 key to search for account by description.

4. Cost of Goods Sold Account      No

An account number in the standard account number format.


Enter the digits of the main account number and press RETURN.


If the Profit Center Usage Code in COP Setup was set to 0, only the above main account number can be entered.


Cost of Goods Sold Account No (continued)

However, if the Profit Center Usage Code is set to P, the full account number with main, profit center and department (if applicable) numbers is allowed, and a hyphen (‑) will automatically be displayed between the main account number and the entry field for the profit center number and department. When this occurs, press RETURN again.  If the full account number that is entered is on file in the I/M Account file, a 30 character account description will be displayed.


Press the F7 key to search for account by number or press the F8 key to search for account by description.





Date filled out _______ by __________      ADD       CHANGE      DELETE






     1.   Product Category    _ _ _


     2.   Location            _ _


     3.   Sales Account No    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


     4.   Cost of Goods

          Sold Account No     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _




     1.   Product Category    _ _ _


     2.   Location            _ _


     3.   Sales Account No    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


     4.   Cost of Goods

          Sold Account No     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _




     1.   Product Category    _ _ _


     2.   Location            _ _


     3.   Sales Account No    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


     4.   Cost of Goods

          Sold Account No     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _







Date entered __________ by_________   Date verified ______ by _________






Prod Cat/Loc Acct File Maintenance





Prod Cat/Loc Acct List




Run Date: Nov  2, 2001 -  9:01pm         Elliott Demonstration Company         Page    1


 P R O D   C A T E G O R Y / L O C   A C C O U N T   F I L E  P R I N T - O U T                           


Range: For All Categories                                                                                                           


  Prod    Location   Sales/Cgs         Description                                                                                 

Category              Acct-No                                                                                                      


  AC1        LA     03120-10000-00000  Sales - Product Line F                                                                      

                    04000-10000-00000  *** Account Not On File ***                                                                 


  ACP        LA     03100-10000-00000  Sales - Product Line B                                                                      

                    04110-00000-00000  Cost Of Goods Sold - CPU                                                                    


  CH         LA     03120-10000-00000  Sales - Product Line F                                                                       

                    04040-00000-00000  Cost Of Goods Sold - Chemical                                                               


  CH1        LA     03120-00000-00000  Sales - Product Line E                                                                      

                    04130-00000-00000  Cost Of Goods Sold - I/O                                                                     


  CVD        LA     03110-10000-00000  Sales - Product Line D                                                                       

                    04120-00000-00000  Cost Of Goods Sold - Video                                                                  


  DK1        LA     03100-00000-00000  Sales - Product Line A                                                                      

                    04110-00000-00000  Cost Of Goods Sold - CPU                                                                     


  DK2        LA     03100-10000-00000  Sales - Product Line B                                                                       

                    04110-10000-00000  *** Account Not On File ***                                                                 


  FG         LA     03100-00000-00000  Sales - Product Line A                                                                      

                    04000-00000-00000  Costs of Goods Sold                                                                         


  IOS        LA     03120-00000-00000  Sales - Product Line E                                                                      

                    04130-00000-00000  Cost Of Goods Sold - I/O                                                                    


  TB1        LA     03110-00000-00000  Sales - Product Line C                                                                      

                    04120-00000-00000  Cost Of Goods Sold - Video                                                                  



 10 Categories Printed                                                                                                              


















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