Inventory Management IM31S1 Help - Elliott Business Software

Create Unreleased PO’s By Vendor

Create Unreleased PO’s By Vendor

Application Overview


The Create Unreleased PO's By Vendor application allows the user to automatically create unreleased purchase orders from a selected range of items and vendors for a specific location.


The user may enter a percentage or amount above the reorder level.  If an item's quantity available (qty on hand - qty allocated) falls below this level, a purchase order will be generated.  A purchase order date and shipment request date are also entered at this time.


For those items that require purchase orders, the quantity ordered will either be the reorder level minus the quantity available, or the minimum recommended order amount, whichever is greater.


The Purchase Order And Receiving package must be installed before this application can be run.  All purchase orders generated in this application may be viewed, changed, or deleted in P/O's Purchase Order Processing application.  Purchase orders created in this application will contain the user entered purchase order date and request date.  Various other information will be taken from the items' records in the Item File.


Note:  In order for items to be considered for automatic purchase order creation, they must have a valid vendor number entered in the default vendor number field in the Item File.


Run Instructions


   Select Create Unreleased PO's By Vendor from the pull down I/M Processing window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Create Unreleased PO’s By Vendor Entry Screen



 The following options are available:


               *           Select the desired mode from the Create Unreleased PO's By Vendor menu bar.

               *           Enter the data requested on the screen.


   To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

Entry Field Descriptions




Type and Description

1.      Starting Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting item number for the range of items to be ordered.


Press the F7 key to search by item number or press the F8 key to search by item description.  Defaults to All items.

2.      Ending Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending item number for the range of items to be ordered.


Press the F7 key to search by item number or press the F8 key to search by item description.  Defaults to the starting item number.

3.      Starting Vendor No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting vendor number for the range of vendors to be ordered from.  In order for an item to have a purchase order created, its default vendor number in the Item File must be included in this range.


Press the F7 key to search by vendor number or press the F8 key to search by vendor name.  Defaults to All vendors.

4.      Ending Vendor No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending vendor number for the range of vendors to be ordered from.


Press the F7 key to search by vendor number or press the F8 key to search by vendor name.  Defaults to the starting vendor number.

5.      Location

2 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the location that purchase orders will be generated.  Entry is required.

6.      Percent Over Reorder Level

2 numeric digits with an optional minus sign (-99).


Percent over reorder means you can select items with availability not yet to their reorder level, but within whatever percent you enter.  For example, if an item's reorder level is 100 and a percent of 50 is entered here, the inventory level would have to be 150 or less in order for the application to create a purchase order.


If you prefer to specify more precisely how close to the reorder level each item's availability must be to be selected, bypass this field by pressing the RETURN key and enter the exact amount over the reorder level in the next field.


These values may be negative if you wish to exclude items with availability below their reorder levels.


Defaults to zero.

Amount Over Reorder Level




3 numeric digits with an optional minus sign (-999).


See Percent Over Reorder Level for description.

7.      P.O. Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the purchase order date.  This is a reference date for determining how long the purchase order has been on file.  It is not accurate for determining how long the vendor has had the order because purchase orders may remain on file indefinitely before being released to a vendor.


Defaults to the system date.

8.      Request Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the desired date for the shipment to arrive.


Defaults to the current date.

9.      Check Items With Reorder Level Only ?

Y or N.


Enter Y to only consider items that have a reorder level entered in the Item File.  Enter N to consider all items.


Defaults to N.



Create Unreleased PO’s By Vendor



                                         U N R E L E A S E D   P O ' S   B Y   V E N D O R


PO‑No      PO‑Date Vendor‑No Vendor‑Name                   Item‑No         Item‑Description              Exp‑Unit‑Cost

                                                        Location                                           Order‑Qty        Ext‑Cost


000014‑00  03/15/93  000100  Computer Electronics Center   CLOCK           25 Meg Clock For Mother Board       12.5400

                                                        LA Los Angeles     Clock ‑ 25M                         10.000         125.40


                                                                                            P.O. Totals:       10.000         125.40


    1 P.O.S Created                                                                        Grand Totals:       10.000         125.40

















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