Customer Order Processing CPCDPSCN Help - Elliott Business Software

Customer Delivery Performance Report

Customer Delivery Performance Report



Application Overview


This report provides data about the delivery performance to your customers.  You can print the report for a range of customers, for one or all customer types, for a range of items, for a range of product categories, for one or all customer PO numbers, for a range of orders, for one or all salesmen and for one or all locations.  You can provide starting and ending invoice dates, indicate to exclude non-stocked items and provide a customer ABC class.  The report can be printed in summary or detail, with or without item subtotals and with a line item dollar value over a certain amount.



Run Instructions


From the COP Menu, select Reports and Customer Delivery Performance.





After you have completed the required information in the above window, you will be prompted if you want to Print to hardcopy, print to Screen, save to Disk, Defer, or Email.



Partial Report View




Run Date: Nov  7, 2005 -  9:54am         Elliott Testing - CWC                                                             Page    1


                     C U S T O M E R   D E L I V E R Y   P E R F O R M A N C E   D E T A I L   R E P O R T                         


Range: All Customers                                                                                                                

       All Items                                                                                                                   

       All Product Categories                                                                                                       

       All Customer P.O.                                                                                                           

       Starting Inv Date 01/01/01 Thru 11/07/05                                                                                    

       All Orders                                                                                                                  

       Salesman# All                    Location All                                                                               

       ABC Class All                    Exclude Non-Stocked Item                                                                   

       Dallar Valuer >=           0.0000                                                                                           


CUst-# Customer-Name                  Telephone-No Delv-Lead-Time                                                                  

Item            Desc                  Item-Lead-Time       Weight  UOM                                                             

   Inv#   Slsmn    Order  Request  Promise Diff   Diff   Shipping Diff   Diff       Qty  Qty Shp  Qty Shp  Qty Shp Qty Over    % Qty

           Code     Date     Date     Date Days   in %       Date Days   in %   Ordered    Early  On Time     Late or Under Ovr/Undr


000001 Aalseth Earl P                                                                                                               

2122-0000       ELLIOTT Business Software Demo   000        5.000  EA                                                              


   003041   MGR 01/27/04 01/27/04 01/27/04    0   0.00   01/27/04    0   0.00         3                 3                 0     .00

   003042   MGR 01/27/04 01/27/04 01/27/04    0   0.00   01/27/04    0   0.00         3                 3                 0     .00

   003049   MGR 03/03/04 03/03/04 03/03/04    0   0.00   03/03/04    0   0.00        10                10                 0     .00

   003050   MGR 03/03/04 03/03/04 03/03/04    0   0.00   03/03/04    0   0.00         5                 5                 0     .00

   003051   MGR 03/03/04 03/03/04 03/03/04    0   0.00   03/03/04    0   0.00         5                 5                 0     .00

   003052   MGR 03/03/04 03/03/04 03/03/04    0   0.00   03/03/04    0   0.00         5                 5                 0     .00

   003053   MGR 03/03/04 03/03/04 03/03/04    0   0.00   03/03/04    0   0.00         5                 5                 0     .00

   003054   MGR 03/03/04 03/03/04 03/03/04    0   0.00   03/03/04    0   0.00         5                 5                 0     .00

   003055   MGR 03/03/04 03/03/04 03/03/04    0   0.00   03/03/04    0   0.00         5                 5                 0     .00

   003056   MGR 03/03/04 03/03/04 03/03/04    0   0.00   03/03/04    0   0.00         5                 5                 0     .00

   003057   MGR 03/15/04 03/15/04 03/15/04    0   0.00   03/15/04    0   0.00         1                 1                 0     .00

   003058   MGR 03/15/04 03/15/04 03/15/04    0   0.00   03/15/04    0   0.00         1                 1                 0     .00

   003068   MGR 03/12/04 00/00/00 00/00/00    0   0.00   06/21/04  999 100.00-        0                                   0     .00


           Item 2122-0000       Subtotal:     0   0.00              77 100.00-                 0       53        0                 

                                                                                           0.00%  100.00%    0.00%                 


CHAR-GEN        Character Generator At 25 Meg    000        0.000  EA                                                              

                Character - Gen - 25                                                                                               


   003071   MGR 06/14/04 06/14/04 06/14/04    0   0.00   06/21/04    7   0.00         2                          2        0     .00


           Item CHAR-GEN        Subtotal:     0   0.00               7   0.00                  0        0        2                  

                                                                                           0.00%    0.00%  100.00%                 










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