NSCTLMN4 Help - Elliott Business Software

Global Setup

Global Setup

Bill of Lading


Application Overview


This feature is designed to print a Bill of Lading form used by trucking companies for shipping.  Our primary goal is to save time by filling out the Bill Of Lading forms for the shipping department staff.  In order to use this feature, users are required to have one of the following forms: 1) A short form which is seven inches long, RapidForm form number 25654, or 2) A long form which is 11 inches in length, form number 22824.  For the best result, the long form is recommended.  A sample of each form follows the last page of this enhancement.


Run Instructions


Before utilizing the function of printing a bill of lading, you need to set up Bill of Lading through the setup process.  You can choose to either accept the default settings or customize the printing.


Elliott main menu à Util setup à Global setup à cop-ctl à Bill of lading     



Figure 4A.1 shows the setup screen for Bill of Lading.



1.       Form Length To Use?

This flag controls the type of Bill of Lading form to use (4A.2).  Enter “1” if you wish to use the RapidForms Short Form #2565, or “2” for the long form #2282.  For the best result, the long form is recommended.



Figure 4A.2



2. Packages Printing Options?

On the Bill Of Lading form, the user has to specify the number of packages.  This question gives the user three options:

1)    Always Use Qty To Ship,

2)    Select During Order Entry, and

3)    Leave Blank.

4)    Qty-Ship/Item User Amount


If the user enters 1, the system will grab the Qty Shipped information from the Order Line Item file to put it on the form.  If you enter 2, system will require the user to specify the number of packages in the Order Line Item screen manually as is shown in Figure 4A.3. Choosing option 3 will leave the No. Packages column blank and the warehouse staff will fill it out manually.  Choose option 4 = Equal Qty-Ship/Item User Amount.  Item User Amount is a convention in Elliott to stand for Qty per Box for each item.  If you do specify this information, then system can automatically determine number of box for each line item when printing Bill of Lading.


3. Weight Printing Options?

This flag controls the weight printing on the Bill of Lading form.  You have three options:

1)       Item Weight,

2)       Leave Blank, and

3)       Manual Entry.

Option 1 basically will retrieve the Item Weight from the Item File.  Option 2 requires the warehouse staff to fill in the weight manually.  Option 3 will prompt you to enter the total weight for each line item during order entry.


4. Description Lines To Print?

This flag gives you four options to control how the package description should be printed on the Bill Of Lading form.  They are:

1)       Line Item Desc 1 + Usr Def Code Desc,

2)       Line Item Desc 2 + Usr Def Code Desc,

3)       Both Line Item Desc + Usr Def Code Desc, and

4)       User Def Code Desc Only.


User defined code stands for the category of the item.  For example, if you are a monitor manufacturer, you probably will not put your item description of “Model 7682 1024x768 15” Flat” on the bill of lading since the trucker wouldn’t understand what it means.  Chances are, you will put something like ‘15” VGA Monitor’ on the bill of lading.  The trucker should be able to understand this and it conforms to the Department of Transportation’s regulation.  You will need to set up a user defined code of ‘15” VGA Monitor’ and indicate the item’s user defined code in item file maintenance.


If you enter “1,”, the first line of the Line Item Description and the User Defined description will be printed on the form, wereas option “2” will make the system print the second line of the Line Item Description in the Order Line Item file plus the description in the User Defined File, or “3” for all the Line Item Description 1, 2 and the User Defined File description; option “4” will have only the User Defined Description printed in the Package Description column of the form.  When you specify “4,” the system can also consolidate bill of lading line items for line items on the order with identical user defined codes.


5. Comment Code for Note That Will Always Print

If this is your first time using this enhancement, we suggest you leave this field blank and get familiar with our Note Function Enhancement first.  The code specified here refers to the notes associating with this code in the Note Windows.  This flag allows you to select a predefined note that will always print on the Bill of Lading.  This is a global setting. Once set, all bills of lading will be printed with this note.  If you do not have such a global note to always print on the bill of lading, you should leave this field blank.  More specific notes like order, customer, item or line item notes can also be printed on the Bill of Lading (refer to the Note Function Enhancement).


6. Update Order Picking Date After Printing?

If you are using Bill of Lading as your picking ticket, answer “Y” to this question.  If you print a picking ticket separately from the Bill of Lading, you should answer “N.”


7. Emergency Response Phone No.?

The Department of Transportation requires you to provide an Emergency Response Phone Number in case of a disaster, like a truck spill on the highway. 


8. Warehouse Manager Name?

You can enter name of the person in charge of the organization’s shipments.  The name entered here will be designated as a contact person in the company for emergency dealings.


9. Print Company Name?

Depending on whether you have a generic form or a pre-printed form with your company’s name and logo, you will answer “Y” or “N” accordingly.


10. Print Date of Shipment?

This is a Yes/No flag triggering the printing of the shipment date on the top of the BOL.  The date will be entered during the printing routine.


11. Print Warehouse Address On Bill of Lading?

Answer “Y” if you wish to print the warehouse address on the Bill of Lading.


12.   Print Unit of Measure on Bill of Lading?

Answer “Y” to use this function.


13.   Print Item No. On Bill of Lading?

Answer “Y” to use this function.


14.   Print Purchase Order No. On Bill of Lading?

If you are using the Bill of Lading as a picking ticket, chances are you want to answer “Y” to print the customer purchase order on the Bill of Lading.


15.   Print Shipping Instructions On Bill of Lading?

Answer “Y’ to use this function.


16.   Print One Blank Line Between Each Line Item?

Answer “Y” to use this function.




Information On Bill Of Lading


There are two files that the user has to maintain to ensure the correct information will be printed on the bill of lading forms.  The first file is the User Defined File, and the second is the Item File.


A. User Defined File-

The User Defined File controls the information printed on the bill of lading forms.  The records created in this file will be used in the Item File so that each individual item has clear information for the bill of lading.


As its name suggests, the User Defined File can be named by the user.  Usually the more descriptive the literal, the better it is for the user.  The literal defining of this file is done in Inventory Maintenance (please refer to that manual).  The user may either choose the default value or enter any custom literal.  In our example, we use the default code, User Defined Code, as the literal in the User Defined File.  The User Defined Code will later be used in the Item File for an item so that the corresponding User Defined Code Desc, User Defined Code Class, Hazardous Material, Item Category, and the ERG# information can be printed on the bill of lading forms.  Figure 30.1 illustrates what we have created for this file.



Figure 4A.5. A User Defined record has been built for the Item File to print the information entered here on the bill of lading forms.



1) User Def Code-- A code uniquely identifying each User Defined record.  It will be used in the Item File identifying which shipping category of the trucking company that a particular item belongs to.

2) User Def Code Desc-- A detailed description of a shipping category of the trucking company.  This piece of information will be printed in the column “KIND OF PACKAGE, DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES, SPECIAL MARKS AND EXCEPTIONS” on the form.

3) User Def Code Class-- This field specifies which class of rate that the trucking company charges for the item’s corresponding shipping category code (equivalent to User Def Code in our example).  It will be printed in the column of “CLASS OR RATE” on the form.

4) Hazardous Material-- This field will be printed in the column of “HM,” which indicates whether the item’s corresponding shipping category code contains hazardous material or not.  The user answers either “Y” or “N” to this question.  If the shipment contains hazardous materials, the long form must be used.

5) ERG#-- This field has been regulated recently by the government.  It requires the user to enter a two-digit Emergency Response Group Code for emergency response personnel to provide proper services when there is a hazardous material spill.


B. Item File-

Once the user sets up the User Defined File, the records can be used to print useful information on the  bill of lading.  Figure 4A.6 shows that Field 4 contains the code description that we have seen in Figure 4A.5.  “90” is used for the Item No Clock.



Figure 4A.6 In the Item File, the user has to enter the code that he/she established in the User Defined File to print the information on the bill of lading.




There are three files involved in the Bill Of Lading printing.  They are the Ship Via File, the Customer File and the Order Header File.  Each one of these have a chain reaction effect on the other.  The user has to make sure that these files are set up accurately to print out the bill of lading.  Therefore, we will discuss these four files as well as the bill of lading printing.  Remember, it is a pre-requisite to establish a correct relationship among these related files.



            A. The Chain Reaction Effect

This effect derives from the fact that the bill of lading printing is controlled by a flag set up in the Ship Via File.  In other words, when the user enters the customer information in the Order Header, he/she has to be certain that this particular customer has a Ship Via code that contains a printing control flag.  Figure 4A.7 depicts this so-called chain reaction effect.  The detailed linking relationship will be stated in paragraph B, C, D and E in this section.


            B. Ship Via File

                        The Ship Via Code File Maintenance contains the flag that controls printing of the Bill of Lading

                        (Figure 4A.7).


            C. Customer File

As paragraph A and B state, the Ship Via has to be specified in the Customer File.  Therefore, the Ship Via code AB that is set up with a legitimate Carrier Code can be applied to the customer record.  The Ship Via field for B&J Enterprises (Figure 4A.7b) is AB.  The user will notice later that when we use this particular customer during the Order Entry session, the corresponding bill of lading information can be printed. 



Figure 4A.7 Field 6 prompts “BOL Required”, answer “Y” to print BOL.



D. Order Header File

This is the last setup step for the user to go through to print out the bill of lading information.  In the previous paragraph, we have established the correct Ship Via code for Flaum Consultants, Inc., so we will continue using this example to proceed with the order entry.  Figure 4A.8 shows a customer set up to use BOL.



Figure 4A.7b Field 25 of this customer record indicates that TC is being used for the future bill of lading printing.


E. Bill Of Lading Printing

After setting up this enhancement, you can now begin to print Bills of Lading.  Select COP à Processing à Print Pick/Pack Tickets & Ship Labels à Print à Bill Of Lading, and then fill in the Bill Of Lading Processing screen as in Figure 4A.9.  For the Order Types To Print field, the user has three options: 1) printing “O”, Type O orders, 2) “I”, Type I orders, and 3) “B”, both types of orders.  Since the user is assumed to understand different types of orders in COP, the meanings of these three types will not be discussed in this documentation.



Figure 4A.8 B&J Enterprises is a “bill-of-lading legitimate” customer in our example and is used for Order Entry.


After the user specifies the order type(s), the system will prompt the user to specify the Billing Types To Print.  He/she can then choose “B”illed types only, “U”nbilled types only, or “A”, both.


Field 5 in this printing screen is the Blank Line Between 2 Items.  The user may answer “Y” to leave a blank line between 2 items or “N” to have no blank lines.



Figure 4A.9 Bill Of Lading printing header screen.  It allows the user to print either “O” type of orders, “I” type of orders or both.



Checking Criteria For The Bill Of Lading


If the Bill of Lading is not printing, please check the following:


    1.  Order Header File:


         The order number must be between the starting order and ending order (Screen

         Criteria 1 & 2).


         This order cannot be posted.


         The order type cannot be a Credit Memo (“C”).


         The order type to print is “O” (Screen Criteria 3), and the order type is “O”.


         The order type to print is “I” (Screen Criteria 4), and the order type is “I”.


         The billing type to print is “B” (Screen Criteria 4).  The order is selected or           



         The billing type to print is “U” (Screen Criteria 4), and the order is complete.


         The order Ship Via Code must exist (Order Header Screen Field 15).


         Use the Freight Calculation enhancement (license and control).


         The carrier code in the Ship Via Code exists (Ship Via Code Maintenance Screen       

         Field 5).



    2.  Order Line Item File


         No Comment Item.


         The line item cannot be posted.


         The line item qty. to ship is not <= 0.


         The billing type to print is “B” (Screen Criteria 4), and the line item is selected.




Customer Item Reference Setup

Application Overview


Some customers place orders using their item numbers rather than yours.  Without a proper cross-referencing system, it may not be easy to understand which item the customer is referring to and could lead to situations such as shipping the wrong item, consuming time to verify the correct item ordered, or even possibly, losing the sale.   This application allows defining a cross-reference system.


Run Instructions


Before setting up customer cross-reference item numbers, you must define where and how you want to use them.  To do this, go to:


Main Menu ® Util-setup ® Global setup ® cop-Ctl ® customer Item x-ref.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Customer Item Xref Setup Screen

Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.   Replace Line Item Desc With Cust Item Desc

Replacing item description applies to Pick Tickets and Invoice Printing.

Select “Y” =  Replace when not blank.  Blank item descriptions are usually reserved for specific purposes.

Select “N” =  Do Not Replace

Select “M” =  Merge on Printing


2.   Print Customer Item On Picking Ticket

Select “N” = Do Not Print

Select “Y” = Print On Picking Ticket

3.   Print Customer Item On Packing List

Select “N” = Do Not Print

Select “Y” = Print On Packing List

4.   Print Customer Item On Order      Acknowledgment

Select “N” = Do Not Print

Select “Y” = Print On Packing List




*    Complete the setup screen to your specifications.



Using Customer Item Cross Reference


Maintaining Customer Item File

Before understanding which items your customers are referring to by using their item numbers, you need to build a cross reference table to match customers item numbers to your item numbers. To do this,  select COP à Maintenance à Customer Item File.


The maintenance screen appears. This screen consists of three major fields to build a cross-reference record for a customer’s specific item. Once the records are created, the user can use the search function key at COP line entry to find the customers item number to fill in the Item No. field.



Customer Item File Maintenance Screen – Change Mode



Like other Elliott maintenance program windows, the user can also perform Change, Delete, and List for Customer Item records.


Utilizing Customer Item Cross Reference in COP Line Item entry


a. Customer Item Search

At the Item No. field, press the F7 key to select Cust Item Search.  Choose to search by Item Number or Customer Item Description.  In the search screen, type in the Item No. or Customer Description as described by the customer.  The search by Customer Item will display your Item Number, Description, and Customer Item Number.  The search by Customer Description will display your Item Number, Customer Description, and Customer Item number.




F7 Key – Customer Item Search


Customer Item Search by Customer Item Number


Changing A Customer Item Record On-the-fly


Upon the selection of the item being ordered, the screen will display the Customer Item No. to the right of your Item No. and move the cursor to the field 2, (Qty Ordered). At this point, the user can change the Customer Item No. if the customer requests changing it or the description. Press F5, (bottom menu bar options), and the system will move the cursor back to the Customer Item No. field for changes to Item Number, Description 1, and Description 2.



Printing Customer Item No. On Invoices and Picking Tickets


If you have turned on the control flag to print customer item number on the picking tickets in the Enhancements Setup, the Customer Item No. will be printed on the invoices as well as the picking tickets if there are any. To print the Customer Item No. on the invoice, you must set up an extra printing field for the invoice form that is used for billing.  There is no setup required for picking tickets.


Invoice Printing With Customer Item No.  Setup

Go to COP à Util_Setup à Invoice Form Setup, and then select Change to bring up the desired form to which you would like to add the extra field.



Invoice Setup Screen


Field No. 6: Make sure to consider the extra line you will put in for printing the Customer Item No.


Proceed to the last screen of this Invoice form format to enter the printing specification for the Customer Item No.  and/or Customer Item Description.



Invoice Setup Screen



Field 84 shows the printing specification for the Customer Item No. The specifications for this field are user-defined to allow you specific invoice forms for specific customers.



10.00 04/04/00 CLOCK                        A-5555-A EA    10.00 ..........

                   25 Meg Clock For Mother Board

                   Clock - 25M

                   Customer Item No :C-25




Picking ticket – Line Item Example


(When setup flag = “Y” to print Customer Item Number on Picking ticket)






0.00        10.00   CLOCK                15.5000       EA        113.15

                    25 MEG CLOCK FOR MB              27.00





Invoice – Line Item Example


(When setup field 1, Replace Line Item Description with Customer Description, flag = “Y”




Freight Calculation

Application Overview


The Freight Calculation function provides you with a convenient and flexible method of calculating freight charges.  Perhaps, in the past, you have had to look up the carrier freight charge and the carrier freight zone to figure out what amount to bill, and then look up other charges such as AOD charge, COD charge, hazardous material charge, etc.  With the Freight Calculation feature, the system will handle all the freight calculations for you in just a few seconds.  It not only saves you time, but is also very simple and easy to use.


Freight Calculations Summary


Freight calculations are done in the billing screen of COP Order Processing.  If would like access to the billing screen for “O” type and “Q” type orders, you can enable feature in Order Billing Screen setup. 


You can also perform freight calculations for an order from the COP Inquiry Menu.  This is especially useful when you need to discuss shipping charges with your customer. 


All the information required for freight calculations is predefined in four files for the following carriers:


                              1.         UPS

                              2.         Fed Ex

                              3.         RPS

                              4.         U.S. Postal Service


NOTE:  You have the ability to add additional carriers.


The four predefined A/R files containing all carrier information are:


1.       Carrier File

2.       Carrier Mode File

3.       Freight Rate File

4.       Freight Zone File


Note: The Freight Zone File is location dependent.  Setting up an additional location for your

geographical area will be discussed later in detail.



Once you have properly setup the above four files in Accounts Receivable Maintenance, you must update the two new fields added to the A/R Ship Via Code file.  This file tells the system what information to use for freight calculations.

            Auto Freight Calculation Process:


1.       System reads the order Ship Via Code in the Order Header

2.       Systems reads the carrier code and mode from the Ship Via Code

3.       Systems reads the Rate Table for UPS Ground

4.       Systems reads the Freight Zone file


Based on the above four steps, the system calculates the freight and updates the Freight Amount in the Order Billing screen.


Run Instructions

Setting Up Freight Calculation


To enable and set up this feature go to:


Elliot Menu ® Util-setup ® Global setup ® cop-Ctl ® Freight Calculation



Freight Calculation Setup Screen


Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.   Use Automatic Freight Calculation

This flag must be set to “Y” to turn on the Automatic Freight Calculation.

“Y” adds two new fields to the A/R Ship Via Code file.

2.   Auto Calc During Freight During Order      Billing?

Answer “Y” if you want to calculate freight automatically during order billing. For an accurate freight amount, the items ordered must have a weight amount set up in the Inventory Item File.


Select “N” if you want to manually enter the weight, value, number of boxes shipped, and adjust any additional or associated charges such as COD, AOD, Call tags, Hazardous and Oversized packages.

3.   Enforce Incremental Freight rule Table?  

This flag is an editing tool when entering freight rates.  It will force you to increase the rates when the weight is increased.

4.   Always One COD Tag Per Shipment?

This flag provides users with flexibility when using the Automatic Freight Calculation enhancement. If this flag is set to "Y", the freight calculation only counts one COD tag charge for the entire shipment. If set to "N", Automatic Freight Calculation will charge one COD tag for each box if COD service is used.

By applying one COD tag per shipment, the high cost of COD service charges can be avoided. For example, assume that you want to ship ten boxes to a customer while the value of each box is low. If we implement one COD tag for each box, the service might be too costly for the customer to accept. Therefore, one COD tag per shipment is more appropriate and reasonable in this case.

5. Display Function Key To Allow Auto Freight Calculation During Order Billing?

If you answer “Y” to this question, the system will display a function key in the order-billing screen that allows automatic freight calculation or manual freight entry.

6.   Give Warning Message If Freight Amount      = $0.00

Answer “Y” to enable this function.                               

7.    Weight Variance Allow In %?


You can enter a number to represent the discrepancy percentage, which is calculated as Remaining Weight/System Calculated Weight. If the discrepancy percentage is greater than the percentage amount entered, a warning will be issued to the user. For example, if the user entered 5 (actually means 5%) as a Weight Variance, the permissible range for the discrepancy percentage must fall in the range between 0 and 0.05.

8.   Weight Variance Allow In Lbs.?

This flag works in the same manner as Weight Variance Allow in %.  The number entered here represents an absolute amount of weight that the discrepancy allows. For example, if the user entered Weight Variance = 5, it means the permissible range for the remaining weight must fall in the range between 0 and 5 pounds.


Freight Calculation Predefined A/R Files




1. Carrier File (Codes)

A/R Maintenance: Contains all the carriers and features provided by each carrier. 

You should review this file to see if any changes need to be made to suit your specifications, as well as, adding an additional carrier of your choice. 

2. Carrier Mode File

A/R Maintenance: Contains all the different methods of shipment available for a specific carrier

3. Freight Rate File

A/R Maintenance: Contains freight rates for all carriers.  Rate tables for UPS, RPS, Fed Ex, and U.S. Postal Service are provided.

4. Freight Zone File

A/R Maintenance: Cross-links locations to zone numbers for all the carrier modes.

Freight Zone File is location dependent, and since we set it up based on our location, it only works for areas with zip codes ranging from 91001 to 91899.  If you are located in this area, you do not need to change anything. If you are not in this area, you can either create your own Freight Zone File or change the mismatched portion of our file in Freight Zone File Maintenance. If you need to make a change in our Freight Zone File, you do not need to change the zone setup for Federal Express, UPS Blue, or UPS Red because they apply to everyone, regardless of area.


These four files must be initialized for a new company setup and then imported from the Elliott root directory.  Once this has been completed, they must be setup in the exact number sequence.  After they have been setup, the A/R Ship Via codes must be updated with the Carrier Codes and Carrier Modes. These four files and the updated Ship Via codes must be set up in order to correctly use freight calculations



REMINDER:      After you have added and reviewed the four predefined files, you must update the A/R Ship Via Codes for the Carrier Code and Carrier Mode before you begin using the Freight Calculation feature in COP Order Entry or COP Inquiry.



Using Freight Calculation



Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to calculate freight from the COP billing screen are in the Global Setup chapter titled Order Billing Screen.


Detailed step-by-step inquiry instructions are in the Inquiry section titled Freight Calculation Inquiry.



Order Inquiry Setup

Application Overview


This function gives you fast and easy access to all the necessary information to provide customer service for open or posted orders on file for a customer.  It allows you to quickly access and display a customer order using many different lookup options such as Customer P/O number and Ship-To number.  You can also view outstanding items ordered by a specific customer, as well as, customers that have ordered a particular item. 


Setup Instructions


Select:  Main Menu ® Util-setup ® Global setup ® cop-Ctl ® Order/invoice inquiry.   The following screen will appear:



Order Inquiry Setup Screen


Entry Field Descriptions



Order Inquiry Summary With Detail?

Answer “Y” if you want to view the line item detail associated with the listed orders. 

Invoice Inquiry Summary With Detail?

Answer “Y” if you want to view the line item detail associated with the listed invoices.

Display Item No. or Desc In Detail Section?

Select “I” or Item Number or “D” for Item Description.



  NOTE:  This setup also controls the display information for the Invoice History Inquiry function.




Order Inquiry Window w/Detail



Price By Whole Order

Application Overview


The standard pricing code method does not provide pricing based on the total sales order quantity amount or dollar value of the order and the net effective price of an item is usually determined by the line item quantity.  The Price By Whole Order function is designed for companies who want to price each item based on the total order quantity, or dollar value.  This type of pricing method is used to encourage customers to buy more when placing an order.  The more the customer buys, the better the discount they will receive. This function also handles pricing based on total quantity or dollar value of each product category on an order.


Setup Instructions


Go to Elliott Main Menu Util-setup ® Global setup ®  cop-Ctl ® price by Whole order.  The following screen will appear:




Entry Field Descriptions




1.  Use Price Discount By Whole Order

Select “Y” to enable this function.

Select “N” to disable this function.


Note:  If you enable this function, the valid price codes defined in the COP setup are superceded by the price codes defined in this function.

2.  Is Level Break Case By Case Or Universal


Level breaks are defined as the dollar or quantity amounts for an order used as a fixed reference point.  For example:

  00-99 = Level Break 1              

  99-199 = Level Break 2

200-299 = Level Break  3

300+      = Level Break 4

Y = Level Break is Case by Case

       Select “Y” if you need different level breaks for customers or             customer types.


N = Universal

      Select “N” if all customers or customer types have the same             level breaks.      

3. Total By:













3.  Use Which Price Code To Determine Level

If you answered “Y” for Case by Case Pricing to question 2, there are two options:


5 = Total by Whole order - This option will enable you to use the whole order quantity or amount as the break point to determine the price level.  After you enter “5”, a popup window will let you define up to 5 Product Categories that you can exclude from Whole Order Pricing.  For Product Categories that you exclude, you can still define alternate pricing in field 8 of this setup procedure.


8 = Total by Product Category - This option will enable you to use the total quantity or amount for the line item of the same product category in an order.



If you answered “N” for Universal Pricing to question 2, there are five options:


2 = Customer Number/Product Category

4 = Customer Type/Product Category

5 = Customer Number

7 = Customer Type

8 = Product Category


Note:  Price codes Customer Number/Item Number (1) and Item Number (6) are not available since it is not practical to determine an order total level by a single item.  If you need these codes and are using the Universal Pricing Method, disable this function and use the standard pricing code method.


You can define up to three price codes for this option.  If you choose price code 2, 4, and/or 8, it means that you wish to set the price discount by product category.  If you choose price code 5 or 7, it means that you wish to set the price discount by whole order.


You cannot use by whole order and product category together.  For example, if you choose price code 2, the only other two valid price codes you can choose are 4 and 8.  The system will not allow you to choose 2 and 5 together.

4.  Price Code To Use


4.  Use Which Price Code To Determine Price


Literal displayed when “Y”  for Case By Case in question 2.


Literal displayed when ‘N”  for Universal  in question 2.


In this field, you can use all the standard pricing codes:

1 = Customer Number/Item Number

2 = Customer Number/Product Category

3 = Price Code by Customer Type/Item Number

4 = Customer Type/Product Category

5 = Customer Number

6 = Item Number

7 = Customer Type

8 = Product Category


Note:  In the pricing hierarchy, the first price code you enter takes precedence over the   latter.

5.  Based On Ttl Qty Or Amt To Determine Level

A = Base on Total Amount

Q = Base on Total Quantity



Your answer here determines how the level breaks are structured.


 If the products have similar prices and the customer only orders 1 each of an item, and you want to encourage this customer to buy more, you should consider using “Q”, Base on Total Quantity.  If the product’s pricing varies greatly, the typical order has multiple line items, and each line item’s quantity is normally greater than one, it would be practical to choose “A”, Base on Total Amount.

6. Price Method For Excluded Customer Type

In A/R Maintenance of the Customer Type file you can exclude customer types from Price By Whole Order.  For excluded customer Types, you will have the following pricing options:


1 = Price Codes

    This allows excluded customers to use the valid price codes      defined in COP Setup.


2 = Item Price

7.  Price Method For Excluded Product Category

If you excluded product categories in Question 3, Total By Whole Order, you will have the following pricing options:

1 = Price Codes

2 = Item Price

NOTE:  This applies fields 6 & 7 only.

The “N” Universal method is by far the easiest and fastest method to setup and maintain because it applies to all customers and customer types.  For this reason it does not handle pricing code options well for excluded customer types or product categories.  When the Universal method is selected in this setup, it is recommended that you only use the Item Price option for excluded customer types and excluded product categories.



The Price By Whole Order function is very powerful and sophisticated function.  The most critical element of this function is the setup.  To help you better understand how this function works, we have setup the following three scenarios with Price By Whole Order Setup examples:


1. Case By Case Scenario

2. Universal Scenario

3. Excluded Customer Type and Product Category Scenario

      (This is followed with a How-To process the order example)



Example I - Case by Case Method


Company ABC sells four different items: A100, A200, A300, and B200.  They determine the price breaks for each item based on the total order value.  They also maintain different pricing for two Customer Types, RETL (retailers) and DLR (dealers).  The pricing tables defined below reflect the pricing structure for each customer type.


Customer type RETL


Item\Value of order

Base Price

< $500

$500 - $1,000

>= $1,000






















Customer type DLR


Item\Value of order

Base Price

< $500

$500 - $1,000

>= $1,000






















The “Base Price” (Selling Price in the Inventory Item Master File) is used to calculate the total order value and the total order value determines the price breaks.  For example, assume that a customer (RETL) placed an order for 4 A100s and 2 A300s.  Based on the “Base Price” column, the total order value for this order is calculated as follows:


Standard Order Processing


            4 A100, at $100/EA =     $400

            2 A300, at $55/EA   =    $110

                                 Total        $510 (before Price By Whole Order is calculated)


Customer total order price break is  $500-$1,000

            4 A100, at $90/EA   =    $360 (recalculated value to be billed)

            2 A300, at $50/EA   =    $100 (recalculated value to be billed)

                                Total         $460 (recalculated value to be billed)



This Case By Case scenario would be set up as follows:


1.  Price By Whole Order Setup




NOTE:  You may define all 8 Price Codes in field #3.  The system will use price codes in the sequence that they were entered.



2.         Verify Customer Types are defined in A/R Maintenance Customer Type File.


3.         Verify Inventory Items have a Selling Price Amount defined.  This is done in Inventory Maintenance - Item File


4.         Price Code File Maintenance



Pricing basis for this Price Code is Discount from Base (Selling) Price, “D”.  Other Pricing basis available are:

M=Markup Percent, P=Price, A=Discount Amount, and U=Markup amount.  Markup from Price or Cost is

defined in the Order Entry Line Item Screen setup.


Price Code Net Effect: Item A100 for Customer Type RETL


Total Order Amounts:     $0.00   to  $499.99         Discount is   0%             Sell Price = $100.00

$500.00  to  $999.99      Discount is 10%                        Net Sell Price =  $ 90.00                        $1,000 +                       Discount is 20%            Net       Sell Price =  $ 80.00



            Pricing Basis based on P = Price



            Price Code Net Effect: Item A200 for Customer Type RETL


Total Order Amounts:             $0.00   to  $499.99              Sell Price = $150.00

                                                  $500.00   to  $999.99          Net Sell Price = $135.00                                                                                $1,000 +                            Net Sell Price = $125.00



NOTE:  Each pricing code is unique and you cannot have Pricing Basis variations for that same

price code.  For example:


Price Code


Not Allowed

Unique - Allowed

Unique - Allowed






Pricing Basis





Customer Type





Item Number







Example II – Universal Method


This method has separate levels for the items and customer types.


Table 1: Pricing levels for Customer Types



Price Level 1

Price Level 2

Price Level 3












Table 2: Item Pricing Levels



Base Price

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3























The advantage of this method over the Case By Case method is the ease of setup, maintenance and updating pricing changes.  For example:


If we needed to add a new Customer Type pricing level or revise an existing pricing level, we would not need to add or revise each item break point as in the Case By Case Method because all item pricing break points are identical for all customer types.   In essence, we also have different pricing for customer types by how we define the Customer Type Price Levels.



This Universal Method scenario would be set up as follows:


  1. Price by Whole Order Setup



                        Note:    Price Codes 5 & 7 sets the price discount levels by whole order.

Price Codes 2, 4, and 8 sets the price discount levels by product category.


In the pricing hierarchy, the system uses Price Codes in the sequence entered.  In our above setup example, Price Code 5 (Customer Number) would be used first.  Price Code 7

(Customer Type) would be used when there is not a Customer Number Price Code defined for the order customer.


 Prices codes may be categorized as specific and general, and the specific should take precedence over the general in the sequence entry.   Had we entered the sequence as 7 and 5, then Customer Type (general) price codes would have priority and for all practical purposes nullify Customer Number (specific) price codes.

Note:    You can use all the eight pricing codes here.  Price Code 6, Item Number, was selected as the price code to determine the net effective price for the pricing levels defined in field 3.  Although the system will use the first price code entered, as per the pricing hierarchy, it did not make sense to add additional price codes in this field since every item sold has an Item Number.



  1. Define Price Code for Customer Type RETL




                                    Price Code Net Effect: Customer Type RETL


                                    Price Level 1      =          Total Order        $0.00 to $499.99

                                    Price Level II      =          Total Order    $500.00 to $999.99

                                    Price Level III     =          Total Order $1,000.00 +




  1. Define Price Code for Customer Type RETL


Price Level 1                        =          Total Order        $0.00 to $249.99

                                    Price Level II      =          Total Order    $250.00 to $499.99

                                    Price Level III     =          Total Order    $500.00 +





  1. Setup Item Price Codes




Note:   Item A100 has 5 levels that determine the price.  This is to accommodate another customer type that has 5 price levels for total order amount. This is the ease and speed of setting up price codes using the Universal Method; the same price for all customers, but what determines the net effective price to use is the total order level setup in the Customer Type Price Levels.




Example III -Case By Case Method with Excluded Customer Type

  and Excluded Product Category



American Window Films, Inc. (AWFI) sells window tinting film to their dealer channels (mostly jobbers).  AWFI has a competitor who sells to the same dealer channels.  AWFI’s dealers normally order one roll of film whenever they have an installation to do.  AWFI would like to encourage the dealers to order more by offering quantity discounts based on the order quantity total.  This will help AWFI compete against other competitors. The following pricing tables were defined by AWFI:



Price Table for Customer Type JOB1, JOB2, JOB3, JOB4 and JOB5


Item\Level Brk


Qty = 1

Qty = 2 to 4

Qty >= 5






















Item B200 is an accessory with a small unit price and a large quantity. They do not wish to give discounts to item B200.  Furthermore, they do not wish to include item B200 quantities for calculating the order’s discount.  The product category for Item B200 is ACR.


AWFI also offers price discounts for their key dealers. The following pricing table was defined for their dealers (Customer type KEY):


Price Table for Customer Type KEY


Item\Level Brk


Qty = 1

Qty >2



















AWFI also exports their films to foreign countries.  When they export, they do not wish to use price discount by whole order. Each export customer has a special negotiated price for each individual item.  For export customers, the customer type is EXP.



This Case-By-Case scenario with excluded Customer Types and Product Categories would be setup as follows:


1.         Price by Whole Order Setup



Note:    Field 3

If option 5 (Total By Whole Order) is selected, you can define up to five product categories to exclude from Price By Whole Order.


                                   Field 4

Price Codes selected:

                                    1 = Customer Number/Item Number

                                    3 = Customer Type/Item Number

                                    6 = Item Number


                               Field 5

                                    Q = Base On total Quantity selected as basis to determine Levels



2.       Verify in A/R Maintenance Customer Type File that Customer Type EXP does not use Price By Whole Order



                        Note:    Field 3

The choices here are “Y” = Yes and “N” = No.  The default value is “Y” and if this field is left blank, it accepts “Y” as the default.  For this reason, if you want to exclude a customer from Price By Whole Order you must enter “N” in this field.


  1. Set Up Price Codes 1, 3, and 6.


Code 1: Customer No./Item No. for Export Customers

Each export customer has a special negotiated price for each item and do not use Price By Whole Order pricing.


Code 3: Customer Type/Item No. for Customer Type Key


                               Code 6:            Item No. for All Other Customers, (JOB1 – JOB5)

In the pricing hierarchy, customers who are not excluded, (Type EXP), and who are not Key type customers will receive this pricing based on total order quantity.  This code then fits customers who we want to encourage to buy more by offering quantity discounts based on the total order quantity. 


Price Code 6 Setup for Item A100



NOTE:              The “Min-Qty” applies to the whole order quantity. In this particular scenario, the whole order quantity includes items A100, A200, and A300.  If order has 2 ea. A100, 2 ea. A200, and 1 ea. A300, the total order quantity would be 5;  the customer would pay $90.00 for Item A100, and the respective Level 03 Prices for Item A200 and A300.


Using Price By Order


In this order entry example, we will be using the Case By Case method, pricing by whole order, and the break levels are based on quantity.  These are the same defaults defined for Example III, American Window Films, Inc.




The above figure shows that we have entered 2 ea. A100, the Unit Price is $100.00, but the Price Break Popup window (F7 Key) shows that if our total order quantity is 2, the price should be $90.00.  This is because we must recalculate the order using the F4 Key to reflect the discount pricing.  This is done after you have completed the line item entry.  If you have not recalculated your order after you complete all line entry items, the system will do it automatically when you exit the line item screen and go to the billing screen. 


We will recalculate this line item, enter a few more items, and then show you an example of how to recalculate an order.




The order now has 4 line items and a total quantity of 28 ea.  This information is displayed in the upper right portion of the line item entry screen.  In the lower section of the screen, we see that Item A200 does not reflect total order quantity pricing, nor does Item A300.  Since we have not recalculated after completing the line item entry for Item A100, we cannot be sure if this is the right price or not.  It is important, especially if you are on the telephone with your customer, that you recalculate after each line item entry to know the correct selling price.  It is equally important that you use the F7 Key to be aware of the break levels so that you recommend to your customers that they bump their order to get a better price.


Recalculation is simple, easy, and very straightforward.  All it requires is pressing the F4 Key after completing a line item entry.  For this example, we will recalculated and show you the net effect on the next page.





Order recalculated and Items A200 and A300 now reflect the 2 to 4 quantity discount pricing.  The system did not use the quantity for B200 in the recalculation because B200 is product category ACR which we excluded from Price By Order.




Price List by Customer

Application Overview


This enhancement is an improved price list from Elliott’s original design. It provides an easier way to read a customer(s) price list.   You can locate an item price for a customer more quickly, and this list can be sent to a customer(s) with more concise information.  This enhanced list can be sorted by Item Number, Product Category, User Defined Code, and Warehouse Location, etc.



Run Instructions


Elliott Main Menu à Util setup à Global setup à cop-ctl à Price list by customer



Figure 4G.1 shows the setup screen for Price List by Customer.




Using Price List by Customer


            1.  Select Distribution form the Elliott Main Menu.

            2.  Select Customer order processing.

            3.  Select Maintenance.

  1. Select Price code file.
  2. Select Price list.



Options to Generate Internal (House Use) or Customer





Example of how to generate the Price List by Customer.




Run Date: Oct 31, 2001 - 10:33pm         Elliott Demonstration Company                                                     Page    1


                                            P R I C E    L I S T   B Y   C U S T O M E R                                           


Ranges: Item CLOCK           Thru CLOCK                                                                                             

        All Product Categories                                                                                                     

        All Locations                                                                                                               

        Customer 000100 Williams John Q. Company       000200 21ST Century Enterprises       000300 Brooks and Johnson, LTD.       

        Product Category A   Raw Material                                                                                          


Us Item-Number     Item-Desc                      Um    Price          Price          Price                                        

Cd                                                      Cust 000100    Cust 000200    Cust 000300                                  

                                                        Type DISTR     Type RETL      Type DISTR                                   


        Product Category A   Raw Material                                                                                          


   CLOCK           25 Meg Clock For Mother Board  EA    15.50          15.50          15.50                                        




Internal price list showing the pricing information on a specific item for three different customers.






Print COD Tag


Application Overview


This enhancement gives users the ability to print one or multiple COD tags for an order number.  Note: This enhancement only prints a COD tag for order type "O" or "I".  The enhancement has the capability of printing either the customer number, plus the order number plus the box number as the alternate control number, or the customer number plus the invoice number plus the box number as the alternate control number.


This enhancement allows users to print COD tags under two environments.  One environment is the one-step COD tag.  This is the case where the order is taken, a picking ticket is printed, all items are picked and ready to be shipped, and finally COD tags are selected to be printed for warehouse.  The disadvantage of this environment is that the total amount is not saved, freight amount has not been determined, and the invoice number is not available.  Under this environment, the user cannot use the invoice number as part of the alternate control number since no invoice number exists.


The enhancement has the capability of printing the UPS shipper number.  In order for this to be done, the user must set the UPS shipper number in the Global Setup.


If the order is not selected for billing, this enhancement will calculate the total sales amount and sales tax amount.  The user can override these amounts.  If the order is selected for billing or the order invoice is printed, then total sales, freight, miscellaneous, and sales tax amounts are available.  The enhancement will display these amounts, but the user cannot override them.


The enhancement will calculate the total COD amount after all amounts are calculated.  The user can enter how many tags are to be printed.  Next, the user enters if the payment should be cash only or not.  Finally, the user must decide whether the total COD amount is to be distributed or not distributed among the COD tags.


This enhancement provides protection for orders that are not COD's.  If the terms code description is not  "COD" or "C.O.D.", then a warning message will appear asking if the user wants to continue.  If the answer is "yes", the user can then enter the rest of the information.  If the answer is "no", then the user can select another order number.


For cash-only orders, the enhancement will mark the cash-only box on the COD ticket.  This box will be marked when the user answers "yes" for the question "Cash Only" or when the terms code description includes the word "CASH" or "Cash".  If the box is not marked, the instruction will be "Company Check OK".


Run Instructions


Elliott Main Menu à Util setup à Global setup à cop-Ctl à print cod Tag



Figure 4H.1 shows the setup screen for Printing COD Tags.


Field Entry Descriptions


1.   Alternate Control No. Option?

This flag is very important.  This information will be used internally to reference back to the order.  When you receive the check from UPS, it will have this alternate control Number which can be used to determine what order it was for.  There are 5 options:  1 = Cust No, 2 = Order Number, 3 = Invoice Number, 4 = Cust Number + Order Number, & 5 = Customer Number + Invoice Number.



2.       Print Box No. With Alternate Control Number?

If you answer “Y” to this question, the system will print box numbers with the alternate control number. 


3.       Your UPS Shipper Number

Enter your UPS shipper number.  This information will print on the COD tag.



Using Printing COD Enhancement


The user has two options of applying the total COD amount.  The first option is to print only 1 tag, Field 2. This will print the total COD amount on one COD tag and as a result, 1 COD tag per order.


Generate COD Tags


Key Field Entry Description


Field 3:                        Determines how COD is to be paid.


                        0 =       No instructions

                        1 =       Certified Check/Money Order

                        2 =       Company Check




The second option is to print more that one COD tag per order.  If the user selects this option, then the system adds Field 9 to the screen.  This field prompts the user on how they want to distribute the COD amount.  The choices are:


1.                   N = No Distribution.        Total amount goes to 1 tag.

2.                   M = Manually                Manually distribute the COD amt. to the number of tags printed.

3.                   E = Dist. Evenly             System will distribute COD amt. evenly to the number of tags.



If M=Manually is selected, a window will pop up and the user can enter an amount for each COD tag.  After an amount is entered, the projected total COD amount remaining will be displayed.  See figure next page.









Credit Check & Release

Application Overview


This function allows you to put an order on hold and release a held order based on two criteria: 1) Customers exceed the credit limit, or 2) Customers have a past due amount.  It also allows selected A/R term codes, customers, and customer types to be exempt from this automatic credit checking procedure.  If a customer’s account meets one of these two hold criteria, the order will be put on hold automatically.  If needed, only authorized persons such as credit managers or supervisors can be allowed to release an On-Hold order.  This release can be done through COP Order Entry or a special separate Release function, which provides additional credit information for the credit manager or supervisor to review before releasing an order. 


Run Instructions


Go to Elliott Main menu:  Util-setup ® Global setup ® cop-Ctl ® credit check & Release.  The following screen will appear:




Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1. Auto Put Order On hold for Credit Problem

Select “Y” to enable this function.  If enabled, a popup window appears and this is where you define the following credit checking criteria:

1.       Customer has exceeded his credit limit?

Select “Y” Or “N”

2.       Customers actual aged account balance for Period 1 is greater than xxx, xxx.xx (user specified amount).

3.       Customers acutal aged account balance for Period 2 is greater than xxx, xxx.xx (user specified amount).

4.       Customers acutal aged account balance for Period 3 is greater than xxx, xxx.xx (user specified amount).

5.       Customers acutal aged account balance for Period 4 is greater than xxx, xxx.xx (user specified amount).


If field 1 is “Y”, then any orders matching these criteria will be put on-hold.  If an order exceeds any of the user-specified amounts in fields 2 – 5, that order will be put on-hold.

2.   Allow Release On Hold Ord Thru Order Entry

Select “Y” to allow the user to release this order during order entry.  If “N” is selected, then orders can only be released using the Release Held Order menu function.  This menu function can be password protected for a supervisor or Credit manager.

3.   Allow Users To Enter Orders for Customer On     Credit Hold

“Y” or “N” is dependent on your credit hold policy.

4.   Use Cutoff Date To Speed Up Release Ord

This question applies to the Release Held Order menu function. When you release held orders, the system will read the entire order header file and display all held orders.  If you do not wish to display all, select “Y” to specify a cutoff date option.  The cutoff date options to select from are  “S” = System Date or “E” = Earliest Date “

5.   Any Term Code Exempt For Credit Checking

Select “Y” to define up to 5 Terms Codes, (popup window), that will exempt from Credit Checking.  Select “N” for no exceptions.

6.   Any Customer Exempt For Credit Checking

Select “Y” to define up to 5 Customers, (popup window), that will exempt from Credit Checking.  Select “N” for no exceptions.

7.   Any Cust Type Exempt For Credit Checking

Select “Y” to define up to 5 Customer types, (popup window), that will exempt from Credit Checking.  Select “N” for no exceptions.

8.   Credit Check Order If Order Amount Changed

After an On-Hold order has been approved and released, the system does not perform additional credit checks when the order is changed.  This is a convenience factor to reflect changes in terms, shipping instructions, salesmen, etc.  However, this presents a potential loophole where the customer or salesman can substantially increase an approved credit-risk order and escape a second credit check.  Select “Y” to close this loophole by having the system do credit checking anytime the order dollar amount has been changed.




Sales Commission Control

Application Overview


This function will provide you with a very flexible method of defining sales commissions.  It is similar to the Elliott Pricing Structure. You can predefine as many commission codes as you need and specify an effective date for the sales commission.  With 17 different commission codes to choose from and 10 levels for break points, this function will allow you to define almost any kind of commission.

Run Instructions


Elliott Main Menu à Util-Setup à Global Setup – cop-Ctl à Sales commission Ctrl



Commission Codes Available when COP Setup Calc Commissions = I (Item)



Commission Codes Available when COP Setup Calc Commissions = S  (Sales)

Commission Codes Available when COP Setup Calc Commissions = M    (Margin)


Field Entry Descriptions


  1. Use Salesman Commission Control?


Select “Y” to enable.  If not enabled, “N”, the system will base commissions on the default value  in COP Setup.


  1. Use Future Commission Effective Date”?


If “Y”, allows you to specify a Starting and Ending date, (if applicable), for a commission code.



  1. Valid Commission Codes


Determines which codes will be available in COP Commission Structure File.



User Defined Code Setup

Application Overview


This feature gives you the ability to assign a “User-Defined Code” in the COP line item screen for special tracking purposes.  In the Order Line Item Entry Screen, the system will prompt you to enter a User-Defined Code.  You can either press enter to skip this field or enter a valid code (F7 search key is provided).  When posting invoices to A/R, the system will update COP Invoice History, User Defined Code/Year, and Customer User Defined Code/Year Files.  This information can be used later for reporting and analysis purposes.  We have also provided an initialize, export, import, and rebuild function for these three files.


Run Instructions


Before setting up User Defined Codes. You must define what, where, and how you want to use them.  To do this, go to:


Main Menu ® Util-setup ® Global setup ® cop-Ctl ® User defined code.  The following setup screen will then be displayed:



User Defined Code Setup Screen



Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.   User Defined Code Literal

This question prompts you for the field literal that will display in the COP line item screen.  For example purposes, the literal “CHARGE BACK” is used

2.   Order Type For User Defined      Code.

You can select the type of orders that will display the line item user defined code, “CHARGE BACK”. There are five options displayed at the bottom of the screen.  You can press <Enter> to select ALL.

3.   Update Quantity When Credit      Memo

If you want to return item qty. back to inventory, enter “R”.  If you want to give the customer a qty. credit, enter “C”.  This option only applies to credit memos.

4.   Validate User Defined Code

Answer “Y” to validate the User Defined code when entered in COP Line Item screen.

5.   Allow User Defined Code To      Be blank

Answer “Y” to allow users to enter a blank value.

6.   Default To Previous User      Defined Code

If you answer “Y” to this question, the system will use the code entered in the last order.

7.   Print User Defined Code On      Picking Ticket

Answer “Y” to enable this function.


Using User Defined Code


After enabling this function, you will need to define the “Charge Back” codes using the User-Defined Code file maintenance.  To do this, go to:


Customer Order Processing ® Maintenance ® User defined code file


The screen that appears is where you define your codes, as well as the change, delete, and list functions.  Some examples of user defined codes are COOP Advertising, Damaged Goods, Defective Merchandise, Direct Mail Sales, Telemarketing Sales, etc.  With careful planning and forethought to user defined codes, these codes can be powerful reporting and analytical tools.


After defining your “Charge Back User Defined Codes” (Charge Back is just a literal expression) and you enter an order type as defined in the setup, the line item screen will display a “CHARGE BACK” for your input.  At this field, we have provided an F7 key function to search for your codes.  After posting invoices to A/R, the system will update the User-Defined Code/Year file and the Customer User Defined Code/Year file.  These are the two files used for reporting and analysis.



Charge Back field 9 and F7 popup Search window display.



The User-Defined Code/Year file is divided into 12-month buckets.  It displays the Sales Amount, Quantity, and Cost.  You can print a listing based on a “CHARGE BACK” (user-defined) range and year range.  This information can be used as an analysis tool. 


To access this file:  Customer Order Processing ® Yearly user defined file.       


The Customer User-Defined Code/Year file is divided into 12- month buckets.  This file is similar to the User-Defined Code/Year file.  The only difference is that you can display information for a specific customer.  It displays the Sales Amount, Quantity, and Cost.  You can print a listing based on a customer range, “CHARGE BACK” (user-defined) range and year range. This information can be used as an analysis tool.


To access this file: Customer Order Processing ®  yearly cust user Def code.     



User-Defined Code Year/File Maintenance Screen





Customer User-Defined Code/Year File Maintenance Screen



Stock Status Inquiry Setup

Application Overview


This function provides you with a wealth of customer service information available by using Function Keys.  For maximum benefit, the users should thoroughly familiarize themselves with the many item inquiry options.  These features are also available in our Sales Desk program.


The COP Stock Status Inquiry provides for a Customer Number so that when you do an item inquiry for that customer, you have access to pertinent A/R, I/M, and COP data.  Some key features found in this program are:


1.   Item inquiries listing one or all locations where an item is stocked.  Also included in the item inquiry are stocking totals and Bin numbers.  Being able to view stock status by all locations is extremely useful when you ship from different locations or have the need to transfer from one location to another.  It is also helpful when you have multi locations within your warehouse, (refurbished items, returned goods for resale, factory seconds, inspection, quarantine, etc.), to view stock status totals for that item. 


2.   Ability to use wildcards to specify the locations you wish to see stock statuses for.


3.   The option to enter a caller’s name.  This helps the user in remembering who they are talking to, as well as, logging the persons name for future reference.


4.   After you have entered the customer’s number for an inquiry, and if no caller name was entered, then the caller name will be automatically filled with this customer’s contact name.


5.   While you are viewing an item’s stock status, you have the following added functions:

a.       View customer price breaks for this customer and item.

b.       Create a quote from the customer’s inquiry.

c.       Create a sales order from the quote.

b.   View general customer information for the customer.

c.   View credit & YTD information for the customer.

d.       Perform a Substitute Item Search by location

e.       Perform a Component Available Inquiry to show the stock statuses of all components for a parent item to determine the quantity of the parent that can be built.

f.    Perform an Available To Promise Inquiry to display a listing of future quantity available, (by date), for the inventory item being viewed. 


Run Instructions


SELECT:  Main Menu ® Util-setup ® Global setup ® cop-Ctl ® Order/invoice inquiry.   The following screen will appear:



Stock Status Setup Screen


Note:    The setup default values affect both COP and I/M


Entry Field Descriptions




Use Quotation In Stock Status Inquiry

Select “Y” to create a Quote from an inquiry.  When you create the quote, you have the option to confirm it.  If confirmed, the system will allow you to enter a COP sales order for this quote during stock status inquiry.  If not confirmed, these quotes are kept in the Quotation History file and can be called up for review, and/or converted to an “O” or “I” type order.  Select “N” if you do not want users creating sales orders from this inquiry mode.


Note:  If you find yourself becoming a power user of quotes using the Stock Status Inquiry screen; we recommend you use our Sales Desk program for tighter quote management and more flexible features.

Starting Quotation Number

Enter Starting Quote Number, this is an internal number used in Stock Status Inquiry and not related to COP Quote numbers

Use Quotation Comment

Select “Y” if you want to add comments to your quotes.  Comment codes are maintained in COP maintenance.  Quotation comments are mainly for used historical sales analysis purposes to track the reasons why you don’t get a sale from a quote.

Default Quotation Comment Code

If you the enable the previous field, then you may specify the default comment code here.  Comment codes are maintained in COP maintenance. 

Use Inquiry Comment

Select “Y” if you want to add comments to your inquiry

Default Inquiry Comment Code

If you enabled the previous field, then you can specify the default comment code here.

Update Quotation History For Inquiry Trx

Select “Y” to keep a history of caller inquires in the Quotation History file.  The Inquiry Trx’s  will then show up when doing a quote inquiry.





Sales Desk


Application Overview


Sales Desk is a powerful program that can greatly improve the speed and efficiency of processing orders, quotes, capturing new business, and building customer relationships.  After setting up Sales Desk, you should set up a Procedures and Policy guideline for COP sales entry personnel and Sales Desk users.  Many of these procedures and policies can be defined in Sales Desk setup. 


Sales Desk does not currently support the following:


  1. Vertex Sales Tax Interface
  2. “I” and “C” type of Orders for Serial/Lot and Multi-Bins
  3. Feature/Option & Kit items.


Run Instructions


Goto:    Elliott Main Menu à Util Setup à Global setup à cop-ctl à sales Desk



Sales Desk Setup Screen



1.         Use Sales Desk Enhancement?


Select “Y” to enable this feature.


2.         Starting Quotation Number?


Enter starting quote number.  This number is used only in Sales Desk and does not affect COP orders.  The default value is “1”.


3.         Use Quotation Comment?


Default value is “N”.  Select “Y” if you want to add comments to your quotes.  Comment codes are       maintained in COP maintenance.  Quotation comments are mostly used for historical and sales analysis purposes to track reasons why you did not get a sale for the quote.


4.   Default Quotation Comment Code


The default value is blank.  If you enabled the previous field, then you can specify the default comment code here.  Comment codes are maintained in COP maintenance. 


5.             Def. Mode For Showing Line Item


When entering line items in Sales Desk, you have the choice of confirming the line tem or leaving it open as a quote.  This flag lets you choose if you want to view all the line items as you are entering the order, or only the confirmed items. Confirmed items are those that get generated onto the sales order.  This is a default mode only and the system allows changing from mode to mode during data entry.


                  Select “A” for Show All, or “C” for Show confirmed items only.


6.         Enter Line Item Additional Data


Additional Data Window contains line item discount percent, unit cost, vendor number, product category, user defined code, and request and promise dates.  These are fields from Elliott order entry line item screens.  Most of the time, you simply accept the default values for these fields in the order line item screen.  If this is the case, you should answer “N” and this will speed up your process in Sales Desk.  If you need to enter data in any one of those fields, answer “Y” and during entering of line item in Sales Desk, the additional data window will popup and prompt for the information.


7.    Custom      Message For - 'Customer Is On Credit Hold' 


By default “Customer Is On Credit Hold” will be displayed if Sales Desk detects such a condition.  Even though a customer may be put on credit hold, you may not want the customer to know they are on credit hold.  To prevent your staffs from telling customers that they are on “Credit Hold”, you can put a custom message here.  If you leave this field blank, the system will use the default message.


8.         Custom Message For - 'Customer Exceed Credit Limit'


Similar to previous field, to prevent your staff from telling customers they “exceed credit limit”, you can put a custom message here.


9.         Custom Message For - 'Customer Account Past Due'  


Similar to previous field, to prevent your staff from telling customers that their “account is past due”, you can put a custom message here.


10. Print Immediate Order Edit List?   


Select “Y” if you want to print an immediate order edit list when an order is entered through Sales Desk.  Select “N” to disable this feature in Sales Desk if you wish to manually print order edit list in Order Entry.


11. Print Immediate Order Acknowledgment?


Select “Y” to immediately print an Order Acknowledgement when an order is entered through Sales Desk.  Select “N” to disable this feature in Sales Desk if you wish to manually print Order Acknowledgement in Order Entry.


12.        Print Immediate Picking Ticket?


Select “Y” to immediately print a Picking Ticket when an order is entered through Sales Desk.  This is helpful if the order needs to be picked right away and pick tickets are printed on an individual basis.  Select “N” to disable this feature in Sales Desk if pick ticket is printed on the batch basis.


13.        Print Immediately Invoice?


Select “Y” to immediately print an Invoice for an “I” type of order entered through Sales Desk.  This may be helpful for over the counter sales, or if you use the invoice as a pick ticket.  Select “N” to disable this feature if invoices are printed on a batch basis.


14.        Show Credit Problem Window In First Screen?


Select “Y” if you want Sales Desk people to be made aware of the customer credit status before entering an order.  If you select “N”, a credit problem window will still come up when you confirm the order.  If you want to get order first and worry about the credit problem later, you should answer “N”.  Otherwise, answer “Y”.


15. Line Item Default to Customer or Item's Loc ?  


This flag is only relevant if you use the multiple locations feature in Elliott.  By default, system default s a line item’s location to customer’s default location.


If you are a distributor who stocks inventory at all warehouse, then this is the right choice for you. 


If you are a manufacturer producing produce and stocking items at different locations, then you should default line item’s location by item’s default location (as setup in the item master record). 


Select “C” for customer default location or “I” for item default location. This is a default value and the actual line item location can be changed at line entry time.




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