Inventory Management IM0700 Help - Elliott Business Software

ABC Analysis Reports

ABC Analysis Reports

Application Overview


The ABC Analysis Reports application allows you to print a report that shows the inventory in descending order by year‑to‑date usage dollar cost, year-to-date sales dollars,  usage dollar cost year‑to‑date, or year-to-date dollar margin (dollar sales ‑ dollar cost). The report also categorizes the items according to percentage figures you enter for inventory classes A, B and C.  As an option, you may have the inventory classes in your Inventory Item File set according to the results of this report. 


At the end of the report, a summary is printed according to the sug­gested inventory classes calculated based on your entered percentages.


Run Instructions


      Select ABC Analysis Reports from the pull down I/M Reports window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



ABC Analysis Report Entry Screen



 The following options are available:


                  *     Select the desired mode from the Abc Analysis Reports menu bar

                  *     Enter the data requested on the screen

To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.      Percent in Class A

3 numeric digits.


Enter the percentage of the total inventory value that is to be included in each inventory class.  These three fields must total 100.  The default value is A=80.

2.      Percent in Class B

3 numeric digits.


Enter the percentage of the total inventory value that is to be included in each inventory class.  These three fields must total 100.  The default value is B=15.

3.      Percent in Class C

3 numeric digits.


Enter the percentage of the total inventory value that is to be included in each inventory class.  These three fields must total 100.  The default value is C=5.

4.      Set Up Inventory

        Classes ?  

Y or N.


If Y is entered, the Inventory Class field in the Inventory Item File will be set to the class determined by the above-entered percentages.

5.      Starting Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting item number for the range of items to be printed. 


Defaults to All.

6.      Ending Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending item number for the above range. 


Defaults to starting item number.





ABC Analysis Report By YTD Usage





ABC Analysis Report By YTD Sales





ABC Analysis Report By YTD Cost






ABC Analysis Report By YTD Margin




                                              A B C   A N A L Y S I S   R E P O R T


Analysis By Ytd Cost

Class A: Top  80%   Class B: Next  15%   Class C: Bottom   5% Of Total Inventory Cost


Item No         Description                             Units Sold                 Cost Ytd      ‑‑Inv Class‑‑             Cost Ytd

                                                            Ytd                                   Pres   Sugg             Sub‑Total


PC‑386          386 Personal Computer                       765.00             1,502,031.87         C      A           1,502,031.87

                Customize During Order Entry


PC              Parent Item (Mother Board)                     .00                57,936.75         C      B           1,559,968.62

                Personal Computer


16SX‑3          Personal Computer 386SX                      20.00                25,900.00         A      C           1,585,868.62


16SX‑1          Personal Computer 386SX                       8.00                13,180.00         A      C           1,599,048.62

                Kit No1


16SX‑2          Personal Computer 386SX                      22.00                11,644.80         A      C           1,610,693.42

                Kit No2


ETHERNET        Ethernet Kit                                104.00                 2,662.40         A      C           1,613,355.82

                Kit #16


CPU             Mother Board For Parent                       1.00                 2,103.49         A      C           1,615,459.31

                Central Processing




                                              A B C   A N A L Y S I S   R E P O R T


 Analysis By Ytd Margin

 Class A: Top  80%   Class B: Next  15%   Class C: Bottom   5% Of Total Inventory Margin


Item No         Description                         Units Sold           Cost Ytd         Dollarized  ‑Inv Class‑ Dollarized Margin

                                                        Ytd             Sales Ytd            Margin    Pres Sugg         Sub‑Total


PC‑386          386 Personal Computer                   765.00       1,502,031.87         517,936.03    C    A           517,936.03

                Customize During Order Entry                         2,019,967.90


16SX‑3          Personal Computer 386SX                  20.00          25,900.00           3,540.00    A    C           521,476.03



16SX‑2          Personal Computer 386SX                  22.00          11,644.80           1,731.20    A    C           523,207.23

                Kit No2                                                 13,376.00


ETHERNET        Ethernet Kit                            104.00           2,662.40             275.86    A    C           523,483.09

                Kit #16                                                  2,938.26


INPUT/OUT       Subassembly Component                     2.00             427.96              17.24    C    C           523,500.33

                I/O Board For Computer                                     445.20


BOX‑386‑1       Basic SM Box w/7 Exp 6‑16 1‑8              .00                .00                .00    A    C           523,500.33



BOX‑386‑2       Adv Box HDps 8 Exp 32 5‑16 2‑8             .00                .00                .00    C    C           523,500.33








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