NSCTLMN5 Help - Elliott Business Software

Change Quote to Order

Change Quote to Order

Application Overview


This function will allow you to change a quote to an order.  It will also let you set the Request/Promise Date to equal the Order Shipping Date?  You can only change a quote to a “O” type order.


Note:  If you have an old order that you wish to copy to a quote, you can use the copy order function under COP Processing.


Run Instructions


Elliott Main Menu à Util setup à Global setup à cop Func à Change quote to order



Figure 5A.1 shows the setup screen for Change Quote To Order.




Invoice Printing


Application Overview


The purpose of this function is to provide additional invoice printing features. 


1.       It allows you set up a default invoice form for a specific customer in the customer file.  When you print invoice(s) for this specific customer, the system will use the invoice form defined in the customer file and not COP setup.

2.       It will allow you to print an invoice immediately after billing an order.

3.       It will allow you to print invoice(s) to disk.

4.       It will eliminate the print alignment message before invoice printing.

5.       It will eliminate the mount form message before invoice printing.



Run Instructions


Elliot Main Menu à Util setup à Global control à cop-Func à Invoice printing



Figure 5B.1 shows the setup screen for Invoice Printing.




Order Entry Billing Screen

Application Overview


Elliott COP is a feature rich module with many features and functions that are controlled in the Order Header, Order Line Item, and Order Billing Screens.  Rather than enabling these features and functions that may not apply to all users, we give the user the option to select only those that apply to them or that they can use to better meet their needs and functionality.  The COP managers or owners should review the options available with management and COP users, and then incorporate the options selected into their Procedures and Policies Manual.


Run Instructions

Go to Elliott Main Menu:  Util-setup ® Global Setup ® cop-Func ® order Billing screen.  The following setup screen will appear:






Entry Field Descriptions





1.             Initialize Freight Amount on Order Billing?

The purpose of this function is to pull-in the freight amount from a Manifest System (Starship).











Flags 2, 2-8 are related to the Deposit Handling Enhancement.  Flag these functions as “Y” and do their set up using the Deposit Handling documentation that follows.


9.             Default Extra Charges For Terms Code?

This is only a default field.  The Terms Code function allows you to add an extra charge to an order by a set dollar amount or percent.  Select “A” for dollar amount, “P” for Percent, or “N for none.




Deposit Handling


Application Overview


Standard Processing Method


The standard method of order entry is designed to enter, process, ship and invoice orders.   It is not designed to apply deposits, pre-payments, or credit memos to all type of orders in COP.  To enter a deposit or pre-payment, the user usually receives posts the deposit in A/R Cash Receipts and applies it as an Open Credit to the customer. The Standard Processing Method does provide the function to apply an “Amount Paid” to COP type “I” orders.  This works reasonably well if the invoice is immediate or an over the counter sale.


When a Standard Method COP type “O” order is selected to bill and the invoice printed, the printed invoice will show the entire invoice amount as the Balance Due even though the customer has a deposit, pre-payment, or credit memo against this invoice.  To lessen any misunderstandings with the customer and his invoice, the deposit could be referenced in the Invoice comments.


After the invoice has been posted, the COP user must go to A/R and Reapply the open credit to the invoice.  If they are not authorized for this A/R process, they must notify the A/R user and explain the situation.  Until the Open credit has been reapplied to the invoice, the invoice remains open and is reflected as such in the customer credit history and financial status.


From a centralized cash receipts process and cash management standpoint, the following are areas of concern with the Standard Processing Method:


1.       Cash receipts and A/R are not updated until the invoice is posted.

2.       If invoice originated as an order, do you withhold processing any “Amount Paid” until the order is filled, shipped, and ready to invoice?  Or, do you post payment as an open credit and reapply after the order has been invoiced and posted?

3.       Who handles cash, the A/R Department or Sales Processing Department?                        


NOTE:        For terminology purposes, Deposit is synonymous with cash received, cash applied, partial payment, and pre-payment.



Deposit Handling Method


The Deposit Handling Method resolves all the Standard Method Process issues by posting deposits as an open credit in A/R and linking them, automatically or via a popup window, to the COP Amount Paid field.  Additionally, it gives you the controls to establish a centralized cash receipts process. 


This function works with “O” and “I” type orders by allowing users access to the billing screen during regular order entry processing.  This function will also let you apply open credit memos in the Amount Paid field of the billing screen.  This is especially important for COD Customers when the COD amount due must reflect a deposit or an open credit memo.  If the COD amount is not correct, customers may refuse shipment or become upset if their deposit or open credit memo is not applied.


Run Instructions


Go to Elliott Main Menu:  Util-setup ® Global setup ® cop-Func ® order Billing screen.  The following setup screen will appear:




Entry Field Descriptions




1.             Initialize Freight Amount On Order Billing?

Does not apply to deposit handling.

2.             Show Billing Scrn During COP For “O” Type Orders?

Answer “Y” if you want Sales Order Entry people to access billing screen to enter payments, freight, miscellaneous charges or comments at order entry time for “O” type orders.  Answer “N” to use the Standard Processing Method.     

3.             Show Billing Scrn During O/E For “Q” Type Orders?

Answer “Y” if you want Sales Order Entry people to access billing screen to enter payments, freight, miscellaneous charges or comments at order entry time for “Q” type orders.  Answer “N” if you do not need these features for “Q” type orders.

4.             Should Amt Paid Be a Reference Field Only?

If you answer “N”, Deposit Handling will be disabled and the cash receipts processing will use The Standard Processing Method.


Answer “Y” to enable Deposit Handling.  If flagged “Y”, the Amount Paid on the Billing Screen for “O” and “I” type orders will not post as a cash receipt.  However, and since the system is using payments/open credits from A/R to populate this field, the printed invoice will reflect the correct Balance Due amount. Upon posting the invoice, the system will Re-Apply the payment/open credit to the posted invoice.


5.             Allow Manual Entry of Check No. and Date?

If answered “N”, a window will popup allowing you to define up to 5 Supervisors (users) who can manually enter a Check No. and Date. This is a security feature to ensure data accuracy and only let the designated supervisors make adjustments when a situation exists outside normal operating procedures.  However, non-supervisor users can still use the F3 Key to select the Open Payment amount and automatically populate the Check No. and Date fields with the values of the Payment/Credit.


Answers “Y” to let all users manually enter Check No. and Date.

6.             Validate A/R Open Item File?

This flag defaults to “Y” and cannot be changed if you said “N” to allow Manual Entry of Check No. and Date, (Field 5, above).  If “Y” to allow Manual entry of Check No. and Date, the Deposit Handling s function gives you three options:

1. Y=Yes  2. W=Warning            3. N=No. 


If “Y”, the system will validate the check number and date in the A/R Open Item file.  If it          cannot validate the Check No. and Date, it will not accept the information entered and will prompt you for a valid Check No. and Date.


If “W”, the system will issue a Warning Message, but let you proceed with the Check No. and Date as entered.


If “N”, the system will not validate and accept the Check No. and Date as entered.


Note:        These same options and rules apply if you are processing an open credit memo against an order.

7.             Auto Pop Up Amt Paid Field?

This function will automatically populate the Amount Paid, Check No., and Date fields for a Credit Balance Customer with their open payment or credit memo.  Answer “Y” to enable this function. Auto Pop Up will only work for Credit Balance Customers.


The system only allows one open payment/credit to apply per invoice and if the customer has more than 1 Open Payment/Credit the system will display a message saying “Multiple Unapplied A/R Open Item Records Exist.”  However, you can still apply multiple credits per invoice using the procedures detailed in the Processing Order Entry section of this manual.


8.             Auto Pop Up Amt Paid For COD Customer?

This is the same function as flag #7, but for COD Customer only.  If you select “Y” for this function, it overrides and disables flag #7 if it was answered “Y.”  This enhancement only works for customers with COD Terms and credit balances.


9.             Default Extra Charge For Terms Code?

Does not apply to deposit handling




Set-Up Rules To Remember:


A.      When Reference Field Flag = N.


  1. System follows the Standard Processing Method.
  2. Data entered in the COP Billing Screen will not update A/R until the invoice is posted.
  3. Fields 5 through 8 will be disabled.
  4. Fields 2 and 3 will be functional if flagged Y.  Any information entered into the Billing Screen will carry over to the invoice when the order is selected for billing.
  5. Unless you want to hold checks until invoicing occurs, you must create open item cash receipts in A/R and then reapply once the invoices are posted.


B.                     When Reference Field Flag = Y

  1. The system will not post or create any transactions for the amount entered in the Amount Paid field. 
  2. When the invoice is posted, the system will automatically perform a Re-Apply for the open Payment/Open Credit referenced in the billing screen and match it to the invoice.



Order Entry Header Screen

Application Overview

Elliott COP is a feature rich module with many features and functions that are controlled in the Order Header, Order Line Item, and Order Billing Screens.  Rather than enabling these features and functions that may not apply to all users, we give the user the option to select only those that apply to them or that they can use to better meet their needs and functionality.  The COP managers or owners should review the options available with management and COP users, and then incorporate the options selected into their Procedures and Policies Manual.


Setup Instructions


Go to Elliott main Menu:  Util-setup ® Global setup ® cop-Function ® order Header screen.  The following setup screen will appear:




Entry Field Descriptions





1.             Use Phantom Invoices                                                                                 

Answer “Y” to enter a Phantom Order and print a Phantom Invoice(s).  The purpose for Phantom Orders is for Proforma or consignment purposes.  You can control the files that will update after posting.  In most cases, when posting Phantom Invoices, you should not update any existing Elliott data files.

2.             Allow Users To delete COP Order 

Select from the following options:

“L” = List of Users to Allow.   Allows you to define 5 supervisors (users) authorized to delete COP orders.

“Y” = Allows users to delete orders.

“N” = System will not allow deletion of orders.

3.             Allow Users To enter Ord When Cust Over Crdt Limit

Select “Y” to allow user to enter an order when customer is over their credit limit.

Select “N” to prevent processing orders when a customer is over their credit limit.

Note:  If there is a credit problem, the Credit Check and Release feature can automatically put an order on hold after the order has been entered.

4.             Mark Order As EDI Order/Trading Partners Setup

See explanation at the end of Entry Field Descriptions.

5.             Duplication Criteria For PO# in Sales Order

This feature checks for duplicate purchase orders and gives you the following duplication checking criteria:

1.   N=None

2.   2. P=P.O.# Only

3.   C=Customer

4.   S= Per Ship To.


“P” checks for the P.O. # only, “C” checks if the P.O. # has already been entered for that customer, and “S” checks against the P.O.#, Cust#, and Ship-To#.

If you do want to check for duplication PO Number in COP set this flag to “N”.


When you enable the checking of duplicate PO#, you also enable the feature of searching by PO# and Ship-To# in COP Order Inquiry and Order Entry Change Mode.  If “N” is selected, it will disable both features.

6.             Use Store & Dept# In Order Header Screen

If you need to identify a Store or Department Number on your order and print this information on the invoice, set this flag to “Y”.

7.             Alert If Ord Chg After Pick ticket Printed

If “Y”:  When you go to change an order after the picking ticket has been printed, the system will prompt you with a message that the order has been picked.  If this occurs, the Shipping Department should be made aware of the changes and that a new Picking Ticket is to be printed.  In most situations when you go change an order, you should be alerted if the order has been picked. Therefore, we suggest you to enable this feature.

8.             Alert If Ord Del After Pick Ticket Printed

Select “Y” to have the system notify you that you are deleting an order for which a Picking Ticket has been printed.  If this occurs, you should verify with the Shipping Department if the order has been picked and/or shipped.  We suggest that you turn on this feature.

9.             Mass Chg Line Promise Date When Ship Date Chg   

Elliott controls the ship date at the order line item level by using the “Promise Date”.  This feature allows a mass change of the line items Promise Date to match a new Ship Date.

If you select “Y”, then during order header change of the ship date field, a window will popup and ask if you want to do a mass change to the line items.


You should enable this feature if most of your orders ship date is identical for all line items on that order.

Do not enable this feature if you need to process line items with an individual “Promise Date”.

10.   Default Order Type

The Elliott default Order type is “O”. However, there are many companies who process mostly “I” type orders for immediate invoicing or over the counter sales, and the default of “O” causes an inconvenience.  This feature gives you the option to set a default for “O” = Order, “I” = Invoice, “Q ”= Quote, or “C”= Credit Memo. 

11.            Prohibit Use Same As Ship To When Ship To Exist

This is a security feature to prevent shipping an order to an address other than the address setup for the Ship To Number.  Select “N” to disable manual override, or “Y” to allow manual override.  If a company is concerned that an order may ship to a non-valid Ship to Address, they should set this flag as “N”. 


12.            Allow Manual Override of Ship To Address

There are many companies who want orders shipped only to their stores or branches, but never to their headquarters. This function will prevent shipping to the Customer headquarters if a Ship To Number has been setup. 


Select “Y” to enable this function.  If the customer needs an occasional order shipped to their main location, they must setup a Ship To Number for their main location.

13.            Allow Manual Override of Bill To Address                     

This is a security feature to prevent billing an order to an address other than the default Bill To Address.  Select “N” to disable manual override, or “Y” to allow manual override.



4.         Mark an order as an EDI order/Trading Partners Setup.


This field involves two settings:


      1.  Mark an order as an EDI Order:          Value defined in this field

      2.  Trading Partner Setup:                                   Defined in a popup window


All orders that come into Elliott through EDI will be marked as an EDI orders automatically, (a hidden flag in order header).  All orders marked as EDI can be invoiced to trading partner as an EDI invoice as well.  However, if you need to manually enter orders for your EDI trading partners, the question for you is whether you need to invoice your EDI trading partners through EDI as well?  If your answer is “Y”, then by default the order you manually enter for your trading partner will not be marked as EDI.  As a result, that order will not be invoiced to your EDI trading partner.


To solve this problem, our order entry system needs to know who is your EDI trading partner.  These trading partners can be setup in “Trading Partner Setup Window” which will popup after you press enter on the “Mark an Order” field.


If you do not use EDI, or if you do not need to invoice your trading partners through EDI, answer “N” to this field.


If you are using EDI, and need to invoice your trading partners through EDI for manually entered orders, answer “A” (Always) to this field.  All orders you manually entered for your EDI trading partners will be marked as EDI orders automatically.


If you are using EDI, and have multiple EDI trading partners where some require you to invoice them through EDI, and some don’t, you might consider using “Y” (Selective) in this field.  Selective allows the system to prompt you during order entry to determine “If you wish to make this order EDI?”



Once you enter a value into this field.  The Trading Partner Setup Windows will popup.



Cust-No.                       =          This is your Partners Customer number as defined in A/R.

            Terms Type       =          Leave Blank

            Terms Basis      =          Leave Blank

            Payment                       =          Leave Blank

Partner Code   =      This is your Trading Partners EDI Customer # as defined by your EDI translator software.

            Vendor No.        =          This is your Vendor number for your trading partner.


Under most situations, you can leave the Terms Type, Terms Basis and Shipment Method of Payment fields blank.  If your EDI translator software has properly defined the map for your trading partner, this information can be picked up from your EDI translator software side.


Partner code is defined by your EDI translator software.  Under most situations, your EDI translator software does not know the internal customer number you are using for your trading partner.  They may use their Internal code like “WLMT” to stand for Wal-Mart.  Therefore, we need a cross referencing capability between Elliott’s internal customer number and EDI translator software’s customer number.  You need to verify with your EDI software provider for their internal customer number for your trading partner.


You can define up to 5 customer numbers as your trading partners.  In some situations, you may have multiple customer accounts corresponding to the same trading partner.  You may use a unique customer type to represent this trading partner and make sure each customer account for this trading partner is setup correctly with this customer type.  This will work for EDI, if you only need to invoice EDI and do not need to import EDI orders.


Cust-Type  =     This is a unique customer type defined in A/R for those Trading Partners who ship to multiple branches or other locations. 




Order Entry Line Item Screen

Application Overview

Elliott COP is a feature rich module with many features and functions that are controlled in the Order Header, Order Line Item, and Order Billing Screens.  Rather than enabling these features and functions that may not apply to all users, we give the user the option to select only those that apply to them or that they can use to better meet their needs and functionality.  The COP managers or owners should review the options available with management and COP users, and then incorporate the options selected into their Procedures and Policies Manual.


Set Up Instructions


Go to Elliott Main Menu:  Util-setup ® Global Setup® cop-Func ® order Line item screen.  The following setup screen will appear:



Entry Field Descriptions




1.                             Use Super Kits Function

Answer “Y” to enable this function.


This function will allow you to select the components of a KIT item during order entry.  If you have already defined a KIT file, the system will copy over this structure with the predefined components, but you have the option to change, delete, or add component items.  If you have defined a KIT parent item in the item master file, but have not defined a KIT file, the system will allow you to search that KIT item using the [F7] key.  The system will then display an empty KIT window giving you the option to enter any components for this KIT item.  The Super KIT Item function is a powerful tool for light assembly/manufacturing companies who often have the need to change Bill of Material configurations.

2.                             Display & Enter COP Line Item Tax Flag

If you would like to be able to see the line item tax flag and access the field during order line entry, answer “Y” to this question.

3.                             Use Promise Or Cancel Date On Line Item Screen

There are two date fields in the order line item file: “Request Date” and “Promise Date”.  Request date is the date that customer requests you to ship the goods.  By default, promise date will be equal to request date unless you change it.  You will normally change the promise date when you can’t ship goods to your customers by their request date.  With your customer’s permission, you change the promise date to a later date when you will be able to ship.  Picking Ticket printing is based on “Promise Date” for selecting line items to print.


Some businesses, especially large chain stores, may give you a request date for shipment and a cancellation date to cancel the order if you do not ship by that date.  If you set this flag to “C”, then system will use “Promise Date” field as Cancel Date with a literal change to “Cancel Date”.  If so, the picking ticket printing is based on “Request Date” for selecting, not “Cancel Date”.  The default value for this field is “P” for “Promise Date”.


4.                             Price Markup by Cost Or Price (Pricing Codes)

C = Cost:                 Price Code markup based on a cost markup.

P = Price: Price Code markup based on a base line item                                                                          price in the Inventory Item file.

Default value is “C” for cost.

5.                             Validation Against Available Credit Balance

If you maintain tight controls on customers credit limit, you should turn on this feature and let the system check the credit balance on a line item by line item basis.  As each line item is entered, the system checks if the credit limit is exceeded with this line.  When the credit limit is exceeded with this line item, the system gives you a warning message, but does not stop you from additional line item entry.  It is helpful for the order entry person to know that customer’s credit limit has just been exceeded and no more line items should be placed on this order.

6.                             Close Out Order Line Item When Not Fully Shipped

Even though the customer may allow you to back order, he may request that you to close out a line item that has been back ordered.  By enabling this flag, the system will give you option to do so in the change mode of order entry processing.

7.                             Allow entry for Obsolete Item In COP Line Item

If you enter an item that is obsolete the system will give you a warning message, but let you proceed.  By answering “N” to this field, the system will not allow entry of obsolete items. 

Note:        Items are marked Obsolete in the Inventory item                                                                 master file.

8.                             Allow Entry For Forecast Item In COP Line Item

Similar to previous question. Answer “N” to this field to prevent order entry for forecast items.

9.                             Allow entry For Planning Item In COP Line Item

Similar to previous question. Answer “N” to this field to prevent order entry for planning items.

10.            Round COP Line Item Unit Price to 2 Decimals

The Elliott unit price allows up to 4 decimal points.  When the discount or markup setup in price codes are by a percentage, the unit price calculated may carry over to three or four decimal points.  If you require or prefer rounding the unit price to two decimal points, answer “Y” to this question.  Default value is “N”.


11.            Default Qty-To-Ship To Zero

Certain business always back order items when an order is first entered. Make-to-order businesses, or manufacturers, who start to produce items as they receive the order, usually do this.  Answer “Y” to make quantity to ship as zero and back order the line item by default.


12.            Allow Qty-To-Ship > Qty Available

Select “Y” to enable this feature.  This feature addresses the situations when you want to bill an order regardless if you have the Quantity available, or when you physically have the quantity available on hand.  Qty To Ship > Qty Available occurs from inaccurate inventories or when quantity has already been allocated, (Qty Available = Qty On Hand – Qty Allocated).


Select “N” if you wish to have a tighter control with inventory and force the inventory to be accurate before shipment can happen.  The default is “Y”.

13.            Enter Line Item Unit Cost Unconditional

When processing a line item, the system by default skips over the Unit Cost field.  However, you can go back after you have completed the screen and change the unit cost.  If you always need to change this field as you are entering line item data, select “Y” to enable this feature.

14.            Feature Option Select With Two Line Item Description

When selecting Feature Options, the system by default will only display the first line of the item description.  If you need to display both lines of description, select “Y” to enable this feature, otherwise select “N”.

15.            Is Unit Price Before Discount Percent

Select “Y” to use the standard discount logic.  When an order is discounted at Order Entry time, the Unit Price field in the line entry screen will not reflect the discounted price, instead the line item discount percent will default to the discount in the Order Header,  To know what you are selling the item for, you must divide the extended price by the quantity ordered.


If you select “N”, then the Unit Price in the line entry screen will reflect the discounted price based on order header discount percent and the lien item discount percent will default to 0.  This is a more convenient way of seeing what you are billing the item for rather than having to figure out the net unit price that you are billing for.  It is also easier to communicate with customer either verbally or through invoicing for the net unit price that we are charging the customer.




Pick Ticket/Ship Labels

Run Instructions


Elliot Main Menu à Util setup à Global setup à cop-Func à Pick Ticket/ship label



Entry Field Descriptions




1.  Print Staging Slip with Picking Ticket?

This feature is used to print a consolidated pick ticket (staging slip) for multiple orders. If you have a large warehouse and the number of orders is huge, the traditional method of using picking ticket to pick order one at a time is not efficient. A better method is to pick all orders in a batch in one run and place the goods in a staging area.  From staging area, you can pick your individual order much quicker than go through the entire warehouse.  Thus, we call this feature Staging Slip.  Some people may refer this as “Wave Pick”. This feature is very useful for distributors with large-sized warehouses.

There are two different modes for printing a staging slip:

a. Automatic mode: the staging slip will be automatically printed right after the picking ticket is printed.

b. Manual mode: orders can be manually entered one by one, and then the staging slip is printed.

Note:  If picking sequence is not used, then line items will be sorted by item number on staging slip.

1. Automatic Mode

Automatic mode occurs in the Print Picking Tickets.  In order to use Print Staging Slip in this mode, this feature must be enabled.  After the picking ticket is printed, if you hit the ESCAPE key or F10, it will automatically ask you if you wish to print the staging slip.

2. Manual Mode

This mode allows you to manually enter one order after another for printing staging slips.


2.  COP Shipping Label Format

Allows up to four label sizes

3.  Print Immediate Picking Ticket?

Some companies may require the shipment take place right after the order is entered.  Answer “Y” to enable printing of picking ticket immediately where system will ask you “Do you wish to print pick ticket immediately?” after an order is entered.

4.  Credit warning message on Picking ticket?

“Y’ =

“N” =

“C” =

5.  User ID on Picking ticket?

Select “Y” to print the user who entered the order. 

Select “N” to disable/

6.  Default value for F2 comment on Picking ticket

Default is “N”.  To print F2 comment, enter “Y”.

7.  Allow User to print duplicate Pick ticket?

Default is “N”.  Select “Y” to allow printing a duplicate ticket.  Caution:  Duplicate tickets could result in double shipments to customers.

8  Print Multiple Serial Dash Line When Qty. > 1

The default Picking ticket logic only gives you one dash line, (15 characters), even if you quantity to ship is greater than one.  This setup flag prints a serial number dash line for the total Quantity to ship, i.e., if item has qty-to-ship of 24, then it will print 24 dash lines to enter all serial numbers.  Additionally, you can print the serial number dash lines in two columns format to reduce the spacing requirement.

Select “Y” to print one dash line per serial number, Select “T” to print the serial number dash lines in two columns format, or select “N” if you only need one dash line regardless of qty-to-ship.

9.  Default Value for Print Zero Qty. Shipped Y or N


10.  Print Summary Report after Print Pick Ticket?


11. Starship E-Mail Shipping Notification Type

E = Manifest Event (User defined e-mail)

H = Hard coded (Predefined by Elliott w/links to shipper)

12.  UPS Ship Via code For Shipping Notification

Enter UPS shipping codes for which you want to send e-mail shipping notification

13. Fed Ex Ship Via Code For Shipping Notification

Enter Fed EX shipping codes for which you want to send e-mail shipping notification


14. Shipping Notification Line Item Option

Determines what orders/items will qualify for shipping notification.

1 = Selected or Invoice Items

2 = From Shipping Verification program

3 = From Picking ticket

4 = All N0n-Backordable Items

5 = Do Not Print

15. Web Site Of Our Company




Post Invoice to A/R


Run Instructions



Figure 5H.1


Entry Field Descriptions


1.       Post invoices by invoiced sequence, or order sequence.

By default, COP Post Invoice to A/R will be posted by order number sequence.  If you would rather post it by invoice number sequence, you can set this flag to “I”.


2.       Post COGS by Kit Component. 

By default, COP posting will roll up the component cost for a kit item and post to the inventory and cost of good sold accounts based on the kit item’s material cost type and product category.  If you would rather post inventory and COGS by kit components, answer “Y” to this question.  The system will distribute to G/L based on the KIT component’s cost of goods sold accounts defined in the product category. 


3.       Post Sales by Kit Component.

By default, COP posting will post the sales distribution by kit item’s product category.  If you like to analysis your sales by kit components, you can set this flag to “Y”, then not only the sales distribution will be posted by kit components, it will also post the components to the Sales History Trx File, and update the Items’ Accumulator (ytd, ptd sales cost), except in the Invoice History file.


4.       Post EDI Invoice Without Exporting?

For an imported EDI order you have the option to export it to an EDI 810 Invoice.   However, once an invoice has been posted you will not be able to export to an EDI 810 through the regular process.  Therefore, by setting this flag to “N” will prevent potential error where the posting is taking place before the exporting of EDI 810 Invoice.  When an EDI order is exported, the order will be marked (a hidden flag), then the invoice can be posted.  However, in some situation you can’t set this flag to “Y” for it will bring more problems than it try to solve.  In those situations, you have to use procedure control: meaning you have to ensure that the EDI 810 Export is done before the posting through your internal procedure.  The following table will give you a good guideline for setting this flag:



Procedure Control

Flag Control

You You are not using EDI

Set this flag to “Y”

Set this flag to “Y”

You have one or more EDI trading partners,  hey all require 810 Invoice.

Set this flag to either “Y” or “N”. Preferable to set this flag to “N” to prevent error.

Set this flag to “N”.

You have multiple EDI trading partners. Some of them require 810, some of them don’t.

Set this flag to “Y”.  You must use Procedure control in this case.

Set this flag to “Y”.  You can’t rely on flag control to prevent error and must use internal procedure control.



Purge Posted Invoice


Application Overview


The purpose of this feature is to automate the purge process via Deferred Processing without losing the time window of history that you wish to keep.  To make this possible, we allow you to define a time window for history to keep. 


Run Instructions



Purge Posted Invoices Setup Screen


Field Entry Descriptions



1.   Reserved for future use.


2.   How Many Days To Keep When Purging Posted Invoices?


With the purpose of this feature being to automate the purge process via Deferred Processing without losing the time window of history that you wish to keep, we make it  possible by allowing you to define a time window for history to keep.  For Example:


a.       Define the numbers of days to keep history when you purge, (90 Days).

b.       Purge Process, (recurring daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly) is set up for Deferred Processing with a purge cut-off date well set into the future, 12/31/30.

c.       The process would normally purge all posted invoices through 12/31/30 but since we made the 90 “Days To Keep” a condition, it will keep all history for 90 days prior to the system date and purge everything else.



Future Price Screen

Application Overview


Future Price function is used to update the price, standard cost and user-amount fields in the item master file.  By using this function, the user can enter a date when the item price, cost, and user-amount will become effective without immediately impacting the item file.  On the effective date, the user can post the future price transactions and make them effective.


The future price function allows the user to enter future price transactions well in advance of the effective date. You can make the posting of future price a Deferred Processing procedure, recurring on a daily basis, to further automate this process.  This way you do not have to manually post Future Price transactions on, (or if you forget), after the effective date.


The Future Price function does not update price codes.  If you are using the price code function with discount and markup methods, the future price function will be a useful tool to you.  However, if you use price codes with a set price then the Future Price function may not be as valuable to you.


Future price is a very helpful function if the user has thousands of items to update in a short period of time.  For example; if new pricing will be effective for 5,000 items at the beginning of a new year, there is simply not enough time to make all the changes in just a few days with the traditional method.  You cannot make changes to the item file well in advance because any changes immediately update the item price and cost.  This is why user may need to use this Future Price function.


If you can use the “Mass Price Change” function to update your price by a fixed percentage, then you do not need to use the Future Price function.  If you only have less than a few hundred items’ price to update, you may not need to use the future price function since you can probably take care of the changes in a day, or maybe even a few hours.


Run Instructions


Setup of Future Price

Before using this function, you must define and enable your default parameters in the setup process.  To do this, go to: Main Menu -> Util Setup -> Global setup à Cop-Func -> Future Price.  The following screen will appear:




Future Price Screen Setup


Entry Field Description




1. Maintain Primary Cost of Both?

Elliott maintains both FOB and Landed Cost, and these are your Primary and Secondary Costs.  Whichever is the Primary or Secondary cost is dependent upon how you have setup the Landed Cost function.  For these costs you have an Average Cost, Last Cost, and Standard Cost. This enhancement will only update the Standard cost.

Select “P” for Primary, Select “B” for Both, or “N” for None if you do not need to maintain future standard costs.

2. Maintain Item Price?

Select “Y” to maintain the future price.  On the specified date, the new price becomes effective after posting.


3. Maintain Item User Amount?

The Item User Amount is a user definable field.  If you need to update this field on a future date, select “Y” to include this field for maintenance in the future price function.  Refer to the System Manager Manual on how to use Item User Amount.


4. Default Import File Path/Name


5. Does Import file With Header row





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