Purchase Order PO1601 Help - Elliott Business Software

Vendor Service Address

Vendor Service Address


Vendor Service Address FileApplication Overview


A vendor may have more than one address that can be used, depending on what is being sent. A vendor may have one address that they use for receiving payments or Purchase Orders and another that they wish to use for other correspondence such as letters or other direct correspondence. This application allows the use of 2 separate addresses for each vendor. The vendor address in the vendor file will be used for checks, while the vendor service address will appear as the order from address on the Purchase Order, Purchase Order Edit List and in Purchase Order Inquiry. This vendor service address serves as a reference when you wish to send direct correspondence to the vendor.


Run Instructions


    Select Vendor Service Address File from the pull down P/O Maintenance window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Vendor Service Address Maintenance Entry Screen





    The following options are available:


              *        Select the desired mode from the Vendor Service Address Maintenance menu bar

              *        Enter the data requested on the screen


    To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

 1.  Vendor No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the vendor that you wish to have associated with the vendor service address information that is entered below.


Press the F7 key to search for Vendor by number or press the F8 key to search for Vendor by name.

2.  Service Address Address 1

30 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the first line of the vendor's service address.

3.  Service Address Address 2

30 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the second-line of the vendor's service address.

4.  Service Address Address 3

30 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the third line of the vendor's service address.

5.  Service Address Country

15 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the country of the vendor's service address.





Type and Description

  Starting Vendor No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the starting Vendor No in the range you want to list, or press RETURN to list All vendors.

  Ending Vendor No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the ending Vendor No in the range you want to list.








Vendor Service Address File Maintenance






Service Address List



Run Date: Nov 13, 1992 ‑ 12:03pm         Elliott Electronics Co.                                                            Page    1


                                    V E N D O R   S E R V I C E   A D D R E S S   L I S T


Range: All Vendors


 Vendor  Name                            Service‑Address


 000100  Computer Electronics Center     1874 North Lake Ave

                                         Los Angeles, Ca





 000200  CompuPart Computer Services     18946 South Riverside Street

                                         San Diego, Ca.





 000300  Anawalt Computer Company        2546 West Tree Street

                                         Glendale, Ca





 000400  Computers of America            8588 Broadway East

                                         Los Angeles, Ca





 000500  Ronson Electronics              7463 East Port Ave.

                                         Los Angeles, Ca




















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