Inventory Management IM01S3 Help - Elliott Business Software

Item Audit Trail Report

Item Audit Trail Report

Application Overview


The Item Audit Trail Report will show the information about all transactions that have taken place against an inventory item during Inventory Item File Maintenance.  This report displays information such as the item, the location, and what type of transaction that has taken place against that item.  This transaction could include addition of an item, decrease/increase in stock quantities, variance in the cost, the price, and deletion of that item at the default/manufacturing location.  This report will display the quantity on hand, and the quantity allocated for each item.  This report will help in documenting all transactions that have affected the Inventory Item File.


Run Instructions


      Select Item Audit Trail Report from the pull down I/M Reports window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Item Audit Trail Entry Screen



 The following options are available:


                  *     Select the desired mode from the Item Audit Trail Report menu bar

                  *     Enter the data requested on the screen


      To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1. Starting Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting item number for the range of items to be printed. 


Defaults to All.

2. Ending Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending item number for the above range.


Defaults to the starting item number.

3. Starting Date

6 numeric digits.


Enter the starting date for the range of dates to be included in the report.  Defaults to All.

4. Ending Date

6 numeric digits.


Enter the ending date for the range of dates to be included.  Defaults to the starting date.

5. Purge File ?

Y or N.



Enter Y to delete the records from the Audit Trail File.  Enter N to retain the records for future reference.  Defaults to N.




Item Audit Trail Report




                                     I T E M   F I L E   A U D I T   T R A I L   R E P O R T


Ranges: All Items

        All Dates

Actions: A = Addition   B = Before Change   C = Change   D = Deletion


 Item No        Description                            Qty          Qty     Average Cost    Comm Type    Sale Price       Item   Act

                                                     On Hand     Allocated     Last Cost    Comm Perc  Start Sale Date   Price   Stk

 Subst Item No  Action  Date   Time     Loc                                Standard Cost       Amt     End Sale Date            Ctrl


 BODY            PHANTOM ITEM                           .000          .000         .0000        P             .0000        .0000  A

                                                                                   .0000          .00                             N

                  A  06/20/91 11:21:28   LA                                        .0000                                          N



 BODY            PHANTOM ITEM                           .000          .000         .0000        P             .0000        .0000  A

                                                                                   .0000          .00                             N

                  B  06/24/91 17:56:42   LA                                        .0000                                          N





                  C  06/24/91 17:56:42                                                                                            Y



 BODY            RAW MATERIAL                           .000          .000         .0000        P             .0000        .0000  A

                                                                                   .0000          .00                             Y

                  D  07/02/91 05:10:43   LA                                        .0000                                          Y
















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