Inventory Management IMCHGBIN Help - Elliott Business Software

Change Bin No/Pick Seq

Change Bin No/Pick Seq

Application Overview


The Change Bin No/Pick Seq application allows the user to quickly and easily change the Bin Number/Picking Sequence field in the Item File.  This corresponds to field 19 in Item Maintenance.


Run Instructions


      Select Change Bin No/Pick Seq from the pull down I/M Processing window.  The following screen will then be displayed:




Change Bin No/Pick Seq Entry Screen



 The following fields are prompted:


                  *    Item No – Enter the item number you wish to change.

                  *    Location – Enter a valid location for this item.

                  *    Bin No/Pick Seq - Enter the bin number or picking sequence you wish to assign to this at this location.  An alphanumeric up to 8 characters can be entered.


      To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key.  To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.



Usage Exception Reports

Application Overview


It is often valuable to know which items in an inventory are experi­eSncing exceptional usage, either much greater, or much less than the forecast usage.


The Usage Exceptions Report application allows you to choose a particular inventory class (A, B, or C) and to have a report printed for that class showing all items which have varied from the forecast usage by whatever percent you choose.


For additional information on ABC Analysis, please see the in the Item File Maintenance section.


The items are selected for the report by calculating the ratio of the sum of errors to the average error for that item and comparing that figure to the one you enter.


Run Instructions


      Select Usage Exceptions Report from the pull down I/M Reports window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Usage Exceptions Report Entry Screen



      The following options are available:


                  *     Select the desired mode from the Usage Exceptions menu bar

                  *     Enter the data requested on the screen


      To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.


Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.      Inventory Class

1 alphabetic character.


Enter A, B, or C to indicate which in­ventory class is to be included on the report.

2.      Include Items Whose Ratio Of Sum Of Errors To Average Error Is Over What Percent

3 numeric digits. 


All items greater than this percent will be printed on the report.


For example, if 200% is entered, any items which have a sum of errors twice as large as the average error would appear on the report.  The items that appear would be items, which have been consistently over or under the forecasted.





Usage Exceptions Report



                                I N V E N T O R Y   U S A G E   E X C E P T I O N S   R E P O R T


  Ranges: Inventory Class A

          Sum Of Errors Exceeding  25% Of Average Error


Item No         Description                     Prd   Avg Error       Avg   Usage    Safety Stock      Reord Lead  ‑‑‑‑Usage Qty‑‑‑‑

                                                Cat   Sum Error       Usage Wght Fct Safety Factor     Level Time        Ptd/Ytd


16SX‑1          Personal Computer 386SX         KGF       2.000        .000     .00         .000        .000    0             4.000

                Kit No1                                   3.500‑                            .0                                8.000


16SX‑2          Personal Computer 386SX         KGF       1.400        .000     .00         .000        .000    0              .000

                Kit No2                                   1.000                             .0                                8.000


16SX‑3          Personal Computer 386SX         KCM       1.200        .000     .00         .000        .000    0              .000

                                                           .751                             .0                                8.000


BOX‑386‑1       Basic SM Box w/7 Exp 6‑16 1‑8             1.000        .000     .00         .000        .000    0             4.000



                                                          3.330‑                            .0                               12.000


CPU             Mother Board For Parent         C         1.500        .000     .00         .000        .000    0              .000

                Central Processing                        1.200                             .0                                1.000


CPU‑30MEG       Z80 Micro Processor 30 Meg      ACP       1.500        .000     .00         .000        .000    0              .000

                CPU ‑ Z80                                 1.200                             .0                               10.000


















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