Copyright ©
NETcellent System, Inc
4030 Valley Blvd. STE 100
Walnut, CA 91789-0931

The Perfect Solution For Realworld® Accounting Software
Elliott is
the perfect solution
for Realworld Software or Realworld Accounting Software users.
fit your accounting, distribution, and manufacturing needs perfectly since
it is similar
to Real World Software. Elliott and Real World Accounting Software originated from MCBA®.
Elliott Business Software
is a derivative of Macola® Accounting Software, which
is also a derivative
of MCBA.

Cost Effective ERP Solution
Business Software is a Windows 32 and 64 bit application.
It is a powerful and feature rich application that is affordable by
businesses of any size. Elliott is an integrated solution that includes
General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll,
Bank Book, Inventory Management, Customer Order Processing, Purchase
Order & Receiving, and Bill of Material (Production Manufacturing). It also provides
integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Warehouse
Management features. Features such as eContacts, Ticklers/Task Manager,
Events Handling, Inventory Transfer, Multi-Bin, and Shipping Verification
will help your business improve customer service and inventory management.
Easy Migration Path
provides an easy migration path from Real World Software and Real World Software / Real World Accounting
Software to Elliott. Built right
into the application is a conversion utility that will convert Realworld
Software / Realworld Accounting Software data to Elliott
Business Software. The conversion utility is "Free".
Feature Highlights
conversion utility is Free!
Contact us to learn more!
is a registered trademark of NETcellent System, Inc., Realworld®, Macola®,
Micro Focus®
and other products and company names mentioned herein are the
trademarks of their respective owners.