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Contract Pricing

Contract Pricing

Application Overview


Contract pricing is much more convenient, flexible, and powerful way of managing pricing agreements than Price Code 1, (Customer/Item).  In addition, it allows you to use Customers or Groups, and combine items and categories with the flexibility to select Discount, Markup, or Price for each item or category on the contract.  You can assign a contract number and select a customer or customer type and enter the items and their contract price.  Beginning and ending dates can be entered for the contract.  Contract pricing will take precedence over pricing in the Price Code File.  Before using this feature, it must be enabled in Elliott Main Menu Ò Util-Setup Ò Global Setup Ò COP-Ctl Ò Contract Pricing.


Run Instructions


Select Contract Pricing from the pull down COP Maintenance window.


The following options are available:

·    Select the desired mode from the Contract Pricing menu bar: Add, Change, Delete, Copy or List.


·    When you have finished entering or modifying this data, press RETURN in response to Field Number ?.  The data you have entered will be written out to the Contract Price file and you will be returned to the menu bar.


 If you want to leave this application without writing out any data, press the ESC key to return to the menu bar.




Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.  Contract Number

6 numeric digits (999999).


Enter the number you want to assign this contract.  You can press F1 to sequentially assign the next available number.  If you are in Change or Delete mode, enter the contract number you want to change or delete.  You can press F7 to search by contract number, customer number, customer name or customer type.

2.  Contract Type

1 alphanumeric character (C or G).


Enter “C” for Customer or “G” for Group.  The contract can be for one specific customer or for a customer type.  A “C” type will prompt for a customer number in the following field and a “G” type will prompt for a customer type.

3.  Effective Date/Expiration Date

2 date fields.


Enter the starting and ending dates of the contract.  Entering zero for the dates turns off the Effective and Expiration dates and the contract is perpetual.

4.  Contract Disc Percent

5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places with an optional minus sign (999.99-).


Enter a discount percent for the contract from -999.99 to 100.  This is an additional discount that will be applied to the contract price.

5.  Default Item/Category

1 alphanumeric character (I or C).


Enter the default line item type you would like to use when entering items for this contract: “I” for Item or “C” for Category.

6.  Default Pricing Basis

1 alphanumeric character (D, M or P).


Enter the default pricing basis you would like to use when entering items for this contract: “D” for Discount, “M” for Markup or “P” for Price.

7.  Comment

30 alphanumeric characters.


Enter a short comment or description about this contract.

8.  Line Items

4 fields


In this area you will enter the line items for this contract.  The first field will prompt for a type, Item or Category, the second will prompt for an item or category, based on the value entered in field 1, the third will prompt for the pricing basis, Discount, Markup or Price, and the last field will prompt for the price or discount, based on the pricing basis.


Copy Pricing Contracts



To edit new contract, go to Change Mode



Reporting (List)




Report is available by Customer (C)  or Group (G) type. 


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