Customer Order Processing CPOPNSSN Help - Elliott Business Software

Open Orders by Salesman Report

Open Orders by Salesman Report



Application Overview


This report featuring only open orders can be used as a sales analysis auditing tool, measure productivity,  and as a customer service tool.  You can print the report for a single salesman or a range of salesmen, and it can also print by request date or cancel date. Other sort criteria options include date range, items, and warehouse locations.  The only information that will not display on the report is the Qty-OH Balance.



Run Instructions


From the COP Menu, select Reports, Open Orders By Salesman Report and then Print.



Note:    If you select “Y” to Field 9, the report will include orders that have been selected for billing, (to be invoiced on next Print Invoice).



After you have completed the required information in the above window, you will be prompted if you want to Print to hardcopy, print to Screen, save to Disk, Defer, or e-mail.




Partial Report View




Run Date: Sep 14, 2001 -  1:50am         Elliott Demonstration Company                                                     Page    1


                                     O P E N   O R D E R   R E P O R T   B Y   S A L E S M A N                                     


Ranges: For All Locations                                                                                                           

        For All Items                                                                                                              

        For All Salesmen                                                                                                            

        For All Dates                                                                                                              

Stocked Codes (Stk): Y = Stocked  N = Non-Stocked                                                                                  

Note: "*" Beside The Customer Totals Means The Total Are Shown In Stocking Unit Of Measure                                         


Slm/Cust-Number               Item-Number      Item Description               Order-No   Loc Um         Qty         Qty     $-On-B/O

Customer-Name                 Request-Date                                  Cust-Po-No   Stk            Ord         B/O            


100 000500                    16SX-1           Personal Computer 386SX            1007    LA EA        4.00         .00          .00

T-Shirts Unlimited                02/24/92       Kit No1                                   N                                        


                              CLOCK            25 Meg Clock For Mother Board      2024    LA EA        5.00         .00          .00

                                  04/08/92       Clock - 25M                    879898     Y                                       


                    Customer Totals:        9.00  Ordered          .00 On B/O         $6,366.43  Ordered             $.00 On B/O   


    1 Customers Printed            Slsmn Totals:                                      $6,366.43  Ordered             $.00 On B/O   



































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