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Payroll History Reports

Payroll History Reports

Application Overview


The Payroll History Reports application prints four history reports.  They provide historical information on a wide range of data generated during Post Time Transaction and Post Manual Transaction.  Each report offers the user the option to purge the data file from which the report is printed.  When purging the files, be very certain all ranges have been entered correctly.  Once the purging is complete, the data is no longer available.


Payroll Check History Report


    The Payroll Check History Report shows all computer generated payroll checks and manual transactions for a range of employees and for a range of pay period dates. 


    It shows the detail of all payroll transactions that have taken place within a specified period, for a specified range of employees.  Payroll transactions include regular payroll checks, advanced vacation checks and manual payroll transactions.


    The starting and ending dates refer to the range of pay period ending dates and not check dates.  The Payroll History File is keyed by pay period ending date rather than check date.


    All voluntary deductions are lumped together under the single "Deduc­tions" heading.  Likewise, all employee allowances are lumped together under the heading "Allowances" For a restaurant; meals and reported tips are included together under the Heading Tips‑Meals.


Deduction/Earning History Report


The Deduction/Earning History Report shows all deductions and earn­ings taken on computer generated payroll checks and manual transactions for a range of employees, for a range of pay period dates, and for a range of D/E codes. 


The starting and ending dates refer to the range of pay period ending dates and not check dates.  The Payroll Deduction/Earning History File is keyed by pay period ending date rather than check date.


L And I History Report


The L And I History Report shows all Labor and Industry Code payments for ranges of pay period dates, employees, L and I codes, and/or states.  The user may define one or more of these ranges to define what data the report will print.  The report may be organized by L and I code, by employee, or by state.


Note:  The data file may not be purged if the report is printed by employee or state.


For each check, the report prints the check number, pay period ending date, hours worked, gross wages, and employee and employer L and I premium amounts.


Shift History Report


The Shift History Report prints by shift code the shift differentials calculated for each employee.  The report can be printed for a range of pay period ending dates, employee's and/or shift codes.  For each shift code, the report prints the check number, pay period ending date, shift type, hours worked, and calculated shift amount for each employee.


Run Insturctions


Select Payroll History Reports from the pull down PR Reports window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Print Payroll History Report Entry Screen




The following options are available:


*  Select the desired mode from the Payroll History Reports menu bar

*  Select the Payroll Check History Report, Ded/Earn History Report, L And I History Report or Shift History Report.

*  Enter the data requested on the screen


To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

Entry Field Descriptions


Payroll Check History Report



Type and Description

1.  Print Report ?

Y or N.


Defaults to Y.

2.  Purge File ?

Y or N.


Defaults to N.


Be certain the file is to be purged before answering YES to the Purge File? question.  Once the file is purged, the designated data is deleted from the file.

3.  Starting Date

A date in the standard date format.


Defaults to All dates by pressing the RETURN key.

4.  Ending Date

A date in the standard date format.


Defaults to the starting date.

5.  Starting Employee

4 numeric digits (9999).


Defaults to All employees by pressing the RETURN key.

6.  Ending Employee

4 numeric digits (9999).


Defaults to the starting employee number.

Deduction/Earning History Report



Type and Description

1.  Print Report ?

Y or N.


Defaults to Y.


.  Purge File ?

Y or N.


Defaults to N.


Be certain the file is to be purged before answering YES to the Purge File? question.  Once the file is purged, the designated data is deleted from the file.

3.  Starting Date

A date in the standard date format.


Defaults to All dates by pressing the RETURN key.

4.  Ending Date

A date in the standard date format.


Defaults to the starting date.

5.  Starting Employee

4 numeric digits (9999).


Defaults to All employees by pressing the RETURN key.

6.  Ending Employee

4 numeric digits.


Defaults to the starting employee number.

7.  Starting Code

2 alphanumeric characters.


Defaults to All codes by pressing the RETURN key.

8.  Ending Code

2 alphanumeric characters.


Defaults to the starting code.


L And I History Report By L And I Code



Type and Description

1.  Print Report ?

Y or N.


Defaults to Y.


2.  Purge File ?

Y or N.


Defaults to N.


Be certain the file is to be purged before answering YES to the Purge File? question.  Once the file is purged, the designated data is deleted from the file.

3.  Starting Date

A date in the standard date format.


Defaults to All dates by pressing the RETURN key.

4.  Ending Date

A date in the standard date format.


Defaults to the starting date.

5.  Starting Employee

4 numeric digits (9999).


Defaults to All employees by pressing the RETURN key.

6.  Ending Employee

4 numeric digits.


Defaults to the starting employee number.

7.  Starting Code

2 alphanumeric characters.


Defaults to All codes by pressing the RETURN key.

8.  Ending Code

2 alphanumeric characters.


Defaults to the starting code.

9.  Starting State

2 alphanumeric characters.


Defaults to All states by pressing the RETURN key.

10. Ending State

2 alphanumeric characters.


Defaults to the starting state.


L And I History Report By Employee Or By State



Type and Description

1.  Starting Date

A date in the standard date format.


Defaults to All dates by pressing the RETURN key.

2.  Ending Date

A date in the standard date format.


Defaults to the starting date.

3.  Starting Employee

4 numeric digits (9999).


Defaults to All employees by pressing the RETURN key.

4.  Ending Employee

4 numeric digits.


Defaults to the starting employee number.

5.  Starting Code

2 alphanumeric characters.


Defaults to All codes by pressing the RETURN key.

6.  Ending Code

2 alphanumeric characters.


Defaults to the starting code.

7.  Starting State

2 alphanumeric characters.


Defaults to All states by pressing the RETURN key.

8.  Ending State

2 alphanumeric characters.


Defaults to the starting state.



Shift History Report



Type and Description

1.  Print Report ?

Y or N.


Defaults to Y.


2.  Purge File ?

Y or N.


Defaults to N.


Be certain the file is to be purged before answering YES to the Purge File? question.  Once the file is purged, the designated data is deleted from the file.

3.  Starting Date

A date in the standard date format.


Defaults to All dates by pressing the RETURN key.

4.  Ending Date

A date in the standard date format.


Defaults to the starting date.

5.  Starting Employee

4 numeric digits (9999).


Defaults to All employees by pressing the RETURN key.

6.  Ending Employee

4 numeric digits.


Defaults to the starting employee number.

7.  Starting Code

2 alphanumeric characters.


Defaults to All codes by pressing the RETURN key.

8.  Ending Code

2 alphanumeric characters.


Defaults to the starting code.





Print Payroll Check History Report




Print Deduction/Earning History Report



L And I Code Menu




L And I History Report By L And I Code



L And I History Report By Employee




L And I History Report By State





                                             P A Y R O L L   H I S T O R Y   R E P O R T


For The Period 04/01/92 To 04/30/92     Transaction Types:  P = Payroll Check   V = Adv Vacation Check   M = Manual Transaction

For All Employees


Empl  Name                             Trx Check No        Gross    Soc‑Sec         Fwt        Ost  Deductions          Eic     Wks

  No  Soc‑Sec‑No   Strt‑Date  End‑Date Typ   Chk‑Dt    Fwt‑Gross   Medicare         Swt        Cwt  Allowances      Net‑Pay     Wrk

                                                                                                    Tips‑Meals       Tip‑Cr


   1  Jones, James S.                    P      135       336.60      22.36       44.28        .00       83.48                1.00

      989‑03‑9231   04/09/92  04/15/92      04/15/92      360.60       5.23        7.84       7.21       25.00       166.20



                                         M      142       350.00      21.70       50.00        .00         .00                 .00

                    04/24/92  04/30/92      04/30/92      350.00       5.08         .00        .00         .00       273.22



                                         M      142       350.00      21.70       50.00        .00         .00                1.00

                                            04/30/92      350.00       5.08         .00        .00         .00       273.22



                            Totals:   3 Checks          1,036.60      65.76      144.28        .00       83.48                2.00

                                                        1,060.60      15.39        7.84       7.21       25.00       712.64




   2  Smith, Sally                       P      136       215.00        .00         .00        .00      213.23        22.85   1.00



                                  D E D U C T I O N / E A R N I N G   H I S T O R Y   R E P O R T


For The Period 04/01/92 To 04/30/92     Transaction Types:  P=Permanent D/E   T=Temporary D/e

For All Employees

For All D/E Codes

Deduction/Earning Types:  D=Deduction A=Allowance (Not Added To Net) E=Earning (Added To Gross) M=MealS T=Tips


D/E Code   Description   D/E Type   Empl No   Empl Name                    Pay‑Prd‑Date   Check Date   Check No  Trx Type   Amount


   BC      Bluecrs          D             1   Jones, James S.                  04/15/92     04/15/92        135      P        5.00CR

                                                                               04/30/92     04/30/92        139      P        5.00CR


                                                                                                 Empl D/E Code Total:        10.00CR


                                          2   Smith, Sally                     04/03/92     04/30/92        140      P       10.00CR

                                                                               04/15/92     04/15/92        136      P       10.00CR


                                                                                                 Empl D/E Code Total:        20.00CR


                                          4   Meddles, Shari B                 04/15/92     04/15/92        137      P        4.60CR

                                                                               04/30/92     04/30/92        141      P        5.40CR


                                                                                                 Empl D/E Code Total:        10.00CR


                                          5   Cook, Brad M                     04/15/92     04/15/92        138      P        3.60CR

                                                                               04/30/92     04/30/92        142      P        3.60CR



                                  L A B O R   A N D   I N D U S T R Y   H I S T O R Y   R E P O R T


By L And I Code                For All Periods                         For All States

For All Employees


L‑And‑I  Description                     Emp‑No Name                         End‑Date  Hours   Gross‑Wages     Employee     Employer

   Code                                   State Soc‑Sec‑No                   Check‑No Worked    Ovt‑Excess   Tax‑Amount   Tax‑Amount


 4101    Printing/Lithography/Engraving       4 Meddles, Shari B             05/07/92  50.00       378.00        14.76         4.43

                                             CA 673‑09‑2882                       151                 .00


                                                                             05/14/92  46.00       330.75        13.58         4.07

                                                                                  153                 .00


                                                                             05/21/92  42.00       290.25        12.40         3.72

                                                                                  155                 .00


                                                                             05/28/92  43.00       333.75        12.70         3.81

                                                                                  224                 .00


              Totals For Employee:    4                                               181.00     1,332.75        53.44        16.03



                                              5 Cook, Brad M                 05/07/92  44.00       253.00        12.99         3.89

                                             CA 008‑39‑3931                       152                 .00


                                                                             05/14/92  47.00       277.75        13.88         4.16



                                  L A B O R   A N D   I N D U S T R Y   H I S T O R Y   R E P O R T


By Employee No                 For All Periods                         For All States

For All Employees


       Name                         L‑And‑I  State    Period     Hours

Emp‑No Soc‑Sec‑No                      Code  Check‑No End‑Date  Worked  Gross‑Wages   Ovt‑Excess   Emp‑Tax‑Amt  Empr‑Tax‑Amt


     4 Meddles, Shari B              4101    CA       05/07/92   50.00       378.00          .00         14.76          4.43

       673‑09‑2882                              151


                                             CA       05/14/92   46.00       330.75          .00         13.58          4.07



                                             CA       05/21/92   42.00       290.25          .00         12.40          3.72



                                             CA       05/28/92   43.00       333.75          .00         12.70          3.81



                                             CA       05/07/92   44.00       253.00          .00         12.99          3.89



                                             CA       05/14/92   47.00       277.75          .00         13.88          4.16



                                             CA       05/21/92   51.00       319.00          .00         15.06          4.52




                                 L A B O R   A N D   I N D U S T R Y   H I S T O R Y   R E P O R T


By State                  For All Periods                         For All Codes

For All States            For All Employees



                                     L‑And‑I Employee‑Name                 End‑Date  Hours  Gross‑Wages     Employee     Employer

State  Description                      Code Soc‑Sec‑No                    Check‑No Worked   Ovt‑Excess   Tax‑Amount   Tax‑Amount


  CA  California                     4101       4                          05/07/92  50.00       378.00        14.76         4.43

                                             Meddles, Shari B                   151                 .00



                                                4                          05/14/92  46.00       330.75        13.58         4.07

                                             Meddles, Shari B                   153                 .00



                                                4                          05/21/92  42.00       290.25        12.40         3.72

                                             Meddles, Shari B                   155                 .00



                                                4                          05/28/92  43.00       333.75        12.70         3.81

                                             Meddles, Shari B                   224                 .00



                                                5                          05/07/92  44.00       253.00        12.99         3.89

                                             Cook, Brad M                       152                 .00



                                               S H I F T   H I S T O R Y   R E P O R T


For All Periods                         For All Codes

For All Employees


Shift                                  Emp Name                                            Check   Hours        Shift

Code  Description                       No Soc‑Sec‑No                   End‑Date Sft‑Type Number  Worked       Amount


2     Second Shift                       4 Meddles, Shari B             05/07/92 Overtime    151    8.00        12.00


                                                                        05/07/92 Regular     151   40.00        40.00


                                                                        05/07/92 Special     151    2.00         4.00


                                                                        05/14/92 Overtime    153    6.00         9.00


                                                                        05/14/92 Regular     153   40.00        40.00


                                                                        05/21/92 Overtime    155    2.00         3.00


                                                                        05/21/92 Regular     155   40.00        40.00


                                                                        05/28/92 Overtime    224    3.00         4.50


                                                                        05/28/92 Regular     224   40.00        40.00


              Totals For Employee:       4                                                        181.00       192.50


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