Inventory Management IM0900 Help - Elliott Business Software

Reordering Advice Reports

Reordering Advice Reports

Application Overview


There are three types of Reordering Advice Reports that can be printed.  They are the Reordering Advice Report by Item, the Reordering Advice Report by Location, and the Reordering Advice Report by Vendor.  These reports show you which items need to be reordered and aid you in de­ciding what purchase orders and/or manufacturing orders need to be originated.


Each of these reports may be printed for one or all locations.


Normally the Purchase Order And Receiving package would update the Quantity On Order field as items are ordered and received, but if you do not have this package it will need to be done manually through Inventory Item File Maintenance.  When an item is ordered, increase the Quantity on Order field by the quantity ordered.  When an item is received, decrease the Quantity on Order field by the quantity re­ceived.


If your company does ordering from a central location as opposed to individual ordering from each location, this report will be more useful than the Stock Status Report because the default or manufacturing location always shows the totals for all locations instead of just including its own figures.


Run Instructions


      Select Reordering Advice Reports from the pull down I/M Reports window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Print Reordering Advice Report Entry Screen




 The following options are available:


                  *     Select the desired mode from the Reordering Advice Reports menu bar

                  *     Enter the data requested on the screen


      To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


Entry Field Descriptions


Print Reordering Advice Report By Item



Type and Description

1.      Starting Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting item number in the range that you want to print. 


Defaults to All.

2.      Ending Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending item number in the range that you want to print.


Defaults to the starting item number.

3.      Location

2 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the code for the location that you wish to print.  The location must exist on the Location File.  Defaults to All locations.

4.      Percent Over Reorder Level

2 numeric digits with an optional minus sign (99‑).


Percent over Reorder Level means you can select items with avail­ability not yet to their reorder level, but within whatever per­cent you enter. If you prefer to specify more precisely how close to the re‑order level each item's availability may be selected, by‑pass the Percent by pressing the RETURN key, and enter the exact Amount Over the Reorder Level that you desire.  These amounts may be negative.  The report will print items with availability at or below their reorder level, as modified by these fields.

Amount Over Reorder Level

3 numeric digits with an optional minus sign (999‑).


See Percent Over Reorder Level for description.

5.      Should Quantity Available Include On Order ?

Y or N.


For the purposes of reordering, Quantity  Available is usually considered to be:


Qty Available = On‑hand + On‑order ‑ Allocated

Should Quantity Available Include On Order ? (continued)

However, you may use this option to omit the On‑order quantity from this calculation so that you are only considering what is available right now.


Defaults to N.

6.      Purchase Or Mfg Code

1 alphanumeric character.


P      =   only purchased items will appear on the report,

M      =   only manufactured items will appear on the report,

B      =   all items will be considered for the report.


Defaults to P.

7.      Print Items With Reorder  Level Only ?

Y or N.


Enter Y to only print items with reorder levels defined. Defaults to N.

8.      Print Alternate Vendors ?

Y or N




If Purchase Order And Receiving is being used, the user has the option of including alternate vendors for each item on the report.  If Purchase Order And Receiving is not installed, this field will not appear.

9.      Show Zero Qty Recommended

Y or N.


Entry required.


If using a percent/amount over/under reorder level and the calculated quantity recommended would be zero, this item will appear on the report if set to Y.  Enter N if these items should not appear on the report.  Defaults to Y.

Print Reordering Advice Report By Location


All fields same as above except:



Type and Description

8.      Print in Priority Order ?

Y or N


Defaults to N.


For each location, items are usually printed in order by item number.  However, if you answer Y to this question, items will be printed according to what percent the quantity available differs from the reorder level, with those that differ the most printing first.


Print Reordering Advice Report By Vendor


All fields are the same as Reordering Advice by Item, except for one additional field:



Type and Description

3.      Vendor No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Defaults to All vendors, if left blank.


The report will be printed for the vendor selected, by item number within that vendor; or if all vendors are selected a section for each vendor will be printed.



Reordering Advice Report By Item




Reordering Advice Report By Location




Reordering Advice Report By Vendor




                                  R E O R D E R I N G   A D V I C E   R E P O R T   B Y   I T E M


Ranges: All Items Selected

        All Locations

        At Reorder Level

        Only Purchased Items Included                                                    Unit Of Measure Is Purchase Unit Of Measure

        Quantity Available Doesn't Include On Order                                                       R = Reorder   O = Stockout

        Items With Or Without Reorder Levels Printed


Item‑No        Qty          Qty       Qty           Qty         Reord   Rec‑Order    Sfty‑Stk      Eoq        Uge‑Ptd  Last‑Cost Reo

 Cat Loc     On‑Hand       Alloc  Backordered    On‑Order       Level                  Ld‑Tm     Avg‑Use      Usg‑Ytd   Avg‑Cost O/S

                                                                                      Vendor      Min‑Order   P‑Mult      Weight Uom


BOX‑386‑1       Basic SM Box w/7 Exp 6‑16 1‑8

      LA     735.000      24.000        .000         .000        .000        .000        .000       .000          .00    311.0000

                                                                                         0          .000         8.00    311.0000

                                                                                                    .000        1           .000  EA


BOX‑386‑2       Adv Box HDps 8 Exp 32 5‑16 2‑8

      LA     421.000       3.000        .000         .000        .000        .000        .000       .000          .00    401.0000

                                                                                         0          .000          .00    401.0000

                                                                                                    .000        1           .000  EA


CHAR‑GEN        Character Generator At 25 Meg

                Character ‑ Gen ‑ 25

 CVD  LA      15.000       5.000‑       .000       40.000        .000        .000        .000       .000          .00      7.8000

                                                                                         0          .000          .00      7.8000

                                                                                      000300        .000        1           .000  EA


CLOCK           25 Meg Clock For Mother Board

                Clock ‑ 25M

 A    LA       8.000       7.000‑       .000       20.000        .000        .000        .000       .000         7.00     12.5400

                                                                                         0          .000        17.00     12.5400

                                                                                      000100        .000        1           .000  EA





                              R E O R D E R I N G   A D V I C E   R E P O R T   B Y   L O C A T I O N


Report Printed In Item Order

Ranges: All Items Selected

        Location LA Los Angeles

        At Reorder Level

        Only Purchased Items Included

        Quantity Available Doesn't Include On Order                                                       R = Reorder   O = Stockout

        Items With Or Without Reorder Levels Printed


Item No                                          Prd  Qty On‑Hand    Qty On‑Ord    Rec‑Order   Ord‑Up‑To           Weight   Pur Reo

                                                 Cat    Qty Alloc       Qty B/O  Reord Level   Min‑Order     Total Weight   U‑M O/S


BOX‑386‑1        Basic SM Box w/7 Exp 6‑16 1‑8            735.000          .000            0        .000             .000   EA

                                                           24.000          .000         .000        .000


BOX‑386‑2        Adv Box HDps 8 Exp 32 5‑16 2‑8           421.000          .000            0        .000             .000   EA

                                                            3.000          .000         .000        .000


CHAR‑GEN         Character Generator At 25 Meg   CVD       15.000        40.000            0        .000             .000   EA

                 Character ‑ Gen ‑ 25                       5.000‑         .000         .000        .000


CLOCK            25 Meg Clock For Mother Board   A          8.000        20.000            0        .000             .000   EA

                 Clock ‑ 25M                                7.000‑         .000         .000        .000


CLOCK‑ADJ        Adjustment Clock For CPU        A         10.000          .000            0        .000             .000   EA

                 Replace For CLock.                          .000          .000         .000        .000


CPU‑30MEG        Z80 Micro Processor 30 Meg      ACP        2.000‑         .000            0        .000             .000   EA

                 CPU ‑ Z80                                  7.000‑         .000         .000        .000


DATA‑BUS         Data Bus/Buffer 25 Meg          ACP        8.000        50.000            0        .000             .000   EA

                 Data ‑ Buffer                              7.000‑         .000         .000        .000





                                R E O R D E R I N G   A D V I C E   R E P O R T   B Y   V E N D O R


Ranges: All Items Selected

        All Locations

        At Reorder Level

        Only Purchased Items Included                                                    Unit Of Measure Is Purchase Unit Of Measure

        Quantity Available Doesn't Include On Order                                                       R = Reorder   O = Stockout

        Items With Or Without Reorder Levels Printed


Vendor  Item‑No         Description

 Cat Loc Qty‑On‑Hand   Qty‑Alloc     Qty‑B/O  Qty On‑Ord  Reord‑Level   Rec‑Order   Sfty‑Stk      Eoq         Usg‑Ptd  Last‑Cost Reo

                                                                                      Ld‑Tm      Avg‑Use      Usg‑Ytd   Avg‑Cost O/S

                                                                                     Vendor       Min‑Order    P‑Mult     Weight Uom


        BOX‑386‑1       Basic SM Box w/7 Exp 6‑16 1‑8

      LA     735.000      24.000        .000         .000        .000        .000        .000       .000          .00    311.0000

                                                                                        0            .00         8.00    311.0000

                                                                                                    .000        1           .000  EA


        BOX‑386‑2       Adv Box HDps 8 Exp 32 5‑16 2‑8

      LA     421.000       3.000        .000         .000        .000        .000        .000       .000          .00    401.0000

                                                                                        0            .00          .00    401.0000

                                                                                                    .000        1           .000  EA


        CLOCK‑ADJ       Adjustment Clock For CPU

                        Replace For CLock.

 A    LA      10.000        .000        .000         .000        .000        .000        .000       .000          .00     18.5000

                                                                                        0            .00          .00     18.5000

                                                                                                    .000        1           .000  EA


        DEFAULT‑ITEM    Default‑Item

      LA      10.000        .000        .000         .000        .000        .000        .000       .000          .00       .0000

      PE        .000        .000        .000         .000        .000        .000       0            .00          .00       .0000

                                                                                                    .000        1           .000  EA



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