Inventory Management IMVESMNT Help - Elliott Business Software

Vessel File Maintenance

Vessel File Maintenance


Application Overview


The Vessel File is part of the Landed Cost process and contains the vessels, (boats, ships, transportation modes, etc.), which are used to transport your goods.  Each record in the vessel file will hold exclusive information pertaining to a vessel such as departure date, arrival date, freight charges, and miscellaneous charges.



Vessel File Entry Screen



Entry Field Descriptions


1.    Vessel Number

This alphanumeric field is user-definable.  In purchase order receiving, you are asked to enter the Vessel Number after you enter “YES” to field #12 which asks: “Hold Posting?”.  The reason for the vessel # being entered at this point is, because if you put a hold on posting, then it is assumed that you need to calculate the Landed cost of the item and does not wish to post yet..

2.    Vessel Description

Enter the description of the vessel.  Lower-case lettering is allowed.

This field is user-definable.  It can be used to print Edit-Lists for “user-defined” groups of vessels.  For example, let’s say the company Evergreen carries 3 vessels, then for each vessel entry, you could enter “EVG” as the category.  Now, when printing an edit-list, you can specify to print all vessels with a category of “EVG”.

3.    Vessel Category

This field is user-definable.  It can be used to print Edit-Lists for “user-defined” groups of vessels.  For example, let’s say the company Evergreen carries 3 vessels, then for each vessel entry, you could enter “EVG” as the category.  Now, when printing an edit-list, you can specify to print all vessels with a category of “EVG”.

4.    Departure Date

Enter the date in which the vessel departs.  This field allows you to print reports showing your  total inventory value on sea at any given time.

5.   Expect Arrive Port Date

This field holds the EXPECTED Arrival Date at Port for the vessel.  This is a reference field.

6.    Actual Arrive Port Date

Here you can enter the ACTUAL arrival date at port.  When this field is used in conjunction with the “expected arrival port date” you can analyze ocean carrier performance.  This field’s usage is optional and does not affect the Landed Cost calculations.

7.    Exp Arrive Warehouse Date

This field holds the EXPECTED Arrival Date of inventory at the warehouse.  This is a reference field.

8.    Act Arrive Warehouse Date

Here you can enter the ACTUAL arrival date at the warehouse.  When this field in used in conjunction with the “expected warehouse arrival date” you can analyze land carriers on custom checkout performance. This field’s usage is optional and does not affect the Landed Cost calculations.

9.    Miscellaneous Charge

Here you can enter any other charges such as brokerage or insurance fees for the vessel. This field is always distributed by the value of the inventory.  If your merchandise has the same kind of duty rate, you can also put a duty fee into this field, and do not set up duty % in the item file.

The amount held in this field will be added to the total purchase price for each purchase order being shipped on this vessel.

10. Total Freight charges

You manually enter the freight charges for this vessel here.

The amount held in this field will be added to the total purchase price for each purchase order being shipped on this vessel.

11. Freight Dist Method

11.        Your choices here are the following:

      W:  Distribution by weight.  Airlines are good examples of companies that use weight as their              distribution method.  If you use this method, be sure to enter the weight for each item in item file             maintenance.

        V:  Distribution by volume.  Ocean shipments are usually based on the volume of  an item sincethey               charge you by the container regardless the weight.  If you use this method, be sure to enter the               volume for each item in item file maintenance.  The VOLUME field in Item File Maintenance is found               in conjunction with field 49: Weight.  After you enter the weight, a window pops up asking for the               Volume information.  Figure 42.2, shown above, shows you this pop-up window with the Volume field.

        A:       Distribution by Amount.  In certain shipments, volume and weight are closely tied to the value of               an item.  In these cases, using the amount to distribute freight will be very close to reality.  This               method can be handy in a situation that item weight or volume is not properly setup.

12. Receiving Through

12.        You choices here are:

      I:   Receiving through I/M.  This means that freight distribution is based upon Inventory Transaction               Receiving records in Inventory Management.

        P: Receiving through P/O.  This means that freight distribution is based upon Purchase Order                    Receiving records.

Display Fields Only


13. Total Invoice Amounts

This field displays a running total of all “received” purchases.  Upon receiving a purchase order, the FOB cost (Unit cost * qty), is added to this field.  When the receiving is posted, the FOB cost is then deducted from this field.  In short, this field displays the total amount of unposted purchase orders not including Landed Cost.

14. Total Weights

If this vessel’s freight distribution method is “W”, then this field displays the total weight of all items currently being shipped on this vessel.


15. Total Volumes

If this vessel’s freight distribution method is “V”, then this field”, then this field displays the total volume of all items currently being shipped on the vessel.





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