Customer Order Processing CP1720 Help - Elliott Business Software

Invoice History Report

Invoice History Report


Application Overview


This function gives you access to all the necessary information to provide customer service analysis and research for posted invoices on file for customers.  Additionally, you can print Duplicate Invoices to enhanced customer service.

Run Instructions


From the COP Reports menu, select Invoice History Report and then Print.  The following report options will be available to you.



Reports Available:


  1. Invoice History By Item
  2. Invoice History By Customer
  3. Invoice History By Invoice
  4. Invoice History Edit List
  5. Invoice History Summary
  6. Invoice History Serial/Lot Number
  7. Print Duplicate Invoice




Invoice History By Item Sort Selection Options





Invoice History By Customer Sort Selections





Invoice Edit List Sort Options





Invoice Summary Sort Options




Invoice Serial/Lot with Sort Options





Print duplicate  Invoice



NOTE:  One Duplicate Invoice printed per run.  Original invoice must have already been printed and posted.  Duplicate invoice will print the same as the original and without a “Duplicate Invoice” watermark.




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