General Ledger GLTRIALB Help - Elliott Business Software

Trial Balance Report

Trial Balance Report

Application Overview


The Trial Balance Report application prints a Trial Balance report in account number or profit center order. These two options provide a detail or summary for a range of accounts that fall within a specified set of dates, within all profit centers or one profit center, or for one financial entity.


A General Ledger Trial Balance may be obtained at any time.


A trial balance may be obtained for any date within the fiscal year, for a selected profit center or All profit centers, for a selected financial entity, for active accounts or All accounts, and in detail or summary by General Ledger Account.


The report displays a running balance, beginning and ending balance, total debits, total credits, period totals, and net change for each account.  Subtotals are printed if they are requested, as specified in the G/L Account File.


On a detail report, all transactions are shown in detail unless, a compression was previously run and the detail is no longer avail­able.


If you are uncertain of the dates on all transactions on the file, a starting date of 01/01/00 and an ending date of 12/31/99 will print all transactions.


You may select either a single profit center or a single financial entity, but not both.  These choices are mutually exclusive.


Run Instructions


Select Trial Balance from the pull down G/L Reports window.  The following screen will then be displayed:


Trial Balance Report Entry Screen



The following options are available:


*  Select the desired mode from the Trial Balance menu bar

*  Enter the data requested on the screen


To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press ESC and then X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.  Starting Date

A date in the standard date format.  Enter the starting date of the range you want to include in your report, or press the RETURN key to default to the   starting date of the current period as defined in the Accounting Period File application.

2.  Ending Date

A date in the standard date format.  Enter the ending date of the range to include in your report, or press the RETURN key to default to the end­ing date of the current period as defined in the Accounting Period File application.


If either the starting or ending date is not a period date, the system will display:


Warning - Starting Date Is Not            A Period Starting Date-            Is This Ok?.....or


Warning - Ending Date Is Not             A Period Ending Date-             Is This Ok?


If you answer Y to these messages the resulting report will include transactions that fall between the starting or ending date range that was entered.


If you answer N, you will need to enter the correct date. 

3.  Starting Account

An account in the standard account number format.  Enter the starting account in the range you want to include in your report, or press RETURN to default to All accounts.

4.  Ending Account

An account in the standard account number format.  Enter the ending account in the range you want to include in your report, or press RETURN to default to the same account as you previously entered in the starting account field.


If RETURN was entered in the starting account, this field will be skipped.

5.  Show Detail?

Y or NRETURN defaults to Y.


If Y is entered then in addition to the summary figures for each account, all transactions for the selected period will also print.  If N, then only the summary figures for each account print.

6.  Financial Entity

5 alphanumeric characters.  Enter a valid financial entity number present in your Financial Entity File


The entity description will then automatically display.


If you want to skip this field press RETURN.

7.  Profit Center

A standard profit center number in the standard profit center number format.


If your company does not use profit centers, this field will be skipped.     Press RETURN to default to All profit centers.


If a non‑blank financial entity was entered above, the entry of this field will be skipped.

8.  Show Only Active


Y or NRETURN defaults to Y.


If you enter Y, then only accounts within the specified range that have activity within the entered range of dates will print.  If N is entered, all accounts within the specified range will print even if there is no activity for the account in the entered date range.  


NOTE: If an inactive account is a sub‑total level and this field is Y, then the account sub‑total will not print.  In order to get correct sub‑totaling for an inactive account you must answer N to this field. 

9. Sub Totals

Y or N.  This enables the Trial Balance Report to display subtotals.


If you answered Y to field #5 Detail Report? select one of the following options:


D   =  Daily/Monthly Tot

              Prints Daily And Monthly

              Sub Total.


M   =  Monthly Tot

              Prints Monthly Sub Total.


N   =  No Sub Tot

              Prints No Sub Total


If you answered N to # 5

Detail Report?, this field automatically defaults to N.









Trial Balance Report (In Account Order)







Trial Balance Report (In Profit Center Order)

































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