Inventory Management IM0101 Help - Elliott Business Software


Item File Maintenance

Application Overview


Any inventory system, whether it is manual or computerized, must have some way of recording what parts are in inventory, and in what quantity.  In fact, this record of what is in inventory is the most fundamental and necessary portion of the Elliott's manufacturing system as well.


Because of this, several of the basic concepts of Inventory Management will be covered here.


Some of these concepts are not fully implemented within the Inventory Management package, but extend to the other packages.  For example, allocation of material is not done by any automatic process within I/M.  Instead, this allocation will be done from the Customer Order Processing, Bill Of Material Processor or Shop Floor Control package. Many of the data fields entered by way of Item File Maintenance are not used at all in the Inventory Management package, but are present so that the data will be available for one or more of the other packages, which use the Inventory Item File.


This discussion of the Item File will be broken down into sections dealing with these subjects:


    1.    Part Numbering

    2.    Allocation and Deallocation of Stock

    3.    Inventory Location Control

    4.    Forecasting

    5.    Safety Stock

    6.    ABC Analysis

    7.    Stocked vs Non‑Stocked, Controlled vs Non‑Controlled    Items

    8.    Physical Inventory and Cycle Counting

    9.    Default Item (For quick entry of new inventory items)

   10.    Item Notes

   11.    Interaction with other Packages

Part Numbering


The classical definition of a part is, anything which is unique in form, fit, or function.  And if something is different in either form, fit, or function, it should have a unique part number.  However, it is beneficial to a company to keep the number of its part numbers as low as possible.  It is estimated that it costs a company between $2,000 and $3,000 for every part number it has on file.  This includes the cost of any engineering drawings for the part, and for someone to manage the part on an on‑going basis.  So it can be beneficial to give some thought to how you assign part numbers.


There are many different part-numbering schemes possible.  In fact, there are probably as many different ways to define part numbers, as there are companies.  The two main types of schemes that are in use involve either significant or non‑significant part numbers.


A significant part number is one which describes (at least partially) what the part is, such as a part number made up of the Product code, a couple of digits given to describing the size of the part, a couple more characters which describe the material the part is made of, etc.  Significant part numbers have been widely used in manual systems wherein the data entry operator and the warehouse did not have a description of the part handy with every order or packing slip and could recognize what part was being addressed just by looking at the part number.  Because they serve this purpose so well, significant part numbers can be quite helpful.


The major disadvantage to the use of significant part numbers is that after a period of time, so many variations of a part may come into use, or so many new parts may be added to existing product categories, that the system gets too complicated and cannot possibly cope with all the possible variations.  In this case, it may be better to use non‑significant part numbers.


In a non‑significant part numbering scheme, part numbers may be assigned fairly arbitrarily, and without reference to product class, size, etc.  This may be the best scheme on a computer system, since the description of the part is available to the operator for verification as soon as the part number is entered.  And non‑significant part numbers certainly afford a good deal more flexibility than signifi­cant part numbers. 


One compromise that is often used between these systems is to use a partially significant system, where only the first few characters of the part number are significant.  Large distributors may find it desirable to simply assign parts which they market the same part numbers as their manufacturers have assigned to the part.  But they cannot be sure that the different manufacturers will assign unique part numbers.  So the first few characters of the part number may refer to the manufacturer, and the remainder of the characters can be the manufacturer's part number.


Allocation And Deallocation Of Stock


The Inventory Management package allows you to keep track not only of the quantity on‑hand of each inventory item, but also of the quantity of the item which has been allocated to already existing customer or shop orders. There is a quantity allocated field in the Inventory Item record, as well as a quantity on‑hand field.


This allows you a great deal more ability to control your inventory, since you will be able to accurately determine what quantity of the item is actually available for use.  Your prediction of requirements for the item will be more accurate than if you were basing it solely on the quantity on‑hand.


When a customer order is received for an item in the Customer Order Processing package, the material required to fill the order is allocated. This shows that the portion of the quantity on‑hand is spoken for, and should not be used for future orders.  This allocation of the material does not affect in any way the actual quantity of the items that is on‑hand. 


When a feature/option is entered in Customer Order Processing, the parent and all components are allocated.  In Bill Of Materials Processor, the feature is put on order.  When it is produced, the quantity on hand increases and all components quantity on hand and quantities allocated are decreased.  In Customer Order Processing, when the order is posted, the parent quantity on hand and quantity allocated are decreased.


When a stocked and controlled parent item is entered as a work order in Bill Of Material Processor, the components are allocated.  When it is produced, the quantity on hand of the parent is increased, and the quantity on hand and quantity allocated is decreased for the components.


Then when the material is issued to fill the order, the quantity on‑hand is reduced, and the quantity allocated is also reduced to reflect the fact that the material is no longer spoken for.



Inventory Location Control


Elliott's Inventory Management package allows you to maintain multiple stocking locations for each inventory item, along with quantity on‑hand and quantity allocated figures for each location.  Thus you can obtain reports, which allow you to predict usage at each location.


The maintenance of the on‑hand and allocation figures for other than the main stocking location is done by way of the Inventory Location File Maintenance application.


When a customer order is received and entered into the computer, you specify which location is to fill the order.  The on‑hand and allocation figures for that location are then updated to reflect the activity.


In the Item File Maintenance application, you will specify what the manufacturing or default location for the item is; the quantity on‑hand and allocated figures, which you will enter, refer to this manufacturing or default location.




Forecasting accurately how much of an item you are going to need at some point in the future can be very important to a company's profits.  If the forecast for an item is too high, too much of it may be produced and then have to be kept in inventory until it is consumed.  This ties up capital in the inventory investment, and costs you further money in carrying costs.  But if the forecast turns out to be too low, and customer demand exceeds the amount of the item you have produced, you can again lose money.


No one, so far, has come up with a sure‑fire technique for forecasting inventory usage.  Some of the techniques which have been developed are almost beyond the grasp of most college graduates (unless they majored in math), and these very sophisticated systems of prediction usually require more accuracy in the data input to them than can be easily obtained.


Elliott's Inventory Management package uses an easy to understand method of forecasting the next period's usage of an item based on the item's selling history.  The technique has the rather scientific sounding name of exponential smoothing, but is basically pretty simple.  It uses a weighted moving average to calculate next period's expected usage level for an item.  Let us take a few examples to illustrate how this calculation works.  We will assume that the forecasting period is a month.  This first example will use six month's worth of sales history.


Figure 1 


     65   50   55   70   50  40       Average Usage = 333 = 55



Figure 2


     50   55   70   50  40  155       Average Usage = 420 = 70



In Figure 1, we have a diagram showing the usage of an item for six prior months.  The average usage for these six months is 55.  Then in Figure 2, we have dropped the usage for month number 1, and added the usage for the current month, month number 7, to the end, and recalculated a new average usage for the item.  This new average usage is our forecast for next month.  As you can see, the suddenly higher usage in month 7 caused the average usage to increase quite a bit over the previous average usage.


Here is another example of this technique using a longer period of sales history, 12 months.


Figure 3


     65  50  55  70  50  40  35  60  70  50  65   50


               Average Usage = 660 = 55



Figure 4


     50  55  70  50  40  35  60  70  50  65  50  155


               Average Usage = 750 = 63



In Figure 3, we have 12 months of sales history, again with an average usage of 55.  In Figure 4, the usage for month 1 has been dropped, and the usage for the month just ended has been added.  Even though the usage for the most recent month jumped to 155, as in the previous example, the new average usage is only 63.  As you use a longer period of sales history, a sudden increase or decrease in any one month will be dampened more than it is dampened when you only use a few months of history.  In other words, the new forecast is more responsive to sudden increases and decreases in usage when only a few months of history are used, whereas, a more stable forecast which does not fluctuate as much is obtained by using a longer period of sales history.


As it turns out, you do not actually have to have this sales history available to the program in order to do this calculation of the new forecast.  All you have to do is specify how much weight to place on the usage figures for the prior period.  This can be done using this table.


            Periods of             Usage Weighing

          Sales History                 Factor    


                3                        .50

                6                        .29

                9                        .20

               12                        .15

               18                        .11


As you can see from this table, as you use a larger number of periods in sales history, the importance placed on this period's usage decreases.


You specify the usage-weighing factor for each inventory item as part of Item File.


For high volume items whose sales can be very volatile, you may want to use a short period of sales history, so that new forecasts are very responsive to the current demand for the product.  For other items, you may want to use a long sales history period, so that forecasts do not fluctuate as much as sales fluctuate.

This new forecast is calculated whenever you run the Recalculate Reorder Fields application.  Further detail on the actual calculations can be found in the Recalculate Reorder Fields section of this manual.


Safety Stock


Safety Stock is the quantity of an item to be kept on‑hand in case of sudden demand. It serves to cushion your inventory against increases beyond your ability to meet an unanticipated demand for the item. Initially, you should decide how much safety stock you should keep on hand for each item.  Later on, each time you run the Recalculate Reorder Fields application, the optimum value of the Safety Stock field will be recalculated.


This calculation is based on how far the forecast is deviating from the actual usage.  If the forecast is consistently running lower than the actual usage (i.e., usage is exceeding the forecast) the amount of safety stock to keep on‑hand will increase.



ABC Analysis


An ABC Analysis can be a useful tool for categorizing your inventory items.  It is based on the general principle that a small percentage (about 15‑20%) of your inventory items will be found to produce a large percentage (about 70‑80%) of your income (Category A items), a larger portion of your inventory items (about 30‑40%) will be found to produce about 15‑20% of your income, and that the remaining 40‑60% of your inventory items will account for only the remaining 5‑10% of income.


     Usage in Dollars         Inventory Items     Class


          70‑80%                   15‑20%           A

          15‑20%                   30‑40%           B

           5‑10%                   40‑60%           C


You may find it of great benefit to tightly control the inventory levels of the relatively few Class A items, since these account for a higher percentage of activity and bring in a higher proportion of your income.  On the other hand, those items which are relatively low‑activity items can be managed by a looser Inventory Management package on a more casual basis.


When you first set up the Inventory Item File, you may not have a breakdown of these categories available.  If not, you can leave the ABC Analysis code (called the Inventory Class code on screen 3 of the Item File) blank.  Then later, after some sales history has accumulated for your inventory items, run the Print ABC Analysis Report application.  After the report has been run, and you are satisfied with the results obtained, you may have the program go through the inventory items, setting their inventory class.


Stocked vs. Non‑Stocked, Controlled vs. Non‑Controlled


There are two fields in the Inventory Item record, which will be discussed here, the Stocked Flag and the Controlled Flag.


The stocked flag can have one of two values, either Y = Stocked, or N = Non‑Stocked.


A stocked item is one, which you plan to keep on the shelf either for sales to customers or for use in your manufacturing plan.  A non‑stocked item is one which is never kept on the shelf as a finished end item, ready for sale or use in the plant, even though its components may be kept on stock at all times.  A non‑stocked item may be manufactured or assembled to customer order, and so is not kept on the shelf itself.


The controlled flag can have one of two values, either Y = Controlled or N = Non‑Controlled.


A controlled item has its quantity in inventory allocated when a customer order or shop order is issued which requires a quantity of the item, and this quantity of the item is de‑allocated when the customer order is shipped or the materials are issued to the shop.  This allocation and de‑allocation does not occur for a non‑controlled item.


Before covering how these fields are used by the other Manufacturing packages, let us take a few examples of items, which illustrate the possible combinations, which can occur using these two fields.  We will use a company, which manufactures bicycles for the example:


1.    A stocked and controlled item. This would be an item, which is kept in stock and which is allocated when ordered, and de‑allocated when used.  An example of this would be the handlebars for the bicycle. It may be the company's policy to always keep these handlebars in stock, ready for issue when needed for assembly. But it is also important to know how much of the quantity on‑hand has already been allocated to orders, which currently exist.  Thus the handlebars are a controlled item as well.


2.    A stocked but non‑controlled item.  This would be an item which is always kept in inventory, but which is not allocated or de‑allocated by the processing of orders.  An example of this might be the nuts used for holding parts of the bicycle together.  These nuts are usually made available in boxes in appropriate areas of the shop, and they are used as needed.  They are replenished when a visual review or a two‑bin system shows that there is a need.


3.    A non‑stocked but controlled item.  This item is not kept in stock for regular orders but instead is purchased or manufactured for a particular customer order.  But once it is made, it is definitely controlled.  An example of this might be a particular seat assembly that is made for one particular customer.  Once it is made, you definitely want to have its use controlled.


4.    A non‑stocked and non‑controlled item.  This might be an item, which only exists as a temporary sub‑assembly at some point in the assembly procedure, such as a particular gear assembly.  This gear assembly might have engineering drawings associated with it, and the company may want to be able to determine how many of them have been made, even though the item never goes into stock and is not allocated or de‑allocated.  This type of item is often referred to as a phantom subassembly.


An understanding of these terms can be important if you plan to use the Customer Order Processing package, or any of the other Elliott packages which use Bill of Material Processor.  For example, when a customer orders a part which is non‑stocked but controlled, and for which a Bill of Material exists, the item itself is allocated.  The program then explodes through the Bill of Material and allocates those components, which are stocked, if the components are also controlled.


Physical Inventory And Cycle Counting


A physical inventory is the process of getting an actual count of how many of every inventory item is currently in stock.  For some companies, the process of taking a physical inventory entails closing down the entire company for a period of weeks, in order to obtain accurate on‑hand figures.


A good way to keep these figures accurate without doing many physical inventories is to institute a cycle counting program.  In cycle counting, the inventory is being counted on a constant, cyclical basis.  For example, a certain number of inventory items might be counted today, and their on‑hand values updated in the Inventory Item File.  The other set of items would be counted tomorrow, etc.  You might decide to count items which have been classed as Category A items on a more frequent basis than Category B or C items, and thus to keep their on‑hand values as current as possible.


Many accountants, in preparation for producing a company's financial statements, insist that a full physical inventory be done.  But it is quite possible that if you can demonstrate a high degree of accuracy in a selected sample of items kept current by way of an on‑going cycle counting system, the accountant might waive the physical inventory requirements, and accept the computer's record of inventory value on‑hand.


Default Item


To expedite entry of initial inventory a default item may be loaded to determine default field values.  A function key will prompt you after the basic information on the item has been entered to accept the remaining fields as defined in the default item.  To utilize this option an item must be entered with an item number of Default‑Item.



The Default‑Item is treated by the system as a regular inventory item.  It should therefore be deleted after the initial inventory has been loaded.  It is created the same as any other item using the Add function of this application.


Use of the Default‑Item allows the user to completely bypass the entry of the second and third screens of the Item File.  If the system finds this item on file, it will prompt the user with a function key option to default remaining fields during entry of the new item.  The function key prompt appears during two field entries on the first screen of item entry.  These field entries include the Product Category entry and the Backorderable question.


NOTE: This applies to an item that has any stock on hand, allocated, on order, backordered or PTD or YTD accumulators, at any location other than the Default or manufacturing location. 

Item Notes


By selecting Notes from the Item File Maintenance menu bar, you can define any additional requirements for each item record on file. The benefit of this feature is apparent when you need special information that isn't present in any other file maintenance application. The Notes function displays a window that enables entry of the item's number.  You can enter up to 5 lines 30 characters each of additional comments plus one date and one amount field.  This option must be setup in the I/M Setup application from the Util_setup pull down window.

The Interaction With Other Packages

In fact, most of the fields in the Inventory Item record are not used directly by the Inventory Management package.  They are present so that the I/M package can interact with the other manufacturing packages. Those packages which draw heavily on the Inventory Item File will be Customer Order Processing, Bill of Material Processor, Purchase Order and Receiving, Material Requirements Planning and Master Scheduling.


If you do not plan to implement all of these packages at once, you will not be forced to enter data for every field in the Inventory Item File.  As you put into use each subsequent package, you could then go back and fill in the data that is needed.

Run Instructions


      Select Item File from the pull down I/M Maintenance window.  The following screen will then be displayed:






 The following options are available:


                  *     Select the desired mode from the Item File menu bar

                  *     Enter the data requested on the screen


      To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

Entry Field Descriptions


Base Data - First Screen



Type and Description

1.      Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the item number, which will be used to identify the item.  This item number can contain alphanumeric characters, and/or numeric digits, depending on how you wish to utilize it.


Enter an item number of Default‑Item that can be used as a temporary default loading item.  If this item is a valid item on file, the system will prompt you to press a function key to default the rest of the fields of the new item being entered to those of the default item. Using this feature will substantially reduce initial item loading time for new items.  After the Item File has been loaded, the default item should be deleted.  


In change or delete mode, pressing the F7 key here will allow you to search by item number or pressing the F8 key here will allow you to search by item description.

2.      Description

Two lines of 30 alphanumeric characters each.


Enter the description of the item.


In many applications, the programs allow you to look up an item by way of entering some portion of its description, instead of the item number.  For this reason, you should enter the description with the most meaningful portion of the description first.  For example, it would be better to enter 50 gallons of white paint as paint, white, 50 gallons so that the operator could enter paint, white and have the program find every item whose description begins with those characters.  This will also cause similar items to print to­gether in the Alphabetical Inventory Item List.

3.      Prod Category

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the item's product category.  It is up to you to define the Product Category codes in Product Category File Maintenance application.


If the default item has been entered, press the F1 key to default the rest of the non‑entered fields of the item to those of the default item.

Prod Category  (continued)

If an entry is made here it will be validated against the Product Category File.


Press the F7 key to search for product category.

4.      User Def Code

2 alphanumeric characters.


You can utilize this code for any purpose you choose.  It is not used currently in any of the programs either in Inventory Management or in the other manufacturing packages.

5.      Def Or Mfg Loc

2 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the two‑character code, which designates the location where the item is manufactured, or the default stocking location.


In change mode, you will not be allowed to change this to a location, which is already on file for this item in the Inventory Location File.


Press the F7 key to search for location.


Defaults to location defined in I/M Setup.

6.      Activity Code

1 alphanumeric character.


This field can have one of these values:


A      =   Active

F      =   Forecasted

O      =   Obsolete

P      =   Planning


An active item is one currently in use, or being sold to customers.  A forecasted item is one, which is forecasted to be active in the near future.  An obsolete item is one, which is no longer a standard part, though there may still be a supply of the item on‑hand, which can be sold or used in manufacturing processes.  A planning item allows you to enter forecasted product lines for analysis purposes.  In the Inventory Management package, this is mainly an informational field, although it is used in other of the manufacturing packages.


The field defaults to A, or Active.

7.      Purch Or Mfg ?

1 alphanumeric character.


This field designates whether the item is purchased or manufactured.


P      =   Purchased

M      =   Manufactured

I       =   Spare Parts


An I entered here will only be used by Elliott's Operator 10 Maintenance Management software package.


The default is P, or Purchased.

8.      Stocked Flag

Y or N.


If an item is stocked, the user plans to keep it on the shelf, in ready‑to‑use form, either for sales to customers or for use in the manufacturing facility.


If an item is not stocked, it is never kept on the shelf, although its components may be stocked.  The item is manufactured or assembled to customer order, or when needed during the manufacturing process, and so is not kept on the shelf itself.


The default is Y.

9.      Controlled Flag

Y or N.


If an item is controlled, it is allocated when customer or shop orders are issued for it and deallocated when the order is shipped or the materials are issued to the shop.  This allocation and deallocation does not occur for a non‑controlled item.


The default is Y.

10.    Substitute Item

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the substitute item for the item. In Customer Order Processing, if substitute items are allowed then a function key can be pressed to use the substitute item.  If the substitute item is out of stock or not acceptable then the function key may be pressed again to use this item's substitute item.  Using this linked method, multiple substitute items may be looked up. 


Press the F7 key to search by item number, or the F8 key to search by item description.

11.    Stocking U Of M               

2 alphanumeric characters.


This is the unit of measure when stocking the item.  Some examples of this might be each, gallon, case, etc.


Default is EA, or each.

12.    Purchased U Of M 

2 alphanumeric characters.


This is the unit of measure in which the item is purchased from its vendor.  This may be different from the unit of measure in which you sell the item to your customers. This field defaults to the stocking unit of measure.

13.    Pur To Stk Ratio

7 numeric digits with 3 decimal places (9,999.999).


This is the ratio between the purchase unit of measure and the unit of measure you use for stocking the item.  For example, you may purchase the item by the case, and each case may contain 50 of the item.  But you may want to keep a record of how many units of the item are on‑hand, rather than how many cases are on‑hand.  In this case, the purchase to inventory ratio would be 50.  This field defaults to 1.000.

14.    Selling U Of M

2 alphanumeric characters.


This is the unit of measure when selling the item.  Some examples of this might be each, gallon, case, etc.  This field defaults to the stocking unit of measure.

15.    Sel To Stk Ratio

7 numeric digits with 3 decimal places (9,999.999).


This is the ratio between the stocking unit of measure and the selling unit of measure.  An example of this might be if the stocking UOM is each and the selling UOM is case then the sell to stock ratio would be 24 (assuming a case contains 24). This field defaults to 1.000.

16.    Selling Price

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign  (999,999.9999‑).


This is the price charged for the item.  In the Customer Order Processing package, this price may be modified by price breaks, but this is the basic price of the item.

17.    Backorderable ?

Y or N.


This field designates whether or not the item can be backordered.


When a customer orders the item and there is none in inventory to fill the order, one of two conditions may be true.  Either 1) the item has been ordered and can be shipped to the customer when it arrives, or 2) no further supplies of the item on hold until the receipt of an additional supply is called backordering the item.  If more of the item can be ordered to meet an out of stock situation, the item is backorderable.  If no more can be obtained, the item is not backorderable.


If the default item has been entered, press the F1 key to default the rest of the non‑entered fields of the item to those of the default item.  The default answer to this question is Y.

18.    Taxable ?

Y or N.


Is the item taxable or not?  The default answer to this question is Y.

19.    Bin No/Pick Seq

8 alphanumeric characters.


This is the number of the warehouse bin where the item is stored.  When a list is prepared for the warehouse people to use in pulling items from stock, the list is printed in order by this picking sequence or Bin Location code.

20.    Qty On Hand

A standard quantity format with an optional minus sign.


This is the actual quantity of the item, which is currently in stock.


This quantity is increased by the recording of receivings transactions, and decreased by the filling of customer orders for the item or by issuing a quantity of the item to the company's manufacturing facility.

21.    Qty Allocated

A standard quantity format with an optional minus sign.


This is the quantity of the item, which has already been allocated to meet customer orders or to meet the projected needs of the manufacturing plant.  When the customer orders are actually shipped, or the plant requirements are satisfied by removing stock from inventory, this quantity decreases by the amount removed or shipped.

22.    Qty Backorder

A standard quantity format with an optional minus sign.


This is the quantity of the item, which has already been backordered to meet customer orders or to meet the projected needs of the manufacturing plant.  When the customer's backorder is actually filled, this quantity decreases by the amount filled.

23.    Qty On Order

A standard quantity format with optional minus sign.


This is the quantity of the item, which is currently on order.  This quantity is increased when purchase orders for the item are processed, and decreased when orders for the item are received into stock.

24.    Average Cost

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).


This is the average cost per unit of this item, which is currently in stock.  This is a moving average, which is recalculated whenever a new supply of the item is received.

25.    Last Cost

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).


This is the cost of the item the last time it was purchased.  This field is updated every time a new supply of the item is received into stock.

26.    Standard Cost

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).


This is the standard cost of the item. This field is not updated every time a new supply of the item is received into stock. This field must be updated manually by the user.

27.    Date Last Sold

A standard date format.


Defaults to the system date.  This is the last date that any of this item has been sold.

28.    Qty Last Sold

A standard quantity accumulator format with an optional minus sign.


This is the quantity of this item sold on the last order.

29.    Ptd Qty Sold

A standard quantity accumulator format with an optional minus sign.


This is the quantity of the item, which has been sold so far this period.  This field is updated after the invoicing of orders in the Customer Order Processing package.

30.    Ptd Sales Amt

11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign  (999,999,999.99‑).


This is the dollar amount of sales of this item so far this period.  This field is updated after the invoicing of orders in the Customer Order Processing package.

31.    Ptd Cost Amt

11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign  (999,999,999.99‑).


This is the dollar amount of the cost of the quantity of this item, which has been sold so far this period.  This field is updated after the invoicing of orders in the Customer Order Processing package.

32.    Ytd Qty Sold

A standard quantity accumulator format with an optional minus sign.


This is the quantity of the item, which has been sold so far this period.  Refer to the above field, Qty Sold PTD.

33.    Ytd Sales Amt

11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign  (999,999,999.99‑).


This is the dollar amount of sales of this item so far this year.

34.    Ytd Cost Amt

11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999,999.99‑).


This is the dollar amount of the cost of the quantity of this item, which has been sold so far this year.

35.    Ytd Qty Ret'd

A standard quantity accumulator format with an optional minus sign.


This is the quantity of the item, which has been returned to stock this year.  This field is updated after the invoicing of orders in the Customer Order Processing package.


Several of the above fields cannot ordinarily be changed in change mode on Item File.  These fields are updated by the posting of transactions to the Inventory Item File either from the Inventory Management package or from one of the other manufacturing packages.


These fields are:


Qty On‑Hand            Qty Allocated

Qty Backordered       Average Cost

Price                        Usage PTD     

Usage YTD               Usage Last Year

Qty Sold PTD           Qty Sold YTD

Sales PTD                Sales YTD

Sales Last Year         Cost PTD

Cost YTD                 Qty Ret'd YTD


If there is really a need to change any of these fields due to some sort of posting error, press F6 when the Field Number ? question is displayed in change mode.  You will then be allowed to change these fields. This option is only valid if the Change Protected Fields question in I/M Setup is set to Y.

36.    Sales Last Yr

11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign  (999,999,999.99‑).


This is the dollar amount of sales of this item last year.


Management Data ‑ Second Screen



Type and Description

37.    Commsn Method

1 alphabetic character.


If calculate commission type is by item in Customer Order Processing then this field determines how the commission is calculated for each item.  The commission method must be one of the following:


A      =   Amount

C      =   % of Cost

M      =   % of Margin

P      =   % of Price  


This field defaults to P.

38.    Commsn Pct/Amt

7 digit numeric file with 2 decimal places (99,999.99).


This is the commission percent or amount for this item.  If the commission method is C, M, or P, enter the commission percent given for this item. The commission percent can not be greater than 100%.  If the commission method is A, enter the commission amount given for this item.

39.    Target Margin

3 numeric digits (999).


This is the targeted profit margin for the item, calculated by comparing the profit made by selling the item to the item's cost.  For example, if the cost of an item is $5.00 and its selling price is $8.00, the percent of profit would be: (8 ‑ 5) / 5 = 60%.  You should enter the profit margin you wish to obtain for the item.


This field is printed on the Sales Comparison Reports in the Customer Order Processing package.

40.    Matl Cost Type

1 alphanumeric character.


Enter the item's material cost type.  It is up to you to define valid material cost types using Material Cost Type File Maintenance.  This field will be used to define this item's inventory asset account.  This field defaults to the default material cost type in I/M Setup


Press the F7 key to search for Material Cost Type.

41.    Reorder Level

A standard quantity format.


When the quantity of the item on‑hand falls below the reorder level, an order should be placed for the item.


This could be performed via the Create Unreleased Purchase Order's By Vendor application, if you wish.


The reorder level is calculated by adding the amount of stock you want to keep on hand for sudden emergency demands (safety stock) to the amount of stock you expect to use during the time it takes to receive a new supply from the vendor or from the manufacturing facility.


This reorder level is recalculated by the package whenever the Recalculate Reorder Fields application is run.


If this field is left at zero, it will be calculated on the first run of the Recalculate Reorder Fields application.

42.    Order Up To

A standard quantity format.


This is the maximum quantity of the item that it is desirable to have in stock.  This quantity would be equal to the reorder point plus the order quantity. The order up to level is usually used in a periodic review system in which the quantity on‑hand is inspected visually, and if it is low, enough is ordered to bring the on‑hand back to the order up to level.

43.    Recom Min Order

A standard quantity format.


This is the absolute minimum, which should be ordered at one time.  It is equal to the amount of stock that will be consumed during the time it takes to obtain new supplies from the vendor or from the manufacturing facility.  If only this amount were ordered, you would usually find yourself having to place a new order for the item as soon as the new supply arrived.  Thus, you would normally order more than this recommended minimum order.  The amount of the recommended minimum order is recalculated every time the Recalculate Reorder Fields application is run.  If this field is left at zero, it will be calculated on the first run of the Recalculate Reorder Fields application.

44.    Lead Time

3 numeric digits (999).


This is the number of calendar days, which pass between the ordering of a new supply of the item and the actual receipt of the item into stock.


If this field is left at zero, the Recommended Minimum Order field will always be set to zero by the Recalculate Reorder Fields application.

45.    Def Vendor No

6 alphanumeric characters.


The default or main vendor from which the item is purchased.  It is important to enter a vendor number here if the I/M Create Unreleased PO's By Vendor application will be used to automatically generate purchase orders.


Press the F7 key to search by vendor number or the F8 key to search by vendor name.

46.    Order Minimum

A standard quantity format.


In many cases, there is a minimum quantity of the item, which can be purchased from the vendor.  For example, if the item only comes in cases, at least one case must be purchased.  If a case consisted of 50 of the items, then this field would have the value of 50.

47.    Order Multiple

4 numeric digits (9999).


The item should be ordered in multiples of this quantity.  For example, this order multiple might be the quantity per case. 


This field defaults to 1.

48.    Commodity Code

4 alphanumeric characters.


This is a user‑defined code, which identifies a category of items, which you purchase from some vendor.  For example, you might assign the code ST to steel products. 


The Purchase Order and Receiving package allows you to specify which vendors supply which Commodity Codes, and provides various reports based on this Commodity Code.

49.    Weight

8 numeric digits with 3 decimal places (99,999.999).


Enter the unit weight of the item.  This helps to determine the best method of shipping the item.

50.    Inventory Class

1 alphanumeric character.


A, B, or C may be entered here for the ABC Analysis code


A more detailed explanation of the ABC Analysis concept is contained in the  for Item File Maintenance.

51.    Cycle Count Code

1 alphanumeric character.


The purpose of the cycle count code is to allow you to print a Cycle Count Worksheet for those items with selected cycle count codes.  Only these items will be cycle counted.


You may define the cycle count codes to be used in your inventory system in any way you choose.

52.    Date Last Cntd

A standard date format.


This is the date a cycle count was last done for the item.

53.    Buyer Or Analyst

2 alphanumeric characters.


This is a user‑defined field designating who the main buyer or analyst for the item is. Buyers or analyst codes may be defined using the Buyer/Analyst Code File Maintenance application.


Press the F7 key to search for Buyer/Analyst.

54.    Usage Ptd

A standard quantity accumulator format with an optional minus sign.


The quantity of the item, which has been used so far this period.  This usage would have come about either as the result of shipping a quantity of the item to a customer, or by consuming the item as a component of some manufactu­ring process.  The field is updated either after the invoicing of orders in the Customer Order Processing package, by Inventory Transaction Processing, or by producing work orders in Bill Of Material Processor.

55.    Usage Ytd

A standard quantity accumulator format with an optional minus sign.


The quantity of the item, which has been used so far this year.  Refer also to the above field, Usage PTD.

56.    Usage Last Yr

A standard quantity accumulator format with an optional minus sign.


The quantity of the item, which was used last year. Refer also to the above field, Usage PTD.

57.    Average Usage

This is your projected average usage of the item in one period.  The length of the period is defined in I/M Setup.


The value of this field is recalculated every time the Recalculate Reorder Fields application is run, based on a comparison between the actual usage for the previous period and the previous value of this field.


It is important that a reasonable estimate of the average usage be entered in this field.  If this is not done, it may take several periods of recalculation before it corrects itself.  Exactly how long the self-correction will take is determined by the usage weight factor.  For example, if the usage weight factor is .29, it will take six periods before this figure is accurate.

58.    Usage Wght Fctr

3 numeric digits with 2 decimal places (9.99).


This is the alpha factor used in forecasting the next period's usage of the item, based on the actual usage for the previous period, and the forecast for that period.  It determines the number of periods of sales history to use in forecasting next period's usage.  Based on experience in the manufacturing industry, a table of alpha factors for periods of dif­ferent lengths has been drawn up for your use.


 Periods of      Usage Weighing

Sales History        Factor


     3                  .50

     6                  .29

     9                  .20

    12                 .15

    18                 .11

Usage Wght Fctr (continued)

In the calculation of a new forecast, as you use more periods of sales history, the importance placed on the previous period's actual usage decreases.  Thus a sudden change upward or downward will not produce a widely out of line forecast for next period.


If this field is left at zero, the forecast for the next period will never change, regardless of how high or low the actual usage goes.

59.    Safety Stock

A standard quantity format.


The demand for an item may vary over a period of time.  A frequently used way of ensuring that there is enough stock on hand to meet this variable demand is to always keep a supply of extra stock.  This extra stock is called safety stock.  You may enter the initial value of the safety stock field.  It will then be recalculated to reflect changes in actual usage each time the Recalculate Reorder Fields application is run.


If this field is left at zero, it will be calculated on the first run of the Recalculate Reorder Fields application.

60.    Safety Factor

2 numeric digits with 1 decimal place (9.9).


This safety factor is used in recalculating the safety stock when the Recalculate Reorder Fields application is run.  In general, the higher the safety factor is set, the higher the safety stock will be.  Thus the number of out‑of‑stock situations will decrease.


The following table of safety factors has been drawn up from experience in the manufacturing industry.  It is based on the customer service level you want to maintain.  For example, if you want to provide a customer service level of 85%, meaning that 85 out of 100 times a customer orders the item it will be in stock, you would specify the safety factor at 1.3.


Customer Service          Safety

        Level                   Factor


        50%                       0.0

        75%                       0.8

        80%                       1.1

        85%                       1.3

        90%                       1.6

Safety Factor (continued)

Customer Service          Safety

        Level                   Factor


        95%                     2.1

        97%                     2.4

        99%                     2.9

        99.5%                  3.2

        99.8%                  3.6

        99.9%                  3.9

        99.99%                   5.0


If this field is left at zero, there will not be any safety stock, so about half the time you will be out of stock.

61.    Usage Filter

2 numeric digits with 1 decimal place (9.9).


The usage filter is used during the calculation of a new forecast for the item.


If a period's actual usage is suddenly very high in comparison with the forecast, it can cause the new forecast to appear higher than it should be.  For this reason, you may want to dampen the effect of these sudden usage increases.


When calculating the new forecast, the usage figure used for the calculation is never allowed to be greater than the usage filter times the earlier forecast.  For example, if the prior forecast for an item were 1,000, this month's actual usage was 8,000 and the usage filter was 5, the usage figure used in the calculation of the new forecast would not be allowed to exceed 5,000 (5 x 1,000).  In this example, 5,000 would be the figure used for actual usage period to date in the calculation.


If this field is left at zero, no dampening will occur. If it is less than one it will force the forecasted average usage to decrease regardless of actual usage.


When initially setting up your package, if you are not certain that the Average Usage field is accurate, use a fairly high usage filter.

62.    Start Sale Date

A standard date format.


When the item is on sale, enter here the starting date of the sale, and in the next field the ending date of the sale.  If the date of the order is between these dates, the sale price will be used for the item, instead of the regular item price.  The Price Code File Maintenance application in the Customer Order Processing package allows you to enter additional pricing data for inventory items.

63.    End Sale Date

A standard date format.


Refer to the above field, the Start Sale Date.    

64.    Sale Price

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign (999,999.9999‑).


This sale price will be used instead of the regular item price during the dates defined above.

65.    Economic Ord Qty

A standard quantity format.


It may be beneficial to purchase this item in large enough quantities that the cost of repeatedly ordering is minimized.  At the same time, you will want to keep the dollar value of inventory as low as possible in order to minimize carrying costs.  The quantity of the item to order which best balances these factors is called the Economic Order Quantity.  This value is not calculated by the package.  You should determine, based on your experience, what this quantity should be and enter it here.


The equation is :








Where Q is the quantity to be ordered, A is the annual sales, S is the setup or ordering cost r is the carrying cost rate, and v is the item's unit cost.

66.    Serialized Item

Y or N.


If using serialized items in I/M Setup.


Enter yes here if this item will have serial numbers. 


The default answer is N.


This field cannot be changed if the quantity on order is greater than zero.


A more detailed explanation of serialized processing is contained in the  for this application.

66.    Lot Numbers ?

Y or N.


If using lot items in I/M Setup.


Enter yes here if this item will have either serial numbers or lot numbers.


The default answer is N.


This field cannot be changed if the quantity on order is greater than zero.


A more detailed explanation of serialized or lot processing is contained in the  for this application.

67.    Length Of Wrnty

3 numeric digits (999).


This field is used for serialized inventory only.  Enter the number of days the item will be under warranty after it has been sold.

68.    Do Price Breaks Apply ?

Y or N.


If this flag is set to Y, and the pricing basis (see COP Price Code File Maintenance) is D or M, the percentage set in the price code file will be applied against the specified Item sale price.  If this flag is set to Y, and the pricing basis is P, the straight Item sale price will be used.


If this flag is set to N, no price breaks will be calculated.


The default answer to this question is N.

69.    Do Discounts Apply ?

Y or N.


During the sale, do other discounts apply?


The default answer to this questions is N.


Manufacturing Data - Third Screen


This information will only be displayed if the I/M Setup manufacturing flag is set to Y.



Type and Description

70.    Average Error

A standard quantity format.


This is the average deviation between the forecasted usage of the item and its actual usage.  This figure is recalculated when the Recalculate Reorder Fields application is run, and is then used to recalculate the new safety stock level.


Unless you have been keeping enough forecast data to enter this figure accurately, it is best to leave the field at zero.

71.    Sum Of Errors

A standard quantity format with an optional minus sign.


This field is also used during the recalculation of reorder fields.  It is equal to the sum of the deviations between the forecasted usage for the item and its actual usage. It is probably best not to make an entry for this figure and allow the computer to update the field when appropriate.

72.    Master Sch Item ?

Y or N.


If you are using the Master Scheduling package, this field designates whether this item should be maintained in the master production schedule.


The default is to N.

73.    End Item Code

1 alphanumeric character.


The value of this code is user‑defined with two exceptions.


F      =   Feature Item

K      =   Kit Item


Feature items may only be used if the BOMP package is installed.  For more information on feature items, see the Feature/Option Configuration File Maintenance section of the BOMP manual.

End Item Code (continued)

If the item is a kit item, a K may be entered here.  For more information on kit items, see the Kit File Maintenance section of this manual.  Except for F and K, any character entered here will not be used by the package and may have any meaning the user desires. 


The following are examples of possible uses:


E      =   End Item only

C      =   Component only

R      =   Replacement part (also used as a component).

B      =   Both end item or component.

Rollup Price?

Y or N.


This field will only be displayed if field #73 above contains a K for Kit Item.  Enter Y to rollup a kit item's price from the prices of its components.  Enter N to take the price of a kit item from the Price Code File Maintenance from field #16 Selling Price in Item File Maintenance.


Defaults to Y

74.    P And Ic Code

3 alphanumeric characters.


This code is used to group items for production and inventory control for management purposes.

75.    Order Policy Code

1 alphanumeric character.


This field is used solely by the Material Requirements Planning [MRP] package to specify how you want to generate planned orders for the inventory item.  The code designates the planning method to be used by Material Requirements Planning. It can have one of the following values:


L            =   Lot

P           =   Period Requirements

R           =   Reorder Point

Blank     =   Not Planned


Lot means that every time there is a requirement for the item, a planned order will be generated.  For example, every time a customer order generates a requirement for the item, an MRP package will generate an order for that quantity of the item.

Order Policy Code (continued)

In the Period Requirements planning method, one planned order is created to cover all requirements within a period.


In the Reorder Point method, planned orders are created when the item's projected quantity on‑hand falls below its reorder point.


If this field is blank, MRP will not read this item during a regeneration.

76.    MRP Time Fence Days

3 numeric digits (999).


This allows the planner to firmly set a short-term schedule for an item and prevent MRP from making recommendations for changes within the specified number of days from the date of the material plan regeneration.  For more information, see the time fence section of the MRP manual.

77.    Drawing Release No

6 alphanumeric characters.


This is the number which engineering assigned to the engi­neering drawing for the item.

78.    Drawing Revision No

2 alphanumeric characters.


Each time a revision is made to the engineering drawing for the item, this field would be updated.  A drawing is usually designated by a Drawing Number and a Drawing Revision Number.

79.    Routing Release No

6 alphanumeric characters.


This is the routing number assigned by engineering to identify the routing for the item.  This engineer routing might be very detailed, giving exact specifications for the tooling of every part, which goes to make up the item.

80.    Routing Revision No

2 alphanumeric characters.


Each time the above routing is updated, this revision number would be updated. 

81.    Routing Number

5 alphanumeric characters.


This is the number of the routing for a Standard Product Routing File, which designates the primary routing of the item through the shop.  This routing is not as detailed a routing as the engineering routing.  It may show only which machines to which the item travels, with a brief description of the operation done at each machine.

82.    Planning Period

3 numeric digits (999).


Refer to the above description of the Order Policy code.  If the period requirements method of planning is used, this field designates the length (in days) of the planning periods.

83.    Planning Lead Time

3 numeric digits (999).


This is the duration, in calendar days, between the ordering of the part, either from an outside vendor, or from the manufacturing facility and the actual receipt of the item into inventory.  This field is used during any MRP requirements generation.

84.    Planning Order Mult

4 numeric digits (9999).


Plan orders of the item in multiples of this.  For example, there may only be a requirement for 25 gallons of liquid item, but you may order it in 50 gallon containers, so the item is ordered in multiples of 50 gallons.


Display Only Fields



Type and Description

Stock Status Code

1 alphanumeric character.


This is not an entered field.  It is updated when the Reordering Advice Report is printed to show that the item hit reorder level or out‑of‑stock status when the report was last printed.  The item will not then be printed on a subsequent Reordering Advice Report, until a receipts transaction for the item is processed.  The field will have one of three values, either 1) blank, meaning

Stock Status Code (continued)

that it has not appeared on a Reordering Advice Report since a quantity of the item was last received into stock, 2) R, meaning that the item had hit its reorder point when the report was last printed, or 3) O, meaning that the item was out‑of‑stock when the report was last printed.

Low Level Code

2 numeric digits (99).


This is not an entered field. It is updated by the Bill of Material Processor applications if that package is in use.


This field indicates the lowest level where this item appears in any Bill of Material.  For example, the item may appear at level 3 in one bill, and at level 4 in another.  In this case, the Low‑Level code would be 4.

Active Orders                

5 numeric digits (99999).


This is not an entered field.  It is updated by the Customer Order Processing applications if that package is in use.  This is the number of outstanding orders on which this item appears.  If this number is greater than zero, the item cannot be deleted.

MRP Multi‑Loc Qty Oh

A standard quantity accumulator format with an optional minus sign.


This is not an entered field.  It is used by MRP to sum the quantity on‑hand at those locations indicated by the MRP Setup as netting locations.


Numeric List



Type and Description

Starting Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting item number for the range to print.


Press the F7 key to search by item number.  Press the F8 key to search by item description.


Defaults to All items.

Ending Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending item number for the range to print.


Press the F7 key to search by item number.  Press the F8 key to search by item description.


Defaults to the starting item number.

Starting Product Category

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting product category for the range to print.


Defaults to All product categories.

Ending Product Category

3 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending product category for the range to print.


Defaults to the starting product category.

Print Base Item File Data ?

Y or N.


Enter Y to print the base item data from the first screen of the Item File.


Defaults to N.

Print Item Management Data ?

Y or N.


Enter Y to print the item management data from the second screen of the Item File.


Defaults to N.

Print Item Manufacturing Data?

Y or N.


Enter Y to print the item manufacturing data from the second screen of the Item File.


Defaults to N.


Alpha List



Type and Description

Starting Desc

30 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the description of the starting item for the range to print.


Defaults to All items.

Ending Desc

30 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the description of the ending item for the range to print.


Defaults to the starting item.



Date filled out ________by ________    ADD   CHANGE   DELETE

Page 1 of 5




1)   Item Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


2)   Description_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


                _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


3)   Product Category         _ _ _


4)   User Defined Code        _ _


5)   Def Or Mfg Loc           _ _


6)   Activity Code            _


7)   Purch Or Mfg?            _


8)   Stocked Flag             Y  N


9)   Controlled Flag          Y  N


10)  Substitute Item          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


11)  Stocking U Of M          _ _


12)  Purchase U Of M          _ _


13)  Pur To Stk Ratio         _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _ 


14)  Selling U Of M           _ _


15)  Sel To Stk Ratio         _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _


16)  Selling Price            _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _


17)  Backorderable ?          Y N


18)  Taxable ?                Y N


19)  Bin No/Pick Seq          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



Date filled out ________by ________    ADD   CHANGE   DELETE

Page 2 of 5




20)  Qty On Hand       _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _ 


21)  Qty Allocated     _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _ 


22)  Qty Backorder     _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _


23)  Qty On Order      _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _


24)  Average Cost      _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _


25)  Last Cost         _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _ _


26)  Standard Cost     _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _ _


27)  Date Last Sold    _ _/_ _/_ _


28)  Qty Last Sold     _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _ _


29)  Ptd Qty Sold      _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _ _


30)  Ptd Qty Sold      _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _


31)  Ptd Cost Amt      _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _


32)  Ytd Qty Sold      _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _ _ . _ _ _


33)  Ytd Sales Amt     _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _


34)  Ytd Cost Amt      _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _


35)  Ytd Qty Ret'd     _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _


36)  Sales Last Yr     _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _          



Date filled out ________by ________    ADD   CHANGE   DELETE

Page 3 of 5




37)  Commsn Method     _


38)  Commsn Pct/Amt    _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _


39)  Target Margin     _ _ _


40)  Matl Cost Type    _


41)  Reorder Level     _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _ _


42)  Order Up To       _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _ _


43)  Recom Min Order   _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _ _


44)  Lead Time         _ _ _


45)  Def Vendor No     _ _ _ _ _ _


46)  Order Minimum     _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _ _


47)  Order Multiple    _ _ _ _


48)  Commodity Code    _ _ _ _


49)  Weight            _ _,_ _ _._ _ _ 


50)  Inventory Class   _


51)  Cycle Count Code  _


52)  Date Last Cntd    _ _/_ _/_ _


53)  Buyer Or Analyst  _ _          



Date filled out ________by ________    ADD   CHANGE   DELETE

Page 4 of 5




54)  Usage Ptd         _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _ _ 


55)  Usage Ytd         _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _ _


56)  Usage Last Yr     _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _ _


57)  Average Usage     _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _ _


58)  Usage Wght Fctr   _._ _


59)  Safety Stock      _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _ _


60)  Safety Factor     _._


61)  Usage Filter      _._


62)  Start Sale Date   _ _/_ _/_ _


63)  End Sale Date     _ _/_ _/_ _


64)  Sale Price        _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _ _


65)  Economic Ord Qty  _ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _._ _ _ _


66)  Serialized Item   Y  N


67)  Length Of Wrnty   _ _,_ _ _._ _ _


68)  Do Price Breaks Apply?


69)  Do Discounts Apply? _ _ _ _ _ _ _



Date filled out ________by ________    ADD   CHANGE   DELETE

Page 5 of 5





70)  Average Error        _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _                                                             

71)  Sum Of Errors        _ _ _ , _ _ _       


72)  Master Sched Item?   Y N


73)  End Item Code        _


74)  P And Ic Code        _ _ _       


75)  Order Policy Code    _            


76)  MRP Time Fence Days  _ _ _       


77)  Drawing Release No   _ _ _ _ _ _                     


78)  Drawing Revision No  _ _                


79)  Routing Release No   _ _ _ _ _ _            


80)  Routing Revision No  _ _                 


81)  Routing Number       _ _ _ _ _


82)  Planning Period      _ _ _           


83)  Planning Lead Time   _ _ _                         


84)  Planning Order Mult  _ _ _ _


****Display Only****


Stock Status Code         _


Low Level Code            _ _


Active Orders             _ _ _ _ _


MRP Multi-Loc Qty Oh      _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _




Item File Maintenance (Item Search By Description)





Item Base Data (Screen #1)




Item Management Data (Screen #2)






Item Manufacturing Data (Screen #3)




Item Notes





Numeric Item List





Alphabetic Item List





                                        N U M E R I C   I T E M   L I S T


Range: All Items

       All Product Categories

       Summary Report


 1. Item No  16SX‑1             2. Description Personal Computer 386SX         3. Prod Category   KGF     Qty On‑Hand          .000

                                               Kit No1                            Price     1,656.0000    Qty On‑Order         .000


 1. Item No  16SX‑2             2. Description Personal Computer 386SX         3. Prod Category   KGF     Qty On‑Hand          .000

                                               Kit No2                            Price     1,672.0000    Qty On‑Order         .000


 1. Item No  16SX‑3             2. Description Personal Computer 386SX         3. Prod Category   KCM     Qty On‑Hand          .000

                                                                                  Price     1,472.0000    Qty On‑Order         .000


 1. Item No  BOX‑386‑1          2. Description Basic SM Box w/7 Exp 6‑16 1‑8   3. Prod Category           Qty On‑Hand       731.000

                                                                                  Price       399.0000    Qty On‑Order         .000


 1. Item No  BOX‑386‑2          2. Description Adv Box HDps 8 Exp 32 5‑16 2‑8  3. Prod Category           Qty On‑Hand       421.000

                                                                                  Price       499.0000    Qty On‑Order         .000


 1. Item No  CHAR‑GEN           2. Description Character Generator At 25 Meg   3. Prod Category   CVD     Qty On‑Hand        10.000

                                               Character ‑ Gen ‑ 25               Price         9.6000    Qty On‑Order       40.000


 1. Item No  CLOCK              2. Description 25 Meg Clock For Mother Board   3. Prod Category   A       Qty On‑Hand        15.000

                                               Clock ‑ 25M                        Price        15.5000    Qty On‑Order       20.000





                                     A L P H A B E T I C   I T E M   L I S T


Range: All Items


 Item‑No         Description                  Prod U‑Of    Average        Price       Qty           Qty      Reorder B/O Tax  Pick

                                              Cat  Meas     Cost                    On‑Hand        Alloc      Level  Ok?  ?   Seq


K‑SX2‑1.2       1.2 Drive For Personal         KCM EA     180.0000     210.0000      17.000         .000         .000 Y   Y



K‑1.2DRIVE      1.2 Drive For Personal         KCM EA     252.0000     260.0000      16.000        5.000         .000 Y   Y



K‑SX2‑1.44      1.44 Drive For Persoanl        KCM EA     190.0000     210.0000      16.000         .000         .000 Y   Y



K‑SX3‑1.44      1.44 Drive For Personal        KCM EA     168.0000     180.0000       9.000         .000         .000 Y   Y

                Computer 386


K‑1.44DRIVE     1.44 Drive For Personal        KCM EA     163.0000     170.0000      14.000        5.000         .000 Y   Y



K‑SX1‑1.44      1.44 Drive For Personal        KCM EA     189.0000     195.0000      18.000        2.000         .000 Y   Y



K‑SX3‑101KB     101 Keyboard For PC            KCM EA     119.0000     128.0000      19.000         .000         .000 Y   Y





Item File Inquiry

Application Overview


Many occasions may arise where you will want to quickly inquire into the Inventory Item File.  Item File Inquiry gives you a rapid procedure to display on the screen all or a portion of an Inventory Item.  This application allows you to view the item without the ability to change any of the information displayed.  The Notes Inquiry allows you to view the pertinent information that was defined in Item File Maintenance, Notes application.  All of the information and field descriptions that are displayed to the screen may be found in the Item File Maintenance section under Maintenance in this manual.


Run Instructions


      Select Item File from the pull down I/M Inquiry window.  The following screen will then be displayed:




Item File Inquiry Entry Screen




 The following options are available:


                  *     Select the desired mode from the Item File menu bar

                  *     Enter the data requested on the screen


      To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.



Item File Inquiry (Screen #1)





Item File Inquiry (Screen #2)




Item File Inquiry (Screen #3)





Item Notes






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