Payroll PRJBDSCN Help - Elliott Business Software

Job Distribution Report

Job Distribution Report

Application Overview


A job is a particular project or activity for which expenses are being tracked. When a payroll distribution is entered into the Payroll pack­age, the wage expense amounts can be distributed among the appropriate jobs.  These distributions are posted to the Job Distribution file and are printed out on this report.


The report shows the total expenses incurred by each different job and further breaks down the wage expenses by the wage expense accounts, showing detail of the expense distributions. 


If the Print A/P Job Info? flag is set to Y in Payroll Setup, and the A/P package is being used, Accounts Payable distributions will appear on the report.  If the Print A/R Job Info? flag is set to Y, the same will be true of Accounts Receivable distributions.


The Job Distribution file may be purged when the report is printed, or the data may be retained on file for future reference at your option.


Run Instructions


Select Job Distribution Report from the pull down PR Reports window.  The following screen will then be displayed:



Job Distribution Report Entry Screen





The following options are available:


*  Select the desired mode from the Job Distribution Report menu bar

*  Enter the data requested on the screen


To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.



Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1.   Print Report?

Y or N.


Enter Y to print the report.


Enter N if you do not wish to have the report printed, so you can purge data without printing the report.


The default is Y.

2.   Purge File?

Y or N.


Enter Y if you wish to have the Job Distribution file purged for the range printed to conserve disk space.


Enter N if you wish to have all of the data in the Job Distribution file retained for future reference.


The default is N.

3.   Starting Job No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the first job to appear on the report.


This field defaults to All.

4.   Ending Job No

6 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the last job to appear on the report.


This field defaults to the starting job number to make it easy to print the report for a single job.

5.   Starting Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the beginning date of the period for which the report is to be printed.


This field defaults to All.


6.   Ending Date

A date in the standard date format.


Enter the ending date of the period for which the report is to be printed.


This field defaults to the starting date to make it easy to print the report for a single date.







Print Job Distribution Report







                                           J O B   D I S T R I B U T I O N   R E P O R T


For All Periods

Note: Post Date For Payroll Transactions Is The Pay Period Ending Date


Job‑No  Description                     AP   Vendor  Vouch#  Invoice#  Inv‑Date  P.O.‑No    Item‑No           Quantity  Distributed

        Account‑No   Description        PR  Employee Check#           Post‑Date  Rate       Hours                            Amount


CPU‑SX  Personal Computer 386/SX


        01100‑00000‑00000  Inventory ‑ Raw Materials


                                        AP  000700  Southern Electronics

                                                     500096  500096    02/18/92  00000600   CLOCK               15.000       188.10

                                                     500096  500096    02/18/92  00000600   DATA‑BUS            15.000       231.75

                                                     500096  500096    02/18/92  00000600   MEMMGR              15.000       660.00

                                                     500096  500096    02/18/92  00000600   VGA                 15.000     3,450.00

                                                     500096  500096    02/18/92  00000600   RAM‑2MEG            15.000       750.00

                                                     500096  500096    02/18/92  00000600   RAM‑ADDRES          15.000       255.00

                                                     500096  500096    02/18/92  00000600   RESET‑CPU           15.000       517.50

                                                     500096  500096    02/18/92  00000600   CPU‑30MEG           15.000    25,500.00


                                                                                                        Account Total:    31,552.35


        04230‑00000‑00000  Purchase Price Variance ‑ R/M


                                        AP  000700  Southern Electronics










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