Inventory Management IM3301 Help - Elliott Business Software

Job Code File Maintenance

Job Code File Maintenance

Application Overview


A job is a particular project or activity for which you are tracking expenses and billings. This file is used to keep track of all of the valid job numbers being used and their associated budgets.  When new I/M transactions are entered into the system, the amounts can be distributed among any of the jobs, which have been entered into the Job Code File.


Run Instructions


Select Job Code File from the pull down I/M Maintenance window. The following screen will then be displayed:



Job Code File Maintenance Entry Screen

    The following options are available:


          *       Add job codes

          *       Change existing job codes

          *       Delete existing job codes

          *       Print a Listing of job codes, their descriptions and budgeted expenses


    To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key.  To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.  Job Code

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the code that you would like to assign to the job being entered. In the change or delete mode, press the F7 key to search for codes.

2.  Description

30 alphanumeric characters.


Enter a description of the job, which will make it clear to the operator at a glance whether or not he or she has entered the correct code.

3.  Budget Hours

8 numeric digits with 2 decimal place and optional minus sign (999,999.99-).


Enter the number of hours that are budgeted for this job.

4.  Budget PR Exp.

11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-).


Enter the amount of Payroll expenses that are budgeted for this job.

5.  Budget AP/IM Expense

11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-).


Enter the amount of Accounts Payable and/or Inventory Management expenses that are budgeted for this job.

6.  Contract Amt

11 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and optional minus sign (999,999,999.99-).


Enter the total contract amount for this job.




Job Code File Maintenance Screen



                                                     J O B   C O D E   L I S T


                                          Budgeted            Budgeted            Budgeted            Contract

Job #   Description                         Hours          PR Expenses        AP/IM Expenses           Amount


CHEM    Outside Process                   1,000.00            5,000.00            5,000.00           10,000.00

CPU‑SX  Personal Computer 386/SX             50.00            1,300.00            1,200.00            2,200.00

METL‑A  Metal Parts and Finishes             40.00               40.00               40.00               40.00

PC‑10A  Production Order (PC‑10A)              .00                 .00                 .00                 .00

PC‑386  PC‑386 Personnel Computer              .00                 .00                 .00                 .00

PC100   Personal Computer (PC100)              .00                 .00                 .00                 .00


    6 Job Codes On File                   1,090.00            6,340.00            6,240.00           12,240.00


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