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Distribution Code File Maintenance


Distribution Code File Maintenance

Application Overview


The Distribution Code File application allows the user to maintain his Distribution codes. These codes must be entered as one of the setup steps after entering the G/L Account File.


The basic purpose of these codes is to save the operator time when entering General Journal transactions. If a type of transaction is always split between several G/L accounts by fixed percentages, then use of a Distribution code in this case allows the operator to make just a single entry for the transaction (the debit side or credit side), and the General Journal Trx Processing application will automatically split the transaction among the accounts associated with the Distribution code, according to the specified percentages, when "Y" is answered to the distribute question in General Journal Transaction Processing.  See the section on Distribution Codes in the Package Overview for more details.


Run Instructions


Select Distribution Code File from the pull down G/L Maintenance window.  The following screen will then be displayed:


Distribution Code File Maintenance Entry Screen


The following options are available:

            *           Select the desired mode from the Distribution Code File menu bar

                        *           Select the function you desire and enter the data that is requested on the screen, in accordance with the Entry Field Descriptions below.

*           To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen


To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description


4 numeric digits.  This is the identifier for the Distribution code, which is referenced by other applications.  In add mode, enter the code's identifying number.  You will then be positioned to enter the distri­bution accounts and their percents.  All entries occur on the top distribution line.  The entries scroll down to remain on display once the entry is com­plete.


In change mode, enter the identi­fying number of the code you wish to change.  Existing distributions for this code are automatically displayed.  Individual distribu­tions may be changed as they were in add mode.  You may also add new distributions while in this mode.


In change or delete mode, press the RETURN key to display the next distribution code on file.


If you want to stop the process in the add mode, while entering distributions, press the ESC key. The program will then ask Do You Really Want To

Abort? You can then answer Y to stop, or N and continue entering distributions.








An account number in the standard account number format.  Press the F7 key for account search by number or the F8 key for account search by description.  

This account must be in the G/L Account File.  A maximum of twelve distribution accounts are allowed for any one code.  Press the F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the account number to save the distribution code.



To change an existing distribu­tion, enter its account number as you would when adding it, then answer Y to Any Change?  To delete an existing distribution, enter 0% for that distribution.


Automatic display.

Dist %

5 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign  (999.99‑). This is the percentage to be dis­tributed to the account.  It cannot exceed 100%.


Before the F10 key is effective, the distribution percents must add up to 100%.


There are a maximum of twelve distributions allowed for a single code.  If you have entered the maximum number and the distribu­tion total does not equal 100% you will have to change existing dis­tributions to adjust the total.





Type and Description

Starting Code

4 numeric digits.  The value entered need not be a valid code on file.  It will still be used for the start of the range.


Pressing the RETURN key defaults to All codes.

Ending Code

4 numeric digits.  Pressing the RETURN key defaults this value to the same as the value entered for the starting code.


This field is skipped if All is defaulted to the starting code.









Search By Main Account Number







Distribution Code File Maintenance







Distribution Code List
















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