Inventory Management IM20S1 Help - Elliott Business Software

I/M Distribution TO G/L Report

I/M Distribution TO G/L Report

Application Overview


Records are created in the I/M Distribution To G/L File whenever transactions are posted by the following applications:  I/M's Post Inventory Transactions, P/O's Post Receivings Transactions, COP's Post Invoices To A/R, and BOMP's Post Production Transactions.  The I/M Distribution To G/L Report prints the information from this file to verify exactly which accounts were updated and the amounts that were posted to them.


Sections Of The Report


The Cost Of Goods Sold section of the report shows every change to the company's cost of goods sold account.  This section will only print if the Post Cost Of Goods Sold ? flag in COP Setup is set to Y.


The Inventory section of the report shows every change to the company's inventory asset account(s).


The Work In Process section of the report shows changes made to the company's work in process account.  This account number is defined in I/M Setup.


The Purchases Adjustments section of the report shows changes made to the company's receivings account(s).


Detail Or Summary Formats


You can print the I/M Distribution To G/L Report in either a detailed or a summary format.  If you print the report in detailed format, all distributions, which have occurred during the period you select, will be printed, with detail concerning the source of the transaction, such as the item number, document number and type of transaction which generated the posting.


If you select the summary format, all postings to G/L for the same date for an account will be summarized and printed on one line of the report.


Purging The File


Once you have printed the I/M Distribution To G/L Report and you are satisfied that it is accurate, you can then purge the I/M Distribution File of the transactions, which appeared on the report.  Purging the file periodically will prevent it from growing extremely large.


If you are using Elliott's General Ledger package, however, and if you plan to transfer these I/M postings to G/L, do not purge the I/M Distribution File.  If you do, you will not be able to transfer the postings to G/L.


Run Instructions


    Select I/M Distribution To G/L Report from the pull down I/M Reports window.   The following screen will then be displayed:



I/M Distribution to G/L Report Entry Screen



The following options are available:


               *       Print or display to screen, the general ledger distributions for a given date range in detail or summary

              *        Purge the distribution file only after interfacing to G/L


    To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key.  To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.  Print Report ?

Y or N.


If you answer Y the report will be generated, otherwise it will not.


Default is Y.

2.  Purge File ?

Y or N.


Do not purge if you wish to interface with the General Ledger package.


Default is N.

3.  Period Starting Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the beginning date of the period for which you want to print the report.


Default to EARLIEST.

4.  Period Ending Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the ending date of the period for which you want to print the report.


Defaults to the starting date.  If starting date is EARLIEST, defaults to today's date.

5.  Detail Or Summary ?

1 alphabetic character.


Enter D if you want the report to show the full detail of every transaction which generated a posting to G/L.  If you answer S, every transaction which occurred on a single date for an account will be summarized and will print on one line.


Defaults to D.





I/M Distribution To G/L Report In Detail
















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